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What are the bench marks for a skilled player?

Uncle Fester

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Is it the player that is always at the top of the scoreboard?


Is it someone that is proficient with an awp and therefore always gets on the defending team so that they can sit back and pick off the offensive players?


I think the bench marks of a skilled player is that their score will be good no matter what weapon they choose and no matter what side they are on, offense or defense.




Am I completely off base, let the flames begin.

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no need to flame, we're all mature here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My definition of "skilled" may differ from someone elses. As you mentioned some people thing being on the top of the scoreboard makes them skilled. While others think that being a good team mate makes you skilled. I lean more towards the later. I'm not the best shooter (especially with awp's) but i'm a team player. When you work as a team you put all your skills together and augment your performance. When you work on your own it does just the opposite.


So my definition of being skilled is not only being a good shot, but being a team player.

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im better than norgman, he is PTBE (prolly the best ever) i am TBE (the best ever)



but to answer your question, if the person at the top of the scoreboard is just sitting back and baiting his teamates for kills, then he is not the best.



2 kinds of players, passive and aggressive.


I for one am aggressive, Discom is more passive. If you have both kinds of people on your team, it will make the team better.


Its hard to see the best player in a pub server, when playing 5v5, I would rather play with 4 aggressive players and 1 passive to watch our back. Everyone has a role

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I have to agree that being a team player is very high in the benchmarking of a skilled player.

agreed...you can drop 0-15 but as long as you make good calls and youre throwing good flashes and not making huge teamwork errors...youre a skilled player, youre just having bad luck with source

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IMO players who can still do well on custom maps are where the real skill lies. Too many pub stars out there have been playing the same maps for so long it's not even funny. At the end of the day this is really the essence of Counter-Strike, as in real life it's highly unlikely for CTs and Ts to always be in the same place.

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Personally, I think it depends on the type of skill you're talking about. DM skill? Tactical skill? Leadership skill? I can think of players that really excel in one of those areas, and some that are good in all 3, and some that just ROCK in all 3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I have above average skill in catching bullets with my face. :smiling2:


Yeah, I agree that the most skilled players are the ones who can be effective on just about any map, on either side, and they tend to make their teammates better by leading by example, and by making the right calls at the right time. They also know when to use discretion rather than valor, i.e the bomb is about to explode, and they save their weapon/armour for the next round rather than get blowed up.

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If its a pub I die trying to defuse even if I know I have no chance. It's like rudy, maybe my efforts will inspire my team to win out,

it could happen." And no matter how you define skill, we all know that I aint got it.

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  • 2 months later...

Honestly? What makes a good player is someone who works with the team and says NT, or GJ at the end of each round. I look at it like this, if a person can work well with a team, that makes them a skilled player. Also, if they have a microphone that helps out a lot. If your team works well with you, then you should win every round. The only time I would think of that you'd lose if the other team had really good teamwork. So its best to work on your teamwork more than anything else. If you want to work on your aim with weapons, I'd find a really good Gun Game server to play on. Or maybe GC could make/host one for us in the near future. Lets say that the number 1 ranked person is on the other team... there are 3 of you together, and you're rushing T spawn on dust via the double doors in middle(dust2). Now, if all three of you focus on shooting the ranked 1 guy, chances are you'll get him before he awps more than one of you. Now, I have no CLUE who is ranked 1 right now because I only check the stats once or twice a month. I haven't checked it for a while now though. But yeah, communication, and teamwork are the benchmarks for a GREATLY skilled player.

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Honestly? What makes a good player is someone who works with the team and says NT, or GJ at the end of each round. I look at it like this, if a person can work well with a team, that makes them a skilled player. Also, if they have a microphone that helps out a lot. If your team works well with you, then you should win every round. The only time I would think of that you'd lose if the other team had really good teamwork. So its best to work on your teamwork more than anything else. If you want to work on your aim with weapons, I'd find a really good Gun Game server to play on. Or maybe GC could make/host one for us in the near future. Lets say that the number 1 ranked person is on the other team... there are 3 of you together, and you're rushing T spawn on dust via the double doors in middle(dust2). Now, if all three of you focus on shooting the ranked 1 guy, chances are you'll get him before he awps more than one of you. Now, I have no CLUE who is ranked 1 right now because I only check the stats once or twice a month. I haven't checked it for a while now though. But yeah, communication, and teamwork are the benchmarks for a GREATLY skilled player.



actually, one time on dust2 the four of us CT's rushed short and and turned left hoping to flank the T's that went long A


we were all mowed down by one person with an ak spray, so in essence, good aim > teamwork


of course, that person was vovik so it was kind of expected

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we were all mowed down by one person with an ak spray, so in essence, good aim > teamwork

That's why I like UT more... in that game, good aim < teamwork. I get called a botter daily, but have been steamrolled before by coordinated teams of average players when my team is full of lone wolves.

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