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I New that would happen !

Guest Wild

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Guest Wild
Guest Wild
Guest Wild

Wel Well Well Well Well Well Well that was a big ---------- freaking surprise that all of you bowed down on your Knees and gave Mmmm all the pleasure in the world. Well First of all Hurricane get your info right. We had played prod like maybe twice. When we got (giving |S-T| a whooping on prodigy a few weeks ago) wow 14-10 damn stopped us smooth, If that is a stomping then wow DOH is l33t. Then after we got our Bearings on the map as a clan won 16-8 ok yeah Hurricane you really got me there.

Oh by the way I am sorry that My Co-Leader is such a poon. We feel the same way we discussed it on aim. But he says we must be Civil. Ok explain how Banning me perm style is being civil when i said "homo". Ok i am f'ing sorry for saying "homo" but our server isnt so virginized i realize that this makes us not as good as the almighty Mmmm. But i came on your server with the Rules in Mind and slipped one time during the course of 3 maps. Give me a Break. All i am sayin is that Fatty needs to get off us Power trip of "like 3 years" that he has Admin Mod.

So sLaYer was saying instead of saying we pwn you all that we scrim every single one of you (Mmmm, DOH, CsLs).

So Lets set this up for whenever i dont care.

We want a scrim with all the ex-community.

And you no what Wilco i have no problem with the Fall3n in fact i believe i excluded you from the list. In fact i No for sure at least 3 of your clan members that got tired of Mmmm's we are god Bullpoop. And in fact 2 of them are by far the best in your clan. But like i said you arent in this you are all good guys.

Note to Gond: Won Id# 2875273

Note to Gooters: Yes you always seem to find a way to pwn me :) Sneaky Mofo

Note to Hurricane: Jeez DOH won MCC wow!!!!

Note to AKNF: you got it name time and place (also WonID duff bans everyone kills him sorry)


I guess that is about it for now oh yeah dont Close the Thread before i can defend myself.



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And you no what Wilco i have no problem with the Fall3n in fact i believe i excluded you from the list. In fact i No for sure at least 3 of your clan members that got tired of Mmmm's we are god Bullpoop. And in fact 2 of them are by far the best in your clan. But like i said you arent in this you are all good guys.
I appreciate that kind sentiment.


But to probably get off on your good graces just a tad ;)


Ive been playing in this community for as long as ive been playing CS. Beta 3,4,5?? Dont even know anymore. My first clan was Mmmm some of which are still in the clan. Ive gotten to know many people from this game, even had the pleasure of meeting a lot of them in person. I enjoy the fact that ive been able to meet many new faces over this career.


Th3Fall3N was founded out of this community and are happy to add to it by ways of our own server, forums all that happy crap. i wouldnt have met half of my clan if not for the Mmmm server.


Whats right is right and i dont know all the details surrounding this and i wont pretend to. But its not just Mmmms community. There are many other clans and individual players that like what is going on and are more than happy to enforce the rules that started out here. I am beyond perfect and have slipped many a times with the swearing :) Some times noticed sometimes not. The thing is is that if your friends with people and are recognizeble than you are held to a higher standard than others because of the trust you mutually have for what your trying to uphold.


In fact i No for sure at least 3 of your clan members that got tired of Mmmm's we are god Bullpoop


As far as my players go if they dont like the way the Mmmm server is handled than id hope they choose to play elsewhere. If not and they act an @ss id also hope theyd choose to play for another team cause that isnt what i want to be percieved as. Individuality is great but as soon as you accept to be in a clan or whatever and wear the tag....than you represent every single player that also wears that tag. Just my opinion and what i try to bring to the table.


For some reason these types of posts make me really chatty :)


I like the fact that your wanting to challenge everyone and that is good cause scrimming is tons of fun....but i dont understand if its a ego trip or what? No matter really. I hope we can scrimm and i hope the other teams accept this too. Could be fun.


Guess i get all uptight when people get after people ive played with for years and have had fun with ....dunno.....just keep it cool man. Theres so much bs in the real world that we dont need to keep spreading it around in peoples hobbies, relaxation time, or whatever anyone chooses to play this game calls it.


Im not trying to get on you or preach to you or whatever....just like to talk sometimes :)

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Guest Wild
Guest Wild
Guest Wild

Well that might be the most Mature Response that my whole argument has gotten. And just to answer your question and no i am not answering angrily no it isnt an ego trip. It is the fact that i think that is why I and the rest of my clan is treated differently.

#1 We arent all old buddy's from beta 3,4,5 or whatever

#2 I dont think ..... ok nevermind not goin there again.


GG Wilco hehe thanks for the mature response.

and not the classic " You are banned i am Badass act like the rest"

or " Mmmm gets Immunity from all there actions bs"

And i would hope you wouldnt shoot down your own Clan mates for the disaproval of Mmmm due to there overReactive mindset on there rules.


Yes i no "No Cussing has been a rule Forever in MMMM" but i think we are all "adults in a sense here" and for those that arent. They are playing a game that your main point is to blow the hell out of someone or Blow up some innocent ppl or hostages etc." So i doubt that kids playing these types games will be hurt by the few Slips of foul language that occur so far and in between that the Violater should be perma banned!


Now tell me if you think this was fair Wilco and be honest i said homo once that is it i was saying f***, Sh*t, or any other thing at all i dint go in there like NavyMan who just did a gram of Yea. It was one time that is it and bam Banned. Then slayer said someting after i was banned to Fatty and al he did was "lmao" -->>>>(laughing my a$$ off) Oh Sheezy HypoCrit maybe.


AnyWay all other arguments aside my clan Knows exactly what was said and all of the members agree in most of the argument. Maybe not with the aggressive thread i posted but the same subject.

What i mean is that they would of posted with less "Spunk".


To the Fall3n I respect your whole clan and i hope i havent lost your respect thru this whole ordeal. I am sorry but i dont feel as if i need or even want respect from Clan Mmmm the only Members i ever respected Were Gooters, Slims, and Contra might have left 1 0r 2 out but i forget ok.




Ill be back to post again!!

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Guest Wild
Guest Wild
Guest Wild

We Have been the Two chattiest havent we lol. Like a Sope Opera.

All of My Cs Fellows (aka All of My children)



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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Give us a good reason to allow you to continue to visit our forums.

Don't set your sights too high Fatty :rolleyes:

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slayer said someting after i was banned to Fatty and al he did was "lmao"

Yea, I said I banned him, and slayer said thanks....thinking I banned the tker.... :lol:


That WAS very funny. Heck the remaining S-T buddies had a nice chuckle on your behalf, and a couple post here and two other AIM me saying that YOU do not represent S-T, nor them, in your actions.


Funny, but I do believe that being respected in the community, or being part of this community, is a goal of some of your members, no matter what you feel or perceive their intentions to be. Who knows, they could be straddling the fence and just want the option to play around here. No matter, there's plenty that put on the face of respect and doubletalk elsewhere...we don't play cops for that. All we do is ask that when you're on our domain, in our servers, you act according, however alien they may be to you, our rules.


So again.....


Why should you be allowed to continue to visit these forums?


Your answer, the one that is driven by your ego, may even be resisted here, eh? (The i don't need to come here, ban me i don't care, etc). Who knows I'm actually curious to your response.

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I would love to know the mentality of a person who is compelled to visit a place they don't like. That just baffles me. If you believe what you say, and that you are somehow "leet", or whatever the kids are saying now, why even bother here. Your attitude is not wanted; and it appears you don't wanna be here. So, why? I mean, you've rarely been around in the past, so what's the big deal about not being here in the future? I say just go away and quit torturing yourself.


EDIT: woah, couple posts since before I posted this, active forum tonite.

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So i doubt that kids playing these types games will be hurt by the few Slips of foul language that occur so far and in between that the Violater should be perma banned!

I by no means want to get involved in any of this, but I want to make a comment about this quote....


The reason the swear filter and such are there (I believe) is not because we dont want the kids to hear the profanity, but its for our own ears. Personally I dont like ALOT of swearing in a server it just doesnt make for an enjoyable time.


I used to visit a server a while back because someone told me its a fun server. Well I didnt play there long because the level of maturity was LOW, really LOW and it was mostly the clan that the server belonged to that caused the issue. So I do not play on that server anymore. Did I go to there server and post how I felt about THEIR server and the way the server was run by the admins.. etc.. etc.. NO.. because that would just berate myself, there are over 2000+ servers in CS I am not going to waste my time on 1 server. (Most people know the server, but it will remain anon)


Well getting off work early.. wOoT.. peace out.. and guys life is toooooo short to waste it away on arguing about a game!!

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Yes i no "No Cussing has been a rule Forever in MMMM" but i think we are all "adults in a sense here" and for those that arent. They are playing a game that your main point is to blow the hell out of someone or Blow up some innocent ppl or hostages etc." So i doubt that kids playing these types games will be hurt by the few Slips of foul language that occur so far and in between that the Violater should be perma banned!


Thank you so much for you input on how we should run our servers. Can we expect a major contribution to their existence? You said it yourself. Its been the rule forever. So you broke it. And now you think its not fair. Whats the problem here?


As far as being unbanned. Go read the guidelines. Post accordingly and an unbanning is almost assured.

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Post accordingly and an unbanning is almost assured.

He's already gone too far in my opinion. Anyways, if he even tossed out some lipservice (from a different IP and after reregistering) perhaps we could consider a time delay.

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<flips through Mmmm Manual of Conduct>


Let's see here....yes..ah...Ye shall refrain from stooping.......blah blah...using sarcasm...blah...yes this is the spot...


<smacks Magruter over back of head with hard cover copy of MMC>


<thinks about some of his own posts, walks away smacking self in forehead in the Holy Grail style>

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I admit that I have slipped and swore on the server before. But i respect the rule, just for the fact this is not my server, I do not put any money towards it. It's been provided as a place I can play at. If I was to be banned because oh a Slip I am quite confident that I could come in here and sincerly apologize and be promptly unbanned.


I know a lot of older players have kids and I sure woulen't want to have my kids hear the kind of words yelled over voicecom on most servers. I myself would also prefer not to be harassed by some angst filled teen who need to belittle me with curse words every other round.


You know the rules. You know how the server plays. You still come here and get banned. Then you still think they are going to change the rules because you think you are the only one right. I don't think so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont understand why swearing in game is such a big thing for ppl... do you think it makes u look bigger or badder? I know about frustrations after getting killed or whatnot, I let out quite a few *explictives deleted (very loudly) sitting here, but have the decency to not trash the server with it.. Grow up, get a grip. :rolleyes:

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I agree

(looks around crazily)

Funny ive played some pubs and seens guys talking crap to each other and cussing at each other and calling everyone that" homosexual name",or h4x3r.lol

And you have to appreciate the effort by admins of our community to make their server's a fun place to play free from bad mouth weilding punks.


I especially take note of clans that come scrim us and talk trash or call us names during scrims,and some get kicked before its over.And we wont scrim them anymore.


MwR like's respectable servers with out a bunch of lame flamers on there.Its like a night out with a bunch of 13 year olds talking trash to each other.I got better things to do than listen to them.


Anyways ...Hats off to Mmmm and the community for making the servers a better and more enjoyable place to play.


Keep it up!

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane

can't believe i just saw this post...


lol well...


actually your wrong.. i think we won the first won by only 13-11 and you guys won the second one 24-0 and nobody on your team died once the second scrim... yea... that's what happened...


gg wild. ;-\


am i still talking about this |S-T| scrim? somebody shoot me... please.

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Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK
Guest TeKNiK

Here's a GREAT idea. Close this topic now as this is very old and absolutely pointless. People should just stop posting here alltogether. GGPO



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