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Thank you to the Guitar Heros of the world

Shropshire Slasher

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So after years of trying to interest my kids in "good" music (read that as anything I listen to), Guitar Hero has finally made my case for me.


You see, my kids, and all their little friends, LOVE this game. Me too, actually... it's something fun we can all do together.


But more importantly, they are actually being exposed to some generally good music. It's not all great, I'll admit... but there is enough in there to gimme a foot in the door to my iPod playlists.


It's actually kinda surreal to be driving down the road in the minivan rocking the Black Sabbath. My 9 year old daughter... Hey! I know this song! IT's Paranoid. Uh... yes dear.


Or weirder yet... my 4 year old daughter... "PLAY IRON MAN!". Um... ok dear. and yes... all three sing along. I feel like I've entered Bizarro World.


But hey, I'll take it. We worked through a few Cream songs today, and I've worked in some Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana, some Allman Bros., just to name a few.


I like where this is going.

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stand back kids, Anonymo is on a roll this morning and you cannot stop it.

What's even better is that I had no idea that picture existed until I saw discom's post and I said...hmmm...there must be a Guitar Hero emo, and guess what! First hit on google images :biglaugha:

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'mo is the man. Great post.


By the way, the song lists on the guitar hero games are actually pretty decent. The games are a great way to bring interest not only to good music, but also to encourage kids to play a real instrument.

Edited by YoMamma
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well, aerosmith, cream... you've got some classic rock. Dead Kennedys... you've got some neo-punk. Smashing pumpkins, Weezer and Gn'R... you've got some '90's rock and alternative.


Those are just some of the things that come to mind.


They're not all gems... but enough good stuff to make a gate way drug for good music for the yung'uns.

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Hey I agree, they have done an amazing job with the playlists on the games. I have a pretty varied taste in music so that helps... but you can't expect every song on there to be one of your favorites. There is a good range there all the way from death metal, alternative, modern rock, hair rock, to classic rock,


Its a brilliant marketing idea, can't even say the amount of times I have seen a no name band on one of the GH games show up in the store racks soon after the games. Great way to get your music out there.

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Its a brilliant marketing idea, can't even say the amount of times I have seen a no name band on one of the GH games show up in the store racks soon after the games. Great way to get your music out there.


I wouldn't call any of those bands "no name bands." They are all signed to record companies and tour across the world. For example, DragonForce has been around for quite some time now. They were on Ozzfest's main stage a few years back. I've seen them in concert before the Guitar Hero games came out, but it wasn't until after Guitar Hero that many gamers have been exposed to them.

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Its a brilliant marketing idea, can't even say the amount of times I have seen a no name band on one of the GH games show up in the store racks soon after the games. Great way to get your music out there.


I wouldn't call any of those bands "no name bands." They are all signed to record companies and tour across the world. For example, DragonForce has been around for quite some time now. They were on Ozzfest's main stage a few years back. I've seen them in concert before the Guitar Hero games came out, but it wasn't until after Guitar Hero that many gamers have been exposed to them.


Oh yeah I know lots of the bands are not no name bands. But some are relatively unknown. Not as much in gh3 but in 1 and 2 most of the bonus songs were from less known bands.

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Its a brilliant marketing idea, can't even say the amount of times I have seen a no name band on one of the GH games show up in the store racks soon after the games. Great way to get your music out there.


I wouldn't call any of those bands "no name bands." They are all signed to record companies and tour across the world. For example, DragonForce has been around for quite some time now. They were on Ozzfest's main stage a few years back. I've seen them in concert before the Guitar Hero games came out, but it wasn't until after Guitar Hero that many gamers have been exposed to them.


Oh yeah I know lots of the bands are not no name bands. But some are relatively unknown. Not as much in gh3 but in 1 and 2 most of the bonus songs were from less known bands.


Ok I see what you're saying. GH1's bonus songs are mainly "no name bands." I didn't even notice this because when I played the original game, I was only playing the Main Setlist. I must admit, out of the 17 bands in the original game's bonus songs, I only know of one. You're also right that GH2&3 have much more popular bands for their bonus material.

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