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thumbs up for this


i played this "VIP" event on a different server before and i think gary did so too O_O. Anyways, an admin turns 1 out of the 9 survivors as the VIP.

objective of the Survivors:

1. Escort the VIP from the start to end

2. Protect/Heal the VIP

3. VIP dies, everyone dies


Infected has one simple objective: kill VIP


in the server i used to play the VIP was helpless, cannot carry/shoot any weapons, cannot use pills/adren etc. and can only be healed by another player's medkit, the infected on the other hand received double points for every damage landed on the VIP, coz the points earned can be saved on the players "bank account for points"


so some suggestions:

1. make VIP immune to Infected Medkit, prefer to be infected from boomer rather than buying the infected first aid kit again and again and again

2. no double points for damage landed on the VIP, not recommend it on this server as 1 infected can easily spawn tank with a few high pounces

3. VIP cannot use pills/adren, as suggested above but can carry items such as fireworks/gascans/gnome/cola etc

4. make VIP use only secondary weapons, no main weapons as suggested above

5. VIP cannot use points but can send points to the team

6. VIP color should be different, they should be all blue or yellow. Or make them wear a hat

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The VIP mod would be independent from the points plugin. I would just disable infected med kits when doing the VIP mod. Also, the VIP would be able to buy stuff, but wouldn't be able to use it, it would just drop so teammates could pick it up.


Instead of just having a VIP for random reasons, the whole background would be that the VIP is the only immune survivor and is the world's last hope for a potential cure to whatever caused the zombie outbreak.

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VIP is the only immune survivor and is the world's last hope for a potential cure to whatever caused the zombie outbreak.

Will Smith's I Am Legend :blink2:


and give the VIP status to a regular, not a random new player

Edited by DownTownYortz
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VIP is the only immune survivor and is the world's last hope for a potential cure to whatever caused the zombie outbreak.

Will Smith's I Am Legend :blink2:


and give the VIP status to a regular, not a random new player

Never even saw the movie or know what it's about...



the VIP would be able to buy stuff, but wouldn't be able to use it, it would just drop so teammates could pick it up


But the VIP doesn't carry weapons right? So how would he be able to buy stuff?

Also, the VIP would be able to buy stuff, but wouldn't be able to use it, it would just drop so teammates could pick it up.

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Sounds like Jackie interested. Maybe the VIP can glow bright Yellow for everyone. ;)

I'd be down for this. Of course I'd have to put a GC/Jackie spin on it.


Please don't give the VIP a car or bus hat









... hehe

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-VIP gets chosen at random when Survivors leave the saferoom. The VIP gets as of now double the health of all the other Survivors (200 HP) and can be changed using a convar (Yes, you can have the VIP be at like 1 health). Once the VIP drops below 100 health, that's it. No more health cushion.

-VIP gets a constant white glow around them at all times.

-VIP can only carry a pistol, deagle, throwables, or other stuff like gas cans, coke bottles, etc.

-If a convar is enabled, the VIP, upon being chosen, starts with a deagle. If the VIP dies, Survivor players have 30 seconds to defib the player or everyone dies. If the VIP gets death charged, too bad so sad. Buying the VIP a respawn won't do anything either. They'll come back, but the timer will still tick down until it hits 0. I could make it so respawns also kill the defib timer, but what fun would that be.

-If a convar is enabled, it chooses GC members only. Can be enabled/disabled using a convar. If the convar is enabled and there are no gc members present, then it just chooses a random player.

-Points system rules apply. If VIP is defibbed, they will still turn black and white.

-VIP can still be infected by a Boomer/Infected Kit. Remember that whole "immune" thing I mentioned earlier? Let's just say it's DNA related.


What I think I might add:

-Option for the chosen VIP to accept becoming the VIP. If declined, a new one will be chosen.

-Whatever comes to mind.

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If the VIP dies, Survivor players have 30 seconds to defib the player or everyone dies.


How about all the survivors start on fire after the 30 seconds and burn to death (extra buffer time and fun)?

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Can we do Friday VIp nights? Starting 8pm est? Please, I so want to do this. :) It changes the game drasticaly. And yes Yortz. I played on a server that had this, but also had a banking system, and during those campaigns, you were awareded double points for completion. Awesome. :)

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I'd like to test this with a few people before I decide to put this on the server. I personally think this is fine since I tested it with bots and it seems to be fine. I'm pretty confident that it's fine anyway.



fine fine fine fine fine fine

Ill test with you. I am available tonight.


I'll test with you guys - just spit out a time and I'll make sure I'm free.

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Give the VIP the Scout Sniper. It's worse than having a single pistol; there's always the very first VIP mod, for Quake @1996, where the VIP had an axe and nothing else. that was brutal.

Edited by Sky
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being the first lab rat, this was fun but I think it's best if majority of players (~16/20) are members and know what's going on, to give pts, etc. New people were confused and didn't help VIP at all, just themselves lol. Also if its in VIP mode, possibly announce with the main objective or something before everyone ready up so they know, or hopefully read it and know what's up.

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