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New to Zombie Panic?


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So, you stumbled into the wrong end of town and you suddenly realize you're being chased by Mac users zombies and you need some help, well hopefully you can find it here!


Basic Game Mechanics:


Humans - F1


-you start out with a flashlight, a pistol, a clip of ammo and a melee weapon

-you need to find ammo and weapons littered around the map, look hard!

-the more ammo and weapons you carry, the slower you go (so don't horde!)

-if you find yourself being chased by too many zombies you can hit "p" which will cause you to panic, dropping everything you have except what you're holding in your hand which allows you to run, fast

-there are health packs which replenish a small amount of health (about 25 points), Kevlar vests and infection pills (which cure infections*)

-the white zombie has a chance of infecting you, when infected your health bar will go from a cross to some red spots and your vision will slowly deteriorate until you fully turn, you can find pill bottles to cure the infection around the map however they're hard to find, especially when infected

-press "e" to pick up/use things you find around the maps, "g" will drop whatever you're holding, "v" will cycle through your ammo and "t" will drop the selected ammo

-REMEMBER THE ZOMBIES CAN HEAR YOU, ALWAYS so telling your team you're alone and hiding in the bathroom armed only with a ladle is not such a good idea


Zombies - F2


-you start as a zombie, you're hungry, and brains are tasty!

-generally if you start as the first zombie you have a chance at being the "infected" zombie (better known as "whitey" as he's the noticeably white zombie compared to the others) who has 50 more hp than regular zombies and has a 10% chance of infecting* humans when attacking

-Feed Meter: you'll notice in the bottom left of your screen a meter with 6 bars in it, this is the feed meter. Every time you successfully attack a human your feed meter will replenish one bar. The feed meter is used to lunge at players (shift). Lunging takes some practice and can be very subtle. It is best used when chasing a human that can run just a bit faster than you, also your attacks are more powerful when lunging so timing a lunge with an attack is great for quickly taking out a pesky (and tasty) human

-zombie health slowly regenerates (it accelerates if you hold still long enough, but it takes a while)

-hitting "f" will turn on zombovision, a night vision for zombies if you will. Humans will glow red while the infected will grow green (don't kill the infected, they're about to be your friend! just don't let them kill you before they turn)


There are two distinct map types



-the point is to kill zombies. zombies have lives (see the upper left of your screen when you're a zombie) which they lose when you kill them. it works much like a Battlefield game, where if someone dies, the number of lives (or respawns) decreases for the whole zombie team, likewise when you kill (or convert) a human the number of zombie respawns will increase!

-teamwork is important as you are zombie bait on your own

-finding defensible positions is key

-making barricades is also important, slow those brain suckers down!

-stockpile ammo and share it, the more people on your team with guns the safer you are, remember you need to kill those zombies, not just out live them (which is darn near impossible)



-objective maps are the heart of zombie panic, requiring you to complete a set of objectives to survive the map

-zombies generally have infinite respawns on objective maps so you need to complete the objectives to survive

-team work is your only hope

-the objective maps are all different so you will have to learn them (may update this with how to win all the objective maps later)


Hope this sheds some light on Zombie Panic and how to play, if I forgot anything (which I'm sure I did) let me know!

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Great intro info anon, i was thinkin of doin somethin like this but im rly lazy.


It was either this or do that thing that got me a sexual harassment complaint at work. I can't afford two in one week!

Just remember, it's not harassment if they were asking for it. :freak:

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Great intro info anon, i was thinkin of doin somethin like this but im rly lazy.


It was either this or do that thing that got me a sexual harassment complaint at work. I can't afford two in one week!

Just remember, it's not harassment if they were asking for it. :freak:

Does it count when the hand puppet I made in their likeness asks for it?

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