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Patch 1.0.3


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Beating all of inferno is pretty much an impossibility for me before it gets nerfed. I cant find good enough gear, and I cant make enough money to buy the gear i need in a timely fashion.

I'm in the same boat. I'm putting my level 60 on the shelf and doing some Hardcore and trying out other classes.

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In the reddit interview, they explained that the jump in difficulty between acts 1 and 2 is substantial, so much that they are going to lower the difficulty jump that act 2 takes.

However, they've also admitted that acts 3 and 4 were never tested by anyone prior to release, So much that blizzard employees tested Act 1 Inferno, struggled heavily with it, and then buffed each act as follows on top of that difficulty:

Act 1: 4x

Act 2: 8x

Act 3: 12x

Act 4: 14x


The multiplier is the difficulty increase over the original difficulty of Act 1 Inferno.



The result being that Act 1 is right where it should be, Act 2 is a little tougher (but, given proper gearing, quite possible, and it doesn't require farming Acts 3 or 4),

however, Act 3 can get nutty depending on the mob combination types, and occasionally, health values of rare and gold mobs in Acts 3 and 4 were privy to receiving the "1 / -value" bug.



I personally don't feel Acts 1 or 2 need a nerf of any kind. Acts 3 and 4 are the acts, that, after being a well-geared player, I feel actually need to be re-balanced.

I don't personally have a problem with monks, either. A lot of players seem to. In my dps set, I can get up to 45k dps, but I can't reach some of the insane 100k+ dps builds that players have posted.

Even in tank build, while my dps ranges between 5-15k dps, I don't personally see an issue, since health regen is greater than the incoming damage.


I think the majority of players who are complaining are, as blizzard posted, simply undergeared, and Inferno doesn't take too kindly to undergeared players. The argument that you need ilvl 62 and 63 loot to progress

beyond Act 1 is bogus. Most of the players joining my act 1 - 4 (seriously) inferno games come in wearing items that are (i kid you not) ilvl 25 - 57. I've seen a few players decked out in lvl 61+ items, but not many.


Beating all of inferno is pretty much an impossibility for me before it gets nerfed. I cant find good enough gear, and I cant make enough money to buy the gear i need in a timely fashion.

I'm in the same boat. I'm putting my level 60 on the shelf and doing some Hardcore and trying out other classes.


(I can help you guys)



Anyway, I realize that it can be tedious farming for the specific items, because, trust me, even in Acts 3 and 4 of Inferno, you're still going to get poopty level 53, 56, etc., items.

So, if you need help gearing up, I'm here to help, and hopefully save players some of the headaches that I went through when I was first gearing my tank up.

I'm personally not up for whimsy farming, since I'm burned out from it and those colours give me a damn headache.



I've thrown out a photo of the health bug (and just health pools in general) for players who want to see what Act 4 as of today.



Edited by Sky
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Yep. It's a miscalculation in the code, much in the same way when a programmer miscalculates and incorrectly inputs an algorithm that converts floats and integers.

However, this bug also happens similarly to players, where you'll see them with 0 health.


The problem being, the game doesn't recognize what's going wrong because of the negative health pool, and constantly resets all of the health pools of all the mobs.

And the bug happens a lot, but Blizzard claims they have no record of this ever happening.

When it does happen, you have to leave the game and create a new game, while crossing your fingers and hoping it doesn't happen, again.

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  • +Attack Speed bonus values on weapons and armor have been reduced by 50% – (This change does not apply to quivers)

  • High-end items (items level 61-63) will now drop in all Acts of [/wiki]Inferno[/wiki] and Acts III and IV of Hell difficulty

  • The new approximate drop rates are as follows:
    • Hell – Act III and Act IV
      • iLvl 61: 9%
      • iLvl 62: 1.9%
      • iLvl 63: 0%

      [*]Inferno – Act I

      • iLvl 61: 17.7%
      • iLvl 62: 7.9%
      • iLvl 63: 2.0%

      [*]Inferno – Act II

      • iLvl 61: 18.6%
      • iLvl 62: 12.4%
      • iLvl 63: 4.1%

      [*]Inferno – Act III and Act IV

      • iLvl 61: 24.1%
      • iLvl 62: 16.1%
      • iLvl 63: 8.0%

Please see the Patch 1.0.3 Design Preview for more information and specific details


•Repair costs have been increased for item levels between 53 and 63


•Magic Find will no longer be considered when looting objects in the environment such as chests, barrels, vases, pots, and corpses




That's just a partial list of changes.


Drops from destructables are essentially eliminated, and only a small chance of gold.


Note that line says magic find is not used for chests. Really? Really?


Also attack speed modifiers nerfed on some items. This one may be the first big item value swing. What do I mean? In ye'olde Diablo 2 as patches came out, old items were grandfathered in, often times making their value pretty high. In this case some weapons and armor are going to have a pretty sweet amount of increased weapon speed compared to what drops from here on out. If you have any such items. keep them in your stash for now. As people begin to create specialized builds you never know when a run on IAS weapons or armor may happen.

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During my normal run with my demon hunter I was practically tripping over piles of MF gear. I was over 60% for most of Act II,III and IV. Didn't get much of worth, unfortunately. Just started nightmare and the first thing that jumped out was the boss drops are garbage. I've heard this changes once you get to 60, but right now I'm getting better stuff off mobs than bosses.

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