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GC Alumni
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Everything posted by san`

  1. Was just a sophomore in high school at the time. Seems like a lifetime ago...
  2. Server is almost ready to publicly announce, but you didn't hear it from me...
  3. Channel is added. Shaft I'll need you to get on Mumble, right click your name, and click Register so that I can add you as an admin.
  4. 50 I think and sure I'll add one when I'm home in a couple hours and make you admin when you're on.
  5. I'd play again if the world was restarted.
  6. That's awesome, thanks for doing that for everybody! Can you edit your post to include the command?
  7. Can always merge accounts too...
  8. But vibration control! Vibration control!!!! AHHH!
  9. Uh, a reserve slot protects players from being kicked.
  10. The easiest way is to add the IP (gccsgo1.game.nfoservers.com:27015) to favorites. To do that you click "Play" from the main menu, click "Browse Community Servers", Favorites Tab, Add Server button on the bottom right, and paste the IP in. From there you can join the same way by double clicking the server in the favorites list. Alternately, you can open console and type "connect gccsgo1.game.nfoservers.com:27015"
  11. This is going nowhere.
  12. Yeah, two people arguing ruins it for everybody. I didn't say asking for a scramble was ruining it. Nobody wants to listen to two people bicker back and forth when they're playing a game. To record a demo - enable developer console in options. In game push the ~ key. Type "record " without the quotes. When done, type "stop" in console to stop the recording. Demo can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2
  13. Do you have any demo or anything beyond he said she said to support this? Anybody can come in here posting that somebody was a jerk to them and they need a ban. I'm not inclined to believe one person or another without something more than their word. Also, to note, I don't care who is being rude to who, both people will be banned if they're doing it in game. All that you're accomplishing is ruining the gaming experience for the other 18 people in the server.
  14. Marvin, hit me up when you're ready to dive in. I'll start up a server for you. Or whoever, I don't care.
  15. Lastly this is completely false, we have a set of guidelines that everyone follows. If you have that much of a problem with it, then put your money where your mouth is and submit an admin application. I remember few months back when there were few admins only. Everything was going fine. Way different than the situation now. Also, I don't need to become an admin. I'm here to play, not to babysit others. So sorry that we're asking the admins to actually enforce the standards that make GC what it was meant to be. These are people that are volunteering their free time AND paying double for the right to help maintain our community. Like Zero said, there are guidelines that they follow. If you have a problem in particular why don't you PM somebody instead of just posting passive aggressive comments like this and the comment I deleted about buying a new L4D2 account?
  16. I can assure you, as soon as we find out it's you we will perm ban you again. There's a reason I deleted his post. Don't pull this crap. Thread closed.
  17. Ours is hosted by Typefrag.
  18. CSGO works by changing the gamerscoalition.com to gamrs.co in the address. Want me to fix L4D2?
  19. This should be an example for admins to put real reasons in bans. I know I haven't been the best at it, but we should all try.
  20. Hey guys, Just posting this real quick to let you all know that we've asked Peanut to take over a community leader role in regards to L4D2. He's accepted and been bumped up to Board status. He'll be handling member issues that arise, any reports that are posted, and admin issues / applications / concerns as well. Please feel free to PM him or add him on Steam and he'll do his best to help out! Don't be too hard on him, he's still new.
  21. san`


    Like crasx said we are seeking help for the issues that come up especially since, being a non l4d2 player, I have been trying to stay away. Like I said in the reply to your PM I asked for you to be kept informed of what came up, but I left it in other hands. For that I apologize to you as well. GC as a whole needs to improve issues like this, especially on the l4d2 front. Hopefully we'll soon have another person to help.
  22. I'd have to agree with Slim. We have a lot of success with mostly stock campaigns for L4D2 and standard maps in CSGO. Once we have a little player base we can branch out, but we should stick to what's popular to start.
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