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CS:S Sportsmanship?


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Hi folks. Just wondering -- what should the sportsmanship level be at in the CS servers? UT-side, I ALWAYS see just about every GC complimenting people on nice moves/shots, gg's, and so forth. But on the CS side, I'll maybe see one "gg" comment every 4-6 matches, and virtually NO "nice shot" comments or anything of the like. For me, if someone gets me with a great shot, I'll wait until they die or the next round and let 'em know.


Why do so few other people do this? :(

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I honestly don't know, Unclean.


CS is a totally different universe, sometimes. I play it to relieve stress, but if it's missing the community feel, it just creates it.


I try and compliment people as often as possible, but I try to be a little more jovial and personable, and say things like "Ouch. I was using that face.". Some people just totally zone out, when they're playing CS. I know a couple of CS zombies personally, and it doesn't really happen with other games...

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What i do is purposely suck all the time and then only do good when i'm the last person so everything is watching me... yeah... purposely... :halo:



I say alot of things like "Nice try" or "Good job" but i rarely, if ever say "gg". I just see no purpose in announcing to everyone else it was a good game. If it was a good game they'd know and be thinking, "that was a good game". I don't really see it as a complement.

Edited by VooDooPC
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Well, that at least provides some explanations.


I don't understand the "don't see the point in saying gg" reason, though. Regardless of whether people know it or not, sometimes hearing it from someone else means more. My girlfriend is very attractive -- but I don't think to myself "oh, she already knows it, so I don't see the point in saying she looks good today".


But hey, if you don't want to say "gg", don't say it. Just as long as you're still commending others when they do a good job, you're not part of the problem. :)

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I didn't word that right i don't think. I'd much rather have people sparingly say "gg" then saying it all the time. I see people constantly misusing it (or atleast i feel they are misusing it). If i DID say it everytime i felt i played a good game, i would be saying it pretty much every map. If i'm playing with regs no matter how much i get my butt handed to me its going to probably be a good game. But i see people say it when it makes no sense for them to say it, like if the CTs shut out the Ts on Aztec, people still say "gg". How is that a good game? Good game becuase they managed to sit around and shoot at Ts they probably out skill? Thats not a good game, thats a lame game!


Things like "nice shot" or "good try" can be said and honestly mean it. If a T has to plant the bomb and hes the last one against 5 CTs, he plants the bomb, kills maybe 1 or 2 CTs but the bomb is defused, i'd say "good try" or "nice try". But if hes a T who has the bomb and is camping in spawn when hes the last person hes not getting a "good try" from me! If someone says good try its not much different then people saying "GG" when they shut out the other team if they are stacked (not going to turn into the mad stack hater version of me everyone hates).


It reminds me a bit before sport games. Everyone goes down the line and gives the other teams high fives. This is what they are expected to do and it really means nothing, i've even heard of people spitting on their hands during these "sportsman like" high fives. But try to find a player saying "good try" to an opposing player after they strike out. Not a chance.

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Ah, I get what you're going for. Some probably confuse "gg" (close match) with "wp" (one team makes smart moves and dominates). I'm with ya on the cheap moves, too. If someone's doing something bogus, I'm not going to encourage that. In fact, I often discourage it (like when people use map exploits, they're gonna get slapped/burned/slayed).

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Also keep in mind that there is a different chat system as well. There is a chat room for the dead and a chat for those that are still alive. You can't really congratulate someone who is alive whilst you are dead, and most people won't type much if they are alive. I think the chat system plays a big role as to why there isn't a great deal of congratulating.

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Hmm.....maybe they just get mad each time they get killed and aren't in the mood to say "nice shot" or "gj". If I'm playing with alot of people I know from this community, I'll get the urge to say "nice shot" once in a while, but 90% of the time I say "gg" just before the map changes.

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There seems to be more hostility amung CS players than there is in most other online shooters. It's just so easy to be a smacktard on CS! Not to mention the spray option allows for alot of profanity and offensive gestures. In other games, if I die, I dont get even half as mad compared to when I get killed in CS. :huh:

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I persoanly never get offended when someone sayd, ooo pwned, when they shoot me, so I have lots of cool binds for pubbing, and when I use them here ( Oooo In De_B@ck!!!, YoU GoT PwNed, Ouch!, those sort of things ) I alwasy catche flak from it.


I most always say gg after a match, idk why

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I think I have to dissagree alittle with you on this one Unclean. I hear it quite often, most of the time on the mic but for the most part the chat usually clears before i read some of it, but thats probably because I'm old :biglaugha: . I will say that it's not as often as UT but you have to take into consideration that UT is also audible as to where CS is not ( in the text chat that is )


Just hang out some time in peek hours, its there--although alot of it comes from when I throw a nade--miss--hit the wall and it kills me :=:biglaugha: but thats ok i'll get that down yet. :o:peace:

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I find people complimenting too much actually. But it's not really bad I guess. Most of the time I don't even read the chat because I feel it's spammed with compliments....:)

If I feel someone have done something amazing or put out a good effort I'll definitely compliment. Concerning 'gg', I don't do it often even if it was a good game.....I think that's just spamming

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If you've only been playing in #5 then that's certainly just a small slice of CS:S. I haven't played many other online shooters, but I definitely understand what you're saying. If I had to guess, it's a combination of two things: (1) players get more frustrated when they die in CS:S, because they're out for the rest of the round, and (2) players who are dead can't talk back to other players, making it impossible most of the time to compliment the guy that killed you. As a result, usually only the last player to die on a team hears much praise.

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Perhaps it's just in some servers.  I only play in #5, so my GC CS experience is somewhat limited.  Glad to hear it's not that way everywhere!

Come to #2 in prime time with regs in there. You will hear some compliments.



Edit::: didn't like my last sentence ...

Edited by BushMaster
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My K:D ratio in #2: 0.14

My K:D ratio in #5: 1.47


My skills are just too finely tuned for movement/aim, and not tuned for avoiding getting shot once or twice and remaining dead for the entire round. That's why I love the zombie mod... if I get hit a few times, no big deal.


For me, non-traditional CS > vanilla CS (scope or no scope). :D

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