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Anyone still playing?


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tried to go back to it. played for a few hours the last few days. no challenge. not fun. legendary drop rate was increased by a ridiculous amount. they were dropping every 5 minutes. they are still poop, though. the best geared players are still the ones who charged a thousand bucks to their parents credit cards, too. real money auctions = fail

Edited by Sky
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Yea, they obviously built the game around the auction house, which is pretty fail....


"How to Kill an IP" by Activ-Blizz




Last time I listen to friends who says "We'll play this forever", I had a feeling D3 would fail (probably because of game design classes I took).

Edited by ValenAlvern
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It's low.


Posts in various forums reference friends lists that have been dead for months; none of them logging in for ages.


I liked the game but ultimately the auction house killed it, that and...


Put it this way.


D2 was D2. Hard. High on atmosphere. Low on fully fleshed out lore. That's not a bad thing - lets you fill the gaps how you like. Great loot system, that people do tend to forget never got really rolling until a few patches in. You could trade with people on and off-line. Any buy/sell stuff was nothing officially sanctioned Problems there with dupes, etc. but it was ultimately off the beaten path and could be ignored if you wanted to. Plenty of builds were viable


Torchlight/Torchlight 2 was not meant to be a D2 sequel. They went for a cartoony Six Flags / Cedar Point experience. It worked. Cheap in price, wide open, no restrictions.


Diablo 3 did much of the same thing but with a really big budget and the Disney experience. For most people there's only so much Disney they can take. The core story is fine, the companions are a great idea, but the actual execution of the story is really bad. The rip on Act 3 and the all powerful demon using couriers who leave rage-notes behind. The strange spider-demon lady who just kinda shows up with no build-up in the story... The villains are all, *all*, Disney villains.


Add in the omni-present auction house, no really random maps, and the loot which is just boring...


Path of Exile might be the true successor to Diablo 2, though a harder (story/game) and more addicting game in the genre is still out there waiting to be made.


I most appreciated the treasure goblins. Clearly a riff on the chaos-bringing bat from Atari 2600 Adventure and a near direct rip of the thieves in Golden Axe.



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Diablo 3 did much of the same thing but with a really big budget and the Disney experience.

Would make sense if anything Disney wasnt actually good and fun. getting the WoW team to work on D3 was another part of their fail. WoW is fun for awhile then its like "lets do the same thing you did yesterday and acomplish nothing" WoW has horrid endgame.


Golden Axe!!! My first sega genesis game :D

Mine was Shinobi Arcade Machine

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I ended up giving up on D3. I've been slowly selling off my gear over the past few weeks for real money first and then gold if I couldn't sell for real money. I figured I'd try and recoup some of the money I put into the game (ashamed of myself). Wont lie, I miss my barb and his 1000k damage but with the auction house closing and the expansion coming out, my gear will soon be obsolete. Also, what good is gold if I can't spend it anywhere.


I'm almost done selling all my stuff, just a few things to go before the March 18 deadline. If I do start-up again, it'll have to be from scratch because I no longer have anything in my account besides account bound items such as marquise gems and infernal machine keys.

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I ended up giving up on D3. I've been slowly selling off my gear over the past few weeks for real money first and then gold if I couldn't sell for real money. I figured I'd try and recoup some of the money I put into the game (ashamed of myself). Wont lie, I miss my barb and his 1000k damage but with the auction house closing and the expansion coming out, my gear will soon be obsolete. Also, what good is gold if I can't spend it anywhere.


I'm almost done selling all my stuff, just a few things to go before the March 18 deadline. If I do start-up again, it'll have to be from scratch because I no longer have anything in my account besides account bound items such as marquise gems and infernal machine keys.

The reason you're quitting is actually a big reason I'm playing again. I never liked the auction house. I didn't like the idea that you could just buy whatever you wanted. It felt like it defeated the purpose of a loot based game like Diablo. I didn't personally use it much but when you play with other people and they are saying things like, "Dude, you suck, I have 500k DPS because I bought this sweet stuff off the auction house" and they are easily doing five times as much damage as you is a bummer. It felt like a bad Free2Play game that was Pay2Win.

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I ended up giving up on D3. I've been slowly selling off my gear over the past few weeks for real money first and then gold if I couldn't sell for real money. I figured I'd try and recoup some of the money I put into the game (ashamed of myself). Wont lie, I miss my barb and his 1000k damage but with the auction house closing and the expansion coming out, my gear will soon be obsolete. Also, what good is gold if I can't spend it anywhere.


I'm almost done selling all my stuff, just a few things to go before the March 18 deadline. If I do start-up again, it'll have to be from scratch because I no longer have anything in my account besides account bound items such as marquise gems and infernal machine keys.

The reason you're quitting is actually a big reason I'm playing again. I never liked the auction house. I didn't like the idea that you could just buy whatever you wanted. It felt like it defeated the purpose of a loot based game like Diablo. I didn't personally use it much but when you play with other people and they are saying things like, "Dude, you suck, I have 500k DPS because I bought this sweet stuff off the auction house" and they are easily doing five times as much damage as you is a bummer. It felt like a bad Free2Play game that was Pay2Win.


I started playing again also, for Voodoo's same reason. The AH was a terrible idea from the start. Most of us said this, and Blizzard finally agreed. The game as it is now is a lot more fun to play, and is a totally different game from the D3 beta that we all bought when it first came out. Let's face it, the game needed a ton of revisions still. As for the expansion, I would buy it, but I'm not dropping $40 on a game right now. Maybe sometime if it goes on sale.

Edited by samurai nightling
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