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L4D2 player/member commands list, & BINDS


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GC Alumni

Here is a list of all the server commands accessible to all players and to members. I'll update this list as I can, or if I've missed something please PM me.


A quick note: I will list all the commands here only in the chat form, but most can be used in console using sm_ instead of !. All of the commands can have their text output suppressed by using / instead of !.


Commands accessible to all players:


-- -- --Miscellaneous-- -- --

!ready, or !r; Tells the server that you're ready to start the round

!scramble; Lets everyone vote to scramble the teams--needs 3 votes to start

!stuck; As survivor, will teleport you to your team's most recent checkpoint--use if you're stuck somewhere

!tankskip; Passes control of a tank which you bought, to another teammate--doesn't work for a campaign tank


-- -- --Using your points faster/more efficiently-- -- --

!buy, or !up; Opens the 'buy' menu or 'use-points' menu

!repeatbuy, or !rebuy; Buys whatever you bought last

!points; Displays your current points

!teampoints, or !tp; Displays your team's points, and if your teammates have used the !buy command this round

!sp ; Sends some of your points to another player

!np ; Tells your team how many points you need


-- -- --Buying shortcuts-- -- --

!heal; Instantly heals you--if you are not dead, or pinned (costs 15 pts, 30 if you're tank)

!ammo; Instantly replenishes your ammo for 3 points

!laser; Upgrades your gun with a laser sight for 3 points

!getup; Picks you up from a ledge for 7 points (does not heal you)


-- -- --Team Switching-- -- --

!teams; Displays all the players on each team, and which survivors are currently dead [D]

!afk; Moves you to a spectator slot, if teams are unlocked

!jointeam; Moves you to whichever team has more open slots, if teams are unlocked

!survivors; Moves you to suvivors, if possible

!infected; Moves you to infected, if possible


-- -- --Player & Server Info-- -- --

!rank; Displays your ranking and stats on the server

!top10; Displays a list of the top10 ranked players on the server, press 1-10 to see individual stats

!nextc; When on a finale map, shows you what the next campaign will be

!camphist; See the 5 campaigns played most recently




Members-only commands:


!light | ; Gives your player an aura of the specified color; ex1: !light blue; ex2: !light 255 100 50--Survivor only

!hat ; Gives your player the specified hat, or brings up a menu to choose a hat for your player if no hat name is provided--Survivor only

!votekick; Lets you start a vote to kick someone on your team--DO NOT USE WITHOUT REASON




BINDING commands:


First, you need to have your developer console enabled (~). The bind command must be entered into console--it can't be used in chat.


To bind a command, string of commands etc. to a key, use the following format:


bind "" ""


Here are some examples:


bind "c" "say_team !heal"

-- Prints to your team chat '!heal', thereby executing the !heal command

bind "c" "sm_heal"

-- executes the !heal command, prints nothing to chat

bind "c" "sm_buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; menuselect 1"

-- Buys you a medpack as survivor



See autoexec aliases from Avengers for easier binding. Latest as of 6/9/13


use as "bind c gc_heal"


Edited by crasx
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  • 4 months later...

Very useful info, thanks.


The only gap is that as I'm new to the server, and not familiar with the order of the buy menu, I had to go in game mid-match to make note of the order so I could set up some binds.


So I figured, why not add that bit of info here, and maybe help a future newb who finds themselves in my situation? Besides, I'll take any excuse to scribble up a colorful list. :3


Color coded: Main Menu > Sub Menu 1 > Sub Menu 2







1. Weapons Menu

~~~~~1. Secondary Weapons

~~~~~~~~~~~1. Pistol

~~~~~~~~~~~2. Desert Eagle

~~~~~~~~~~~3. Baseball Bat

~~~~~~~~~~~4. Crowbar

~~~~~~~~~~~5. Cricket Bat

~~~~~~~~~~~6. Fire Axe

~~~~~~~~~~~7. Katana

~~~~~2. Sniper Rifles

~~~~~~~~~~~1. Hunting Rifle

~~~~~~~~~~~2. Scout

~~~~~~~~~~~3. AWP

~~~~~~~~~~~4. Military Sniper

~~~~~3. Assault Rifles

~~~~~~~~~~~1. M16 (Assault Rifle)

~~~~~~~~~~~2. Scar (Desert Rifle)

~~~~~~~~~~~3. AK-47

~~~~~~~~~~~4. SG552

~~~~~~~~~~~5. M60

~~~~~4. Shotguns

~~~~~~~~~~~1. Chrome Shotgun

~~~~~~~~~~~2. Pump Shotgun

~~~~~~~~~~~3. Auto Shotgun

~~~~~~~~~~~4. SPAS Shotgun

~~~~~5. Sub-Machine Guns

~~~~~~~~~~~1. SMG

~~~~~~~~~~~2. Silenced SMG

~~~~~~~~~~~3. MP5

~~~~~6. Throwables

~~~~~~~~~~~1. Molotov

~~~~~~~~~~~2. Pipe Bomb

~~~~~~~~~~~3. Bile Jar


2. Upgrades Menu

~~~~~1. Laser Sights

~~~~~2. Explosive Ammo (Gun Only)

~~~~~3. Incendiary Ammo (Gun Only)

~~~~~4. Explosive Ammo Pack

~~~~~5. Incendiary Ammo Pack

~~~~~6. Ammo Refill


3. Health Menu

~~~~~1. First Aid Kit

~~~~~2. Defibrillator

~~~~~3. Pain Pills

~~~~~4. Adrenaline

~~~~~5. Full Heal

~~~~~6. Respawn on Corpse.


4. Misc. Menu

~~~~~1. Grenade Launcher

~~~~~2. Chainsaw

~~~~~3. Gnome Chompsky

~~~~~4. Cola bottles

~~~~~5. Gas Can

~~~~~6. Oxygen Tank

~~~~~7. Fireworks Crate


~~------Page 2------


~~~~~1. Propane Tank







1. Full Heal

2. Suicide

3. Additional Boomer Slot

4. Additional Spitter Slot

5. Additional Smoker Slot

6. Additional Hunter Slot

7. Additional Charger Slot


-----Page 2-----


1. Additional Jockey Slot

2. Tank

3. Witch

4. Horde

5. Ghost Yourself

6. Spawn Horde on Respawn



Hopefully it helps someone, if not, hey at least it will look pretty sitting here. It could use just a dash of blue and maybe a bit of green though.... There! :D


~ Snow Fox (ninja kitty)

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