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Vote to remove Bile from buy menu?


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The bile effect on a tank is really strong in my opinion, but i think removing it would be favoring too much to the infected teams. It seems like the only solution is to teach the tanks how to juke around bile bombs...

That's not so easy when there are 5 regulars throwing them all at once. Bile is unavoidable unless the regulars are incapped already. I'm still in favor of the cooldown idea but that's just me.

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The bile effect on a tank is really strong in my opinion, but i think removing it would be favoring too much to the infected teams. It seems like the only solution is to teach the tanks how to juke around bile bombs...

That's not so easy when there are 5 regulars throwing them all at once. Bile is unavoidable unless the regulars are incapped already. I'm still in favor of the cooldown idea but that's just me.



also throw speed is like 10x tank movespeed, not to mention the aoe of the bile effect

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The bile effect on a tank is really strong in my opinion, but i think removing it would be favoring too much to the infected teams. It seems like the only solution is to teach the tanks how to juke around bile bombs...

That's not so easy when there are 5 regulars throwing them all at once. Bile is unavoidable unless the regulars are incapped already. I'm still in favor of the cooldown idea but that's just me.



also throw speed is like 10x tank movespeed, not to mention the aoe of the bile effect


An aoe nerf would also be effective. Or we could slow the throw speed down to that of tank movements lol physics.

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The bile effect on a tank is really strong in my opinion, but i think removing it would be favoring too much to the infected teams. It seems like the only solution is to teach the tanks how to juke around bile bombs...

I await your lessons on how to juke pile.

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The bile effect on a tank is really strong in my opinion, but i think removing it would be favoring too much to the infected teams. It seems like the only solution is to teach the tanks how to juke around bile bombs...

That's not so easy when there are 5 regulars throwing them all at once. Bile is unavoidable unless the regulars are incapped already. I'm still in favor of the cooldown idea but that's just me.



also throw speed is like 10x tank movespeed, not to mention the aoe of the bile effect


An aoe nerf would also be effective. Or we could slow the throw speed down to that of tank movements lol physics.



or make tanks super fast :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the idea that bile can extinguish fire. After being biled, the tank cannot catch on fire for the duration of the bile. It should still take damage if it's walking around in flames, but doesn't catch on fire once its out. It makes the survivors choose between a blind tank or one that takes DOT.


Idk if this is able to be done though.

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I like the status effect idea. Jackie used it back in L4D1. If you want a buff from being biled I would suggest.



Tank: Damage increase x1.2~x1.8


We can go a step beyond and add



Tank: Movement Speed x1.2~x1.8


For when on fire instead of being severely slowed down. To compensate I would suggest somewhere around 15%~25% lower health pool overall. You can already buy 3 Tanks at time (I assume). Though I think map picked Tanks should be unaffected by this or have 5% increase in overall health.


While we're at it, lets add a Drunken Tank for 80points and instead of cement it throws Boomers.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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From what i've read, it seems that bile needs a slight nerf, but not a complete removal. I like this server because it stays true to basic l4d aspects and doesn't have any fancy crap in it like 10x speed boomers, or "special" tanks with more hp or anything and I personally would like it to stay that way. I like having the points gained from booming the tank to be taken away, or making it cost a bit more. Maybe we could vote on it and go from their, just so we can get a more statistical aporthc to this, and see how many people actually want bile to be removed, or for it to be nerfed or to be left alone.

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I like having the points gained from booming the tank to be taken away, or making it cost a bit more.



-Molotov cost now at 6. Up from 5.

-Bile Jar cost now at 6. Up from 5.

-Gas Can cost now at 4. Up from 3.

-Fireworks Crate cost now at 4. Up from 3.



-Removed "Biled Tank" award to see how it goes.

Already ahead of you, lol.

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Is there a way the tank can be bile resistant? like a buy option for infected, once purchased survivors will have to buy something that can get rid of the resistance.

Heard talk of keeping it vanilla so this might be too complex.


Bile is a powerful tool in all situations but I don't think it should be removed, just modified.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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