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Scopes Final Team


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Well I was gonna due it by the most frags and thats it but then i thought about the K:D ratios well i did the math for both and even though the order changes the top12 does not, if your in the top12, welcome to the finals if your not, sit as back ups, im sure some wont show.


Top Kills

1. M2 - 37 - 22 = 1.68

2. Sim - 36 - 23 = 1.56

3. Cujo - 35 - 22 = 1.59

4. Lux - 32 - 21 = 1.52

5. Laz - 30 - 25 = 1.2

6. Sid - 29 - 20 = 1.45

7. Shodan - 26 - 24 = 1.083

8. Inex - 25 - 20 = 1.25

9. Voodo - 24 - 23 = 1.04

10. DemApples - 21 - 20 = 1.05

11. Hang - 19-24 = 0.79

12. Lunk - 17-16 = 1.06

13. NOFX - 17-22 = 0.77

14. Farmerisme - 13-21 = 0.619

15. justanother - 13-23 = 0.56

16. pvt snoball - 12-26 = 0.46

17. tkc - 8-23 = 0.34

18. Terrible - 7-22 = 0.31


Top K:D


1. M2 = 1.68

2. Cujo = 1.59

3. Sim = 1.56

4. Lux - 32 - 21 = 1.52

5. Sid - 29 - 20 = 1.45

6. Inex - 25 - 20 = 1.25

7. Laz - 30 - 25 = 1.2

8. Shodan - 26 - 24 = 1.083

9. Lunk - 17-16 = 1.06

10. DemApples - 21 - 20 = 1.05

11. Voodo - 24 - 23 = 1.04

12. Hang - 19-24 = 0.79

13. NOFX - 17-22 = 0.77

14. Farmerisme - 13-21 = 0.619

15. justanother - 13-23 = 0.56

16. pvt snoball - 12-26 = 0.46

17. tkc - 8-23 = 0.34

18. Terrible - 7-22 = 0.31

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