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maps never played

Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT

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Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT

i jus want ppl to say some maps underplayed that should be good..yhis is my list






and a couple o others but these our my top 4!

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cs_siege- I like to play it some ties cause its olkd skool but not a great map

de_nuke- I dont like the map very much i tend to go to off on my own on it

de_survivor- I love survivor but hey whatever

cs_bank- Great map love it and always will

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

Bank is terrible.. its so one sided it makes me want to throw up. But some people tend to like one sided maps because they tend to be on that one side... <_<



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If ANY map is a disgrace to CS, it's fy_iceworld. It just sucks the fun out of what should be a team-based tactical game. CS wasn't written to see how many headshots you could get before the 10 second avg round time was up.


Here's my skinny on the maps:


cs_siege - well designed, has open spots and tight corridors

de_nuke - can get old after a while but still a great map

de_survivor - one of my favorite maps! What's wrong with it? (And no i don't mean the snow lags your crappy Voodoo 3)

cs_bank - kinda small, but yet another great map. If you think bank is one-sided, then you must wish you've never seen any assault map.

cs_backalley - what CS should be all about. There's nothing like a great shootout in the back hallway of brick building, where you can dodge behind boxes/staircases/turns.

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Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger
Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger
Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger

NUUUUUKKKKKEEEEE nuke rules and we should play it more.

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Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT

wow how could i foprget bout backalley?!?!?!? thats wuz my fdirst ever played map i went in love tiwh it!~!! got my first headshot there...to bad it wuz on my teamate :D (didnt know i would get 20 repleys in 2 days) so speacial

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Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack

backalley is a great map...so is survivor and iceworld is a nice break from the regular stratgey of cs


nuke is the devil!!!!!!!! stupid retail cs i hope u die cs die die die die


seige is ok but that echo sticks with me when i go to the next map


what about vertigo??? i personally take credit for it being put on foxs rotation again


what about the escape maps?? i have never played one but i have heard of them.....they sound fun

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Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger
Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger
Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger

same here Backalley was the first map i ever played, or inferno on low gravity

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I'm with you mack! Vertigo is so underplayed! The only complaint I have about it is when You have the guys running down that ladder in the very beginning. I just don't think that the team spawns should be so close in that way. But other than that, I love it! I'm also of the opinion that we should try out some escape maps, that could be fun.

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