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Everything posted by duma

  1. Sniper>spy>soldier>pyro>Eng>demo>medic *I will play scout if my team is bad at offense - but I tend not to play it for a full map.
  2. as a sniper, your biggest priority is getting over how good you are at cs:s and playing a real class thats more useful, like any other class except for sniping That's not true. I'm a great sniper... and I don't mind saying it either. I've already been banned from a server because they thought I was hacking (the ultimate compliment). I was on 2fort and I killed everything that tried to go up top. They only way I died was if a spy made it to me. Anyway, the point is, as a sniper I can take out all the meds and a good number of the sentries. If my team can't win with me taking out half of the problems, then the issue isn't the fact that there is a sniper on the team.
  3. duma

    Job Board

    I live in the 'Natti too.
  4. Sandra Bullock used to be hot... but she is kind of old now. Okay.. I'm old too. I'll take her.
  5. The very end got cut off last night. I got to see where Hiro comes in and says "Peter...." then my dvr ended. What happened!?
  6. 1. Who are the admins? 2. How do I get admin?
  7. I couldn't even get in there last night. And today, well I had to wait sometime... but had a blast. Well... off to work.
  8. I played here: for about 4 hours today. Seemed like a good server, so I added it to my fav list.
  9. I just got the game. Where is our server? I just found the server IP.
  10. Another old school FPS gamer... awesome. How could you NOT like the original version? The awesome intro, the quake graphics, spies feigning death... I found it to be too repetitive. There were not many maps either. The few maps that existed were basically the same thing with a slight twist. However, I use to love being an Engineer and setting up the big guns on one door. That was fun.
  11. There's no P90 Well then... what's the point?
  12. Ive played TF in the past. It made me lose interest really early. Im wondering if this new version is much better. What are the thoughts?
  13. Putting your daughter in there to try and help you win a beauty pageant isn't going to work. Nope, if you got the right stuff, you should be able to do it on your own. BTW, please don't show the pictures of you doing the swim suit part. I kid. I hope she wins.
  14. duma

    My Girls

    This is not the thread I expected. I heard fatty was a "player." Kidding... cute kids!
  15. You should try opening your mouth before attempting to place the candy in there. I find there is a less of a mess when this is done properly.
  16. duma


    As an ex-McD's worker, and one who has a two higher education degrees... don't doubt the brains in there. It is usually the managers who are idiots. Of the 2 years that I worked at one, I would say half of us went and graduated with at least a Bachelor's degree. Maybe I just went to a McD's of over-achievers who couldn't get jobs elsewhere - maybe not.
  17. Prepare for the worst (start looking for a job), hope for the best (stay polite where you are now), and accept what comes (you're ready either way).
  18. duma

    I was bored

    Only if: 1) this is before the NFL merger, or 2) this is opposite world.
  19. duma

    I was bored

    Obviously NOT a Steelers fan I almost bought Bengal season tickets just so I'd be able to go to the Steelers game here. Course they were REALLY good seats, row 10 behind the visitors, but that didn't pan out. Well... hello fellow Steeler fan in the Nati. I almost did the same thing. But then I found out for the price of season tickets, I could just drop mad cash on someone with good seats. Just like I did last year. Also, Duke and Gond, if you are looking for a good Steeler site, check out the forum 5 Aint enough. And this guy who runs it - Lance Briggs - also has a weekly Steeler Podcast. You can listen to it at the site, your subcribe to it via i-Tunes. During the season he puts out two a week. http://whatchatalkinbout.com/?cat=5 Yeah, I know they are not the best. Also, they are expensive. However, I spent about 2 weeks trying to find good seats that were not an arm and a leg, and I found out that they don't exist. You have to buy them from the Steelers (which as you know is damn near impossible), or have some type of connection. My brother-in-law works for KDKA, and he covers the commercials for the Steelers... but even he couldn't get me tickets right now (he said he could get them the week of... but couldn't guarantee it).
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