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Counter-Strike player suicides :(


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Meh. He was prolly an idiot anyway. I know those types. Usually good for nothing. Harsh but true.



Compasion is sooo over rated.








Edit - Sarcasm. In case you missed it

Edited by shaftiel
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the real sad part is i bet most of his "friends" knew what was going on and never said anything.it's sad he is gone,it's bulls*** the way he chose to take care of his problems.i feel for his parents not him.i am not sorry if this offends anyone for my feelings.i have lost about 20 friends to suicide and i don't believe it is the way to go.

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the real sad part is i bet most of his "friends" knew what was going on and never said anything.it's sad he is gone,it's bulls*** the way he chose to take care of his problems.i feel for his parents not him.i am not sorry if this offends anyone for my feelings.i have lost about 20 friends to suicide and i don't believe it is the way to go.



20?! good lord! Suicide is quite possible the most selfish act one can take. It solves all your problems quite nicely, but the trauma done to family and friends is incalculable.






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the real sad part is i bet most of his "friends" knew what was going on and never said anything.it's sad he is gone,it's bulls*** the way he chose to take care of his problems.i feel for his parents not him.i am not sorry if this offends anyone for my feelings.i have lost about 20 friends to suicide and i don't believe it is the way to go.



20?! good lord! Suicide is quite possible the most selfish act one can take. It solves all your problems quite nicely, but the trauma done to family and friends is incalculable.








fully agree.if people thought about that,i don't think it would happen as often as it does.

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Having some serious depression problems when I was younger (and still moderately to this date) I have contemplated suicide on many occasions. The one thing that always stops me is what it will do to those people around me. I can totally understand why someone who is completely alone in the world would be able to do it, but someone with family and/or friends I just can't imagine. It usually brings me to tears when I get in that mode because of all the pain I realize I would cause those who know/love me.


That being said, I feel only for his family and friends and the pain and sorrow they must be going through.

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oops. sry shaftie. that came across wrong...two seperate thoughts.


20...wow, thats a startling large number of friends to know that have done that.


=============seperate thought=====================


If you know someone who is getting way too depressed or suicidal, dont be afraid to do whatever it takes to get them help...and Im sure sometimes nothing can be done...

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it all depends on why they are depresseed.if i was the kids friend,i would have gone to the parents after i exhuasted all the effort to do what i could,even if it meant i would lose a friend.better to lose a friend,and him still be alive than lose a friend to stupidcide.

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Alright before I post anything I know people are touchy on this subject. I am myself. So if you read anything you don't like, don't take it to heart, it's just how I talk.


You guys put selfish in, which is a very nice word really, but I find this pathetic. The kid is old enough to realize the mistakes of gambling. He knew he would have to pay the money back if gambling didn't work. So when he gets himself into a whole lot of trouble he doesn't want to be a "man" about it and pay back what he owes. He takes the easy way out. He was 21, he definitely should've known better.


Don't get me wrong I think it's sad the kid did what he did. He could've been the nicest guy in the world, who knows. Sadly, I think it's better he did what he did now instead of down the road when he would have a family that does rely on him (wife and kids).

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Alright before I post anything I know people are touchy on this subject. I am myself. So if you read anything you don't like, don't take it to heart, it's just how I talk.


You guys put selfish in, which is a very nice word really, but I find this pathetic. The kid is old enough to realize the mistakes of gambling. He knew he would have to pay the money back if gambling didn't work. So when he gets himself into a whole lot of trouble he doesn't want to be a "man" about it and pay back what he owes. He takes the easy way out. He was 21, he definitely should've known better.


Don't get me wrong I think it's sad the kid did what he did. He could've been the nicest guy in the world, who knows. Sadly, I think it's better he did what he did now instead of down the road when he would have a family that does rely on him (wife and kids).



Niether your nor I know the full extent of his issues. We do not know if he was clinicly depressed, manic, bi-polar, what have you. With out full knowledge of the situation we can not assume that we know why he commited suicide, or what he should have done instead. So to say that he was pathetic is rather rash and unthinking. I will go as far as saying that he was selfish... but no farther.






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What my psychology teacher said is this:

Getting help for depression is a serious thing and it needs to be helped by counseling and sometimes institutionalizing the person for a short time.


Thing is, it takes on average (in Minnesota) 3 months to get help. Unless your find some help through a church.


IF you go to a emergency room at the hospital they will admit the person immediately. Thats what you should do if you know the person is suicidal.

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This is why i stopped playing games so much and decided to get my life going.

Actually, kinda funny you mentioned that... that's what I've been doing. I quit playing CS:S and now I have a decent job and a girlfriend. Oddly enough, however, I find myself wanting to play Counter Strike more and more and MORE...


I want to have my cake and eat it too.

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meh....like everyone else here, I mean no offense...


but suicide is the most cowardly and selfish act a human being can possibly perform.


Why? You're just giving up. Likely his parents got stuck with some of those loans that he had (they just don't go away), his friends and family were crushed I'm sure, his girlfriend will never be the same, and I'm sure that they all feel that they let him down somehow.


I can understand being depressed, that happens. True courage, however, means finding things in life worth holding onto by your fingernails, clawing your way back to happiness. You have to fight for it, scrape for it, and earn every inch. Sometimes it's difficult, sometimes it's easy, but no matter what it has to be actively saught.


I am sincerely sorry that things like this happens, but I'm most sorry for the fact that people let these things happen to themselves.


Again...sorry if I offend, it wasn't my intent.

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