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Chick, what you doing?


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Just now, was Mercy Finale. I was on infected, this happened.




Then again...




Infected didn't know what was going on then we saw this before finale ended with charger dodgeball which I thought we all agreed was bannable unless admin was on AND administered a vote to which both teams had to agree upon:





Chick slayed infected team twice. Then attempted to give pts to infected i guess? Because chick asked Yoshi if he got pts but he had already left after the slay and he was on my team which was infected. What was going on? There was nothing said to infected before AND after the slays, people were confused. I was not the only one asking why and you chose to ignore us. I'd like an explanation to your actions because NOTHING was communicated to the infected side, and from our view, it was simply admin abuse.



"You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." when trying to post screenshots from steam links.

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I was on the survivor team when this happened, and no one told the infected this was going to happen. The survivors were losing so they all wanted it to end quick and said nothing about it. I don't know why she slayed the infected twice. People on the infected were saying it was abuse and it does sound like it. But as she said in the screenshot, she tried to balance it by giving the infected points. But at this point I got kicked for my ping and didnt witness the dodgeball part.


On a side note, I really need to make a habit of demoing whenever I play.

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So let me explain. After 4 very long and very hard faught rounds, including trying to balance it, the finale came.


I asked "vote skip", and heard a few ppl say not on our turn. Including yoshi. So we played it out.


It wasnt winnable so I asked my team if they wanted to skip, after hearing and seeing a few ppl type skip. Some of my team said can we just go to the top first. I said sure, let me just slay the infected.


I'm sorry I didn't put it in chat. A vast majority have a liking to go half a finale in a big loss, then want to skip. I figured why not give you guys some points too, while I was trying to read my notes for the point give, my team decided to play dodgeball which I don't allow, but was in my own little world.



I've always been fair, and nice to you guys, we had a little fun. In the future I will let you all know what's going on first. So my bad on that. But also remember if you are dominating a team, and in the finale your team wants to play but only half, let the other half have a little fun too, before we change camps.



TL:DR- I'm sorry, I just wanted to have a little fun, since most people on both teams wanted to skip after the first half. IN the future, should I, which I almost never do, I will let you all know.

Edited by chick82
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In the future, do not disregard the other half of the people playing, that was disrespectful imo because you completely disregarded the rest of us. After you slayed, people on infected were confused and some even left/rage. If you wanted to have "fun" you should have at least told the other half of the people on the server what was going on because we did not know. I still do not see why slaying all infected was necessary for "fun" under any circumstances. And no, not "most" people on both teams wanted to skip. No one on infected talked about skipping. It was dead silent after the slays because we were all like, what is going on???...And you kept refering to yoshi, but he left after the slays and before you asked him, and only him, if he got 50 pts from you. This, I thought was because u wanted to compensate him for kicking him for "griefing" when he was surv in that finale map and did not want to die at the hands of the infected. You asked Yoshi if he got 50 pts rather than asking infected team if we each got 50, which added on to the question of whether this was admin abuse. Rather than doing what you did, skip the finale on the second half if survs don't want to play, else tell surv not to go out til you or another tell infected what's going on.

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I apologized. Clearly nothing I say will make you happy, but I did apologize for mishandling it. And yes before people went out, and right as your half ended a few people on both sides said skip. I didn't disregard anyone, it was meant in good fun, not to help us win, not to cheat, not to do anything to hurt anyone's feelings, or upset anyone. If you want to take it as admin abuse fine, because clearly everything in my previous post means nothing, and so will what I say in this post. I said I was sorry, and said in the future I would be more vocal to both sides. So if that's not good enough for you, I don't know what to tell you.


Btw, I asked yoshi because he's very vocal, and I only referred to him once, figuring he's always actively reading chat, and used his mic, that's why I asked him.

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Not going to comment on this whole thing, just want to emphasise that Chick is still finding her routine when it comes to being an admin. And no offence, but most of you guys aren't exactly low-maintenance to admin for. Cut her some slack, she has the decency to apologize.


There's no big red 'this solves every problem' button for us. It's looking at every option and making a judgement call, wether it comes to someone rushing, teams being stacked or skipping a finale.


Also this


doesn't really help.

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EDIT: Chick isn't allowed to have fun. Ever.



Including yoshi.
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