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Dupe Rumors


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There are currently rumors of a dupe going around.


I would like to take this time to remind everyone that the duping of ingame goods is extremely easy to trace.


It is not an issue of you might get banned for duping, YOU WILL GET BANNED FOR DUPING and probably for knowingly money laundering duped money.


I have seen this in many MMORPGS and although it usually takes time for the game company to fix the dupe when they do fix it they usually ban first and ask questions later.


Lineage 2 for example banned everyone who duped, proffitted extensively off of a duper and laundered money for a duper then only weeks later did they start listening to excuses from people who simply made money by selling to dupers.

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yea it's definately Illidan server already, if not all of them. The economy is quickly becoming inflated. Another thing is fishermen though, they set bots to fish 24/7, that generate's large amount of gold coming into the economy too.


It can't get but so bad though, the gold limit is only 99g so atleast there is a limit to how bad it can get. ( I think i read it's limited to 99g somewhere, any confirm this ?)

Edited by All Kill3r
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yea it's definately Illidan server already, if not all of them. The economy is quickly becoming inflated. Another thing is fishermen though, they set bots to fish 24/7, that generate's large amount of gold coming into the economy too.


It can't get but so bad though, the gold limit is only 99g so atleast there is a limit to how bad it can get. ( I think i read it's limited to 99g somewhere, any confirm this ?)



It is not 99g, I had over 500g in beta and the lvl 60 mounts cost 1000g.

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Fishing is still nerfed in release. The nerfed it to stop that exact exploit. No high level fish areas have fish yet.


As to Playerauctions and those sites - they rock hehe. I made a ton of money in EQ that way by buying and selling characters and items.

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Lets not forget about the speed hacks that are apparently out..


http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?FN=wow-general&T=166208&P=5 ://http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/t...l&T=166208&P=5 ://http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/t...l&T=166208&P=5


Fishing can generate cash, but only a limited a mount... If they have their macro running in a newbie zone.. they will make maimum of around 10 silver selling the fish... if they are using the fishing macro in a dangerous place, its likely a bit higher as PC's need certain fish for Herbalism, and cooking, or they can sell them to a NPC. Seems kind of dumb to risk a account ban for a max of gold or two.

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