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Everything posted by Ice_Berge_00

  1. When I was previewing that map before I thought it looked like a good one too. We can definatley bring it back Glad you liked it. Typically we have a few more new maps each weekend, but this week was unusually tough. I tested 8 maps and only found 2 that I brought to mapnight. Fortunately M2 found the inferno map for us.
  2. is your config.cfg read only? If it is and it has 648x480 in it then your res will always reset to that at game load. This is of course assuming your config.cfg is working like it should. The res should be specified somewhere there.
  3. Please use the Ban Request sticky like everyone else cannon, that way we have all of these in one place
  4. I wouldn't worry too much. People freaked when they added the Famas and Galil back before 1.6 saying it would completely change the game. No sense getting all worried that they're gonna break the game when we don't even know what they will be doing. It's not like they're gonna just do these sort of changes on a whim.
  5. Tonight we have just 2 new maps but they should prove interesting. Both aren't very large files so ingame downloads will be very fast. de_stacked cs_siena
  6. I've gotta aggree with KWix on this. Everyone seems to be assuming that it will make CS a whole new game, when in reality it will only be usefull in very specific circumstances. This isn't gonna completely change the game. Just to give you an idea about a change that really did affect the game. Back in 1.3 (i.e. 2001 for those who weren't playing that long ago) the T's could move the hostages just like the CTs and the hostages didn't show up on the CTs radar. This meant T's frequently move the hostages to new camping places. Then they changed it so the T's couldn't move hostages and added the hostage positions to the CT radar. Now that did make a difference in gameplay. This is nothing. Just as kwix said, it will only be useful if you can keep your crosshairs on the enemy for a time, and if you can do this, why aren't you shooting him already?!
  7. Tonight we have: de_gap de_deltastation de_costal_b1 and possibly de_subdivision from Assassinator
  8. Sad to see our politians wasting money like that. Unfortunately it's the tax payers that have to pay for the governments mistakes
  9. Both Banned. Also banned Hacker || Noob for language
  10. Hm, I know I set the configs for airdrop and another map, it's definately possible I missed alivemetal. I'll take a look. Pavid hit it right on the head too. I've been working first, on getting all of the main custom maps up to the server and then setting up the maps, the maplist and other settings. We've still got some more tweaking to do yet but I will see what we can do about the rotations. Btw, if you see customs that you liked from the past that we had before the move and they aren't listed in the "listmaps" please post up.
  11. I use Thermaltake. My case is by them and they have several options for Temp monitoring and fan monitoring/control. Mine's about 2 years old, but they have some very nice options now. You can buy these separate or as part of a case. Just google the name and you'll find the site.
  12. 5 new maps tonight, de_farmhouse_cumulo_v1 de_istanbul de_strata_beta2 he_esatla cs_china_v2
  13. I'm gonna file this under things I didn't wanna ever see
  14. ok, just for good measure I hit all those steam ID's for bannage. BTW, props to Dunlavy for stepping in
  15. Yes, that's right! Custom Map Night will return this weekend. Look here for downloads of new maps tomorrow afternoon.
  16. Ok, this should be fixed now. Please post up if any more troubles
  17. Well, here's the lowdown. Someone else uploaded those maps to the server and didn't upload them to the map FTP. I've uploaded several maps on Monday, such as losttemple and 10 or so others, but not these 2. Also it seems that I can't see everything in the maps folder on the server, even though HLSW clearly tells me it's there. So uhm... for now please don't load either of these 2 maps: de_CPL_mill, and de_strike_finalbeta
  18. We really need to have a demo for hacks unless an admin is in-game and it is very blatent. Please understand that we take this very seriously but we also don't want to ban letigimate players. Even GC admins follow this same procedure so please understand that everyone is treated equally. To take a demo you can open your console (~ key) and stype "record myDemo". This will start it recording a demo until you've exited the game or open the console again and type "stop". You will then find a file called "myDemo.dem" in your steam\steamapps\<user log-in>\counter-strike source\cstrike" folder.
  19. Why do I suddenly have the song "Let the bodies hit the floor" playing in my mind
  20. Just wanted to mention that regarding OSS, John and I have talked about possibly doing some things with it. but that's outside of this discussion, LA's can see the Lead Admin forums for this under the OSS Planning section. And Clue we'd be happy to have you back working on this Ok, back to the point at hand, which is new events to start up
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