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anyone gonna be playin any of these when it comes out?


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2 new mmo games im lookn forward too :luxhello: , anyone else gonna b playin em?


they are DBZ Online and Aion Online


Sweet...I totally forgot about DBZ online and now it seems they're really close to an open beta!


Aion I've looked at but I'm not sure it's the kind of game I could pour hours into


yea im excited bout the DBZ online, hopefully wont have that monthly fee lol, dats what made me quit about playin WoW


and AION, seems likely to be the game im lookin for to replace WOW, been searchin for a new MMO and dis might be it, if only I didnt sell my wow account think id be playin it again but since its gone, i dont wanna start all over again frm level 1 hhaa

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to see how the flying combat works in Aion, but I probably won't get it though. :shrug03:


When i first saw Aion I thought oooo shiney. It's almost like WoW with new gfx and questing is a little more fun.


Playing the beta for Aion... Flying doesn't feel natural on the keyboard they have F and R to go up or down, page up to open your wings and page down to fold them and if you hit space bar you start gliding... and sometimes if you double tap space bar you... fall to your doom because your wings are on a 10 sec cooldown. In the beginning you don't get much flying time either. need to rebind keys or something

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When i first saw Aion I thought oooo shiney. It's almost like WoW with new gfx and questing is a little more fun.


Playing the beta for Aion... Flying doesn't feel natural on the keyboard they have F and R to go up or down, page up to open your wings and page down to fold them and if you hit space bar you start gliding... and sometimes if you double tap space bar you... fall to your doom because your wings are on a 10 sec cooldown. In the beginning you don't get much flying time either. need to rebind keys or something

What the... oh, definitely rebind. This sounds easier:


Esc = turn right

Del = turn left

F12 = activate wings

R Shift + Caps Lock = go down

Numberpad 9 = go up

Y = swear bind when you go the wrong way


Then just mash Y repeatedly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why try to start new forums when there are several successful ones already? Does your friend just want to be a moderator? See a community grow? Something else?


And the more I read about this Aion game, the cooler it sounds. I'm about a gnat's eyelash from preordering. The release date is Sept 22, but do you get in earlier if you preorder? And who plans on playing this game at or close to launch?

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What the... oh, definitely rebind. This sounds easier:


Esc = turn right

Del = turn left

F12 = activate wings

R Shift + Caps Lock = go down

Numberpad 9 = go up

Y = swear bind when you go the wrong way


Then just mash Y repeatedly.


lol! Yeah I know right...


So far I have a lvl 28 Cleric.... easiest class to lvl! I find it super survivable. The other class I have is a lvl 12 Assassin... it was the first class I rolled but once i started playing the cleric ummm I couldn't stop. lol! I haven't really seen anything along the line of group instances... I haven't really talked to other players. >_> I just wanted to hit the lvl cap and soak in all the quests. Idk if it's the WoW in me that wants to be capped and raiding.


The quest organization is nice. there's little "hyperlinks" for keywords in the quests when you click them you can set it as a rally point or a marker on the map whatever you want to call it. And when quests are done it tells you where to turn in the quests on the map as well.


The combat system is real neat... and running away from mobs is not fun they are persistent little buggers.


Titles you earn also gives you buffs which I thought was a awesome idea. idk if it's better then WoW yet... but it is a breath of fresh air. It certainly more beautiful.

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Ah, very cool. Thanks for posting those impressions, especially about the cleric. I'm trying to decide between a cleric and a ranger. I had a blast with a ranger in AoC until they got nerfed to oblivion. Their squishiness really bothered me too. And I've played healers for years (mainly for Guild Wars and Warhammer Online). There's just something great about being useful and making friends because of it (like when you save someone's butt). Or if somebody is being a jerk, you can very easily ignore healing them until they play nice or leave.


So can you switch between different titles for different buffs? How do you get titles? What sorts of buffs do you get from them?

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I'm going to be pre-ordering it shortly, I just can't remember my PlayNC account name/password, and the email address is an old one. So I get to go through the Guild Wars game verification process. Yay.


And I have the game installed, the 1.5 full client is available on fileplanet. 9.1GB. Grab it if you haven't already, it's a doozy to download. And if you pre-order, you can "preselect" your character name and appearance.


Also, I plan on rolling a Cleric - what about you guys?

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I'm going to be pre-ordering it shortly, I just can't remember my PlayNC account name/password, and the email address is an old one. So I get to go through the Guild Wars game verification process. Yay.


And I have the game installed, the 1.5 full client is available on fileplanet. 9.1GB. Grab it if you haven't already, it's a doozy to download. And if you pre-order, you can "preselect" your character name and appearance.


Also, I plan on rolling a Cleric - what about you guys?



I havent even tried playing it yet, imma just wait for the release to come out then play, hopefully we get some free goodies for pre-orders hhe

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So I downloaded the client via NCSoft's launcher and not only was it slow, but buggy (game had problems updating itself, etc). Trying the get the client via FilePlanet now (which is faster, and I get the installer to save as backup)

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Not sure what I'll be playing as. Right now, the Spirit Master or Ranger/Assassin seem interesting to me.



Assasinnnnnnn! :), I was a rogue in wOw and I loved it, hopefully the assasin will be as good

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Oh man... that totally gives me an idea. You guys roll assassins, and I'll go cleric. I'll pretend to be AFK gank bait, and you guys stay in the bushes ready to tear 'em up.


And I think the assassin will be more like AoC/Warhammer/even TF2 - you'll be a papershredder, but it'll be really tough to take down tanks. At least that's what I'm reading...


As far as advantages go:

Rogues > Casters

Casters > Tanks

Tanks > Rogues


Skill plays a good part too though, so a good ranger will be able to kite a tank to death. And from what I hear, there's a significant advantage for who gets the jump. So as an assassin, getting the jump on a caster is HUGE. Most won't survive your initial onslaught.

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