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again i do not mean to offend anyone in any of my post, it is just curiosity to the topic at hand.


why are babies baptised? what is with original sin? A baby is the most precious being there is. A baby knows no other feeling but unconditional love towards its mother. So what ever did the child do to mankind? The child had no say in its birth, so what did it do wrong? The baby was brought into the world by two people, purposeful or not, still in some way care for it. So i guess im at a loss to why the church believes in it and baptises the child...thx for ur time. :unsure:

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Babies are evil. They have no concern for anything but themselves. If they are hungry and dont get food IMMEDIATLY they throw a hissy fit and kick and scream. They do the same if they are thirsty or tired. What would the world be like if everyone behaved like this? Not only that, babies are too lazy to even go to the bathroom. They go right in their pants, and expect someone else to clean it up! If noone ever does, they scream some more...evil I tell you. Babies are evil. :)

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again i do not mean to offend anyone in any of my post, it is just curiosity to the topic at hand.


why are babies baptised? what is with original sin? A baby is the most precious being there is. A baby knows no other feeling but unconditional love towards its mother. So what ever did the child do to mankind? The child had no say in its birth, so what did it do wrong? The baby was brought into the world by two people, purposeful or not, still in some way care for it. So i guess im at a loss to why the church believes in it and baptises the child...thx for ur time. :unsure:

in the bible it teaches that babies and little children who are not of an age that they can understand the message of salvation would go to heaven if they die. so baptizing a baby is silly but it can also cause a lot of problems because there are many people i have talked to that think "oh yah im going to heaven cause i was baptised as a child" its a very hard belief to shake cause they just think im allright and i dont have to worry about my eternal destination. which is a scarry thought. and the bible also says that a person will be held acountable for wresting or twisting the scriputers which i belive the catholic church has done in this matter. its a scary thought to think what will happen to those preists when they stand before God on judgment day and he says " how many people are in hell because you told them that baptising them as a child would get them to heaven. i would not want to be in there shoes on that day.


ps im sorry but i cant think of the verses of scripture that back this up off the top of my head but ill get on later and put them here. maybe congregation could help me out if he sees this cause im sure he knows em.


well thanks for reading this and i hope you have a wonderful day


good bye and god bless

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A baby knows no other feeling but unconditional love towards its mother.

See what g00t said.. I believe they are definitely thinking things more than just about the mother.. For instance.. "My those lights are bright!" , "Why'd he just smack my butt, I didn't do anything did I?", "So this is this Air stuff I've been hearing so much about", "Gosh it's cold out here", "I'm HUNGRY!!!!", "Boy these lungs are Loud!!!" hehehe

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You forgot the "Wow, look what comes out when i squeeze myself!"


The Bible does teach the doctrine of original sin. That being that every baby born is a creature that sins. Obviously you have not been a dad or cant remember when you were a baby ;) My boy had a temper. You could tell he was mad! I mean MAD!


But infant baptism is not taught in the Bible. It was always practiced after salvation. It is a way for a person to make a public declaration of their affiliation with Jesus Christ. Also to join with a local body of believers to serve and worship the Lord together. It has no cleansing or saving power in and of itself.

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Infant babtism in the prodestant church is more of a declaration of the parents and the congregation to raise a child in the faith rather then a declaration/cleansing for the child. The test for infant and adult baptisms are different in this regard. Also in some faiths it is the "mark of God" that is place upon you during a baptism. There are as many different reasons for infant baptism as there could be I guess. Only thing left to do is pick which one you feel best suits your beliefs.

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Mustard...infant baptism may have started that way (to declare a life for God) but it isn't that in the situation I'm in...

I have a friend who's catholic mother had her baptised as an infant...now that mother won't let her be baptised in her own church (she's only 15 so the church won't go against her mothers wishes right now) even though she wants it with all her heart......

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