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Everything posted by Ice_Berge_00

  1. It is also possible that someone tried to divert some sort of hacking attack or other malicious act to your computer. Last year a friend of mine at college said one of her ME, Mechanical Engineer, buddies had his laptop confinscated by the FBI. NO JOKE. They came to our computer department for the college which gives us each a laptop to use while at school, and said they wanted so and so's computer. He was given a replacement and told "They would be in touch." If you didn't do anything wrong, then best thing to do is sit and wait. Companies are always protective of what they work on and develop, so I would suspect they are invesigating something that led to your comp. I would imagine that they are being very throrough and feel they will tell you what They deem you need to know, which often is much less than what we want to know and tends to make us think we're under the microscope.
  2. Well, at least you get a nice reminder that you've been skunked!
  3. Someone IM me when this is going to be played on either server. I've always liked playing Nuke and would love to check this one out. AIM: KBerge00
  4. I'm just scanning this msg so I didn't read all the details, but if you go with an AMD proc for it make sure you get the nVidia nForce 3 250 or higher, the 150 is crap. Just fyi
  5. I noticed my internet at work was slow today, and the insurance guy I was setting up my new car insurance with also said his was slow too. Wonder if their was really heavy traffic today for some reason?
  6. Happy Birthday Man!! Hope you had/are having a good one! Que the willdly excessive Smilies!
  7. I have a very good and fast cable connect, it was just valve screwing up something.
  8. I've seen this happen before, and I believe that for some reason the game says you Suicided when in fact you have been TK'd at the very start of the round. I'm almost 100% positive that this happens even when the offender isn't auotmatically kicked right away. I think this is a bug in the game itself but I'm not sure.
  9. I know I had source / cs working great when I first got it, but after an update back in Nov that was to fix the audio stutter prob (which I didn't have) started causing video stuttering on me. I speend weeks trying to fix it and tweak it out. In the end I just reistalled/ downloaded the games and it worked Great since. Hope you got fast Broad Band!
  10. Yeah that guy getting sucked into the intake is real. I saw him interviewed once on TV. Yeah HE ACTUALLY SURVIVED!!! I think it was realTV or something like that.
  11. I think HLSW had a way to send messages to IRC on some delay with 1.6 I haven't used hlsw since then though so I'm not sure.
  12. I've heard of this before. I think McDonald's or some other big fast food chain announced it sometime last year. I can't believe they'd do it though, seems like such a waste. Of course when you call Tech support for major comp/software companies like microsoft you often are talking to someone in India or another country. Guess we shouldn't be surprised. The ALLMIGHTY Dollar Strikes Again!
  13. How is Turbo Tax? I've considered buying it but not sure yet.
  14. I've spent a lot of time messing with tweaks and found that unles you really have the time to invest in the details. You're often best to start fresh every now and then. Especially with the game updates. I've been fighting an FPS problem for some time now with my new comp and vid card, which really shouldn't be a problem, and I tried all kinds of tweaks. In the end I ended up going back to default settings and then just turning the In-Game-Shader setting down a level from high and Bam! Game works Great! I'm not saying tweaks are a bad idea, just that if you're having problems after tweaking go back and take smaller steps.
  15. Just a thought, but maybe it's time to let this topic fade. I tend to doubt that there's much more to be "learned" from this. Just my personal opinion.
  16. I know this might sound like a dumb answer, but is he in offline mode?
  17. Ice_Berge_00


    Well as long as we're telling stories... ...A long time ago in a Farm Far Far Away... No seroiusly, I was out back working in the little shop my brother and I had behind our dad's shop on our farm, and we were making some work benches out of some course wood planks we had. Well we were using those big flimsy hand saws that are about 2 feet long. You know the kind where you can wiggle them and they make noise. Anyways, so I was starting on another board and forgot to notch where I wanted to cut before starting. Notching is pulling the saw backwards a couple times on the spot where you will cut so that you have a small grove to start out in so you get a nice straight cut. So I just reeled back while holding the board with my left hand, and with my right I slid the saw forward quickly to start cutting. Unfortunatley the blade caught instead of cutting the wood and bowed out directly over my LEFT hand. This of course all happened too fast for me to even notice at the moment, but then when it had bowed out enough the teeth sliped and the saw straightened back out and came down. I slit my middle finger on the backside (top) lenthwise about an inch or so long and pretty deeply. I couldn't see bone but it was really deep. Strangely it didn't hurt for ahwile but man did that thing bleed! Scared the crap out of my brother and sister too! But wait, this gets even better! After going to the ER and waiting for about 45 minutes to an hour with my hand still bleeding slowly, I was finally taken back and had a NURSE look at it. Not even a doctor yet just a nurse. Finally the Dr. arrives to stitch up my finger. He sprays some novacaine (sp) on it and then gives me a few local shots so that I won't feel anything while he works on it. As he's doing the 3rd stitch he was kind enough to hit a spot where he missed on the anesthetic! I just about jumped off the bed in pain! He just said, heh guessed I hit a spot I missed huh? Ya think! Well I ended up with 4 stitches and a scar that is still pretty easy to see 10 years later. Wow, guess I need to learn how to do shorter stories!
  18. Yeah I'm debating whether or not I want to do mine. Previously before I finished college I kept my perm addy at my parents so my taxes were done by the same person that does theirs. Now that I moved to another state I'm not sure if I wanna try them on my own or just pay someone.
  19. I noticed that when I was on around 5pm ish central the smilies and other images and avatar's weren't working. I used the link that was on the main page. I see that now when I did the link from the email they work just fine. EDIT: I just rechecked and everything appears to be working now. Smooth transitions are always good, at least if they're smooth for the users.
  20. Could someone make sure an "official" demo is recorded for anyone that misses. I'm sure you guys probably already have this taken care of but I wanted to ask anyways.
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