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Teen Pregnancy..


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Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage
I was 20 and my wife was 17 when we had ours.  We're married now and just celebrated our third year married, although we've been together for well over 6 now.  My son, Corbin, just recently turned four and loves guns, cars, video games, and swimming.  We have a dog and a snake.  We all love pizza.  B)

Very good post Mustard.


I do want to say that your post I quoted sounded like my life almost. I was 20 and my wife 17 when we had ours. Been together and married for 6 years. My son is now 4 and loves every thing you posted included pizza. Freakin wierd man. lol


Anyway, I just wanted to comment on that.


Oh yeah, if your kid loves the computer and wants to swim in the deep end even though he doens't know how, then I guess we have the same kid. lol

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Ciao, everyone. If you didn't guess by the name, this is Mustard's wife here, and as he said, the topic of this thread is a little to close home, and I too feel the need to add my two cents worth, even though I think you guys take up entirely too much of my husband's time. j/k :D


First off I'd like to say that I have no opinion on whether abortion is right or wrong. Actually I take that back. I think it can only be "right or wrong" to the person or persons making the decision. Other than that, I don't care. Certainly I don't relish the idea of the whole process; being a mother myself I can't even conceive of hurting a baby, even if it is still an embryo, because its still a baby. But that doesn't mean that I would rule out the option if a situation were to arise where we would need to consider it. And don't give me that crap about giving it up for adoption. Its expensive to have a kid, whether you keep it or not. And think about it. It can't be very easy for a woman to carry a child in her body for nine months, sacrificing for it, being attached to it, and then just giving it up. Don't get me wrong, adoption is a wonderful, wonderful thing for couples that can't have children, but unless there's something terribly off balance with a woman, it can't be easy to let someone take your child from your arms, knowing you'll never see it again, no matter under which circumstances it was conceived.


And Heartless, I'm speaking to you here. I don't know exactly what your story is, but know this: What is ahead of you is very, very difficult. You are going to suffer, you're going to wonder how the bloody hell you got yourself into this, but you're also going to have the most fun you'll ever have in your life. Labor is easy, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's not fun, but it's not hard. It's amazing. And when you hold your baby, and snuggle close, the little jerks and kicks you feel through the blankets are going to feel so familiar..... It will be like coming home. Like I said, you've got a long road ahead of you; I know, I'm still traveling down mine, but I promise you it won't be all bad.


Back to the topic at hand.


I don't believe in God. I don't know what I believe in, and I don't care to figure it out, because I'm not at that point in my life right now but I know I don't believe in God, or Christ, or Yahweh, or Buddha, or any and all other Supreme Being. So therefore, I don't believe in a beautiful place in the sky where I'll go if I'm good, and I don't believe in a fiery pit far underground where I'll be tortured for all eternity if I'm bad. But my beliefs are not in question here.I noted that a lot of you claiming that abortion is indeed a sin hide behind the "fact" that the bible says its wrong. Which is a little puzzling, given that Yahweh specifically sanctioned infanticide more than once in the Old Testament.




"And a tumult will rise among your people, and all of your fortresses will be ruined, just as Shalman ruined Beth-Arbel in a day's battle. Mothers will be dashed to pieces with their sons." Hosea 10:14


"Samaria will be desolated, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword, their infants will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open." Hosea 13:16


"Their infants will be dashed to pieces right before their eyes. Their houses will be ruined and their wives raped." Isaiah 13:16


Then again, nobody really gives a damn what the Bible says anyway. People just take little pieces from the book whenever it suits them, and ignore the rest.


So let's face it: God is not Pro-Life, not by a long shot. If anything, He's the single biggest abortion provider of all time. And He has no qualms about ripping open the stomachs of pregnant women whenever necessary. Hence, people who are categorically opposed to killing unborn babies aren't really doing the Lord's work -- they're just advancing their own agendas.

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not sure we want to get into a debate here but you dissed my beliefs so I hafta explain what you left out.


Isaiah 13:16 is a prophecy of end times. It's refferring to Babylon but Babylon is a metaphor for all of civilization (see Revelation for reference)


God's not saying "I'm gonna do this." he's saying "This is what's gonna happen."



Hosea 10:14 how about we quote the whole verse there:

the roar of battle will rise against your people,

so that all your fortresses will be devastated-

as Shalman devastated Beth Arbel on the day of battle,

when mothers were dashed to the ground with their children

(emphasis mine) (taken from the New International Version.)


Hosea 13:16: you are correct, God said he would punish Isreal (*edit* actually Samaria */edit*) for rebelling against him. This is a pointless argument against someone who doesn't believe in God but don't you think an all-powerful, all-knowing being would be able to discern which ppl needed to be punished? However, you are correct that in this case God did in fact say he would kill babies.

if you want I can continue to look and find out if the punishing of Samaria in that case ever happened.....because someone actually "gives a damn what the bible says"

Edited by Playaa/Pselus
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God's judgment poured out is a bit different than terminating a pregnancy for selfish reasons.


I respect your opinion and beliefs. Please don't disrespect mine just because you do not have a full understanding of it.

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First of I would like to say that I meant no disrespect to anyone, and I'm sorry if I came off that way. When I said that no one really gives a damn, I mean the people who get up there on their high horses and preach about sin as if they've never commited one of any sort. So, come on, don't be so stinking sensative! :huh:

God's judgment poured out is a bit different than terminating a pregnancy for selfish reasons.

Now, I hear all about these selfish reasons. What are they, please tell? Some of you talk about pregnancy ruining a girl's life. I wouldn't say it ruins it, but it makes it damn hard. You may or may not drop out of school. That decision depends on the person. I dropped out because when I was away from my son, I felt empty and useless, and that I had no business anywhere but with him. I also had no one reliable to take care of him. And professional day care is ungodly expensive. Please bear in mind now, that, being a woman and a mother, I speak from experiance.

At first I wanted nothing more than to abort the baby as soon as humanly possible, because I was terrified. You can't imagine- well, some of you can. I was finally at the point where I was less interested in screwing up, and more interested in my future, and that felt good. Then this kid came along, and I can't even stand children! :blink::= But thankfully Mustard talked me out of it, and even though its a daily struggle even 4 years later, I wouldn't change it for the world.....Getting pooped on and spit-up and thrown-up on and all.

But see, when something like this happens, and people have to decide what to do, the future comes to mind, does it not? And having a general idea what lays ahead, maybe its too much for them to deal with. Yeah, it doesn't fit into their life plan. They should be able to make the decision without people on high horses telling them their reasons are selfish. I'm sorry, but it's not one bit selfish to want to live your life. Its not selfish to want to have career and stability before you bring a child into the world. Or to tear down anything in your path to that goal. Yeah, I know thats brutal, but this is a brutal world.

Once again I'm truly sorry if I offended ya'll with anything I said. But, I was just speaking my mind, and I wasn't refering to anyone in particular.

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My issue was with your general comments regarding God (et al the other diety names listed) and making comments regarding these beliefs/religions when it was obvious that you just had a brief surface knowledge of them. I know your intent wasn't to be insensitive or rude. It's just that some people's lives are devoted to these things and what to you might be a small thing is not to the next person.


I also focused most of my statements in this thread toward abortion and not teen pregnancy for the simple fact that only in the last 100 years or so is it seen as "bad" for women under the age of 18 to get pregnant. It used to be, by 18, a woman had a few kids and was running her whole household already.


As for my comment regarding "selfish reasons". I made this comment to help show the difference between what you referred to as infantcide in the bible and a woman choosing to terminate a pregnancy. A large percentage of abortions are made for selfish reasons, meaning the woman makes the decision based on her wants and desires and does not take into consideration the fetus. Some of the reasons I have heard are "I want a career before a child", "husband and wife relationship doesn't need a child at this time", for teens "it will ruin my life", "Can't afford a child right now", etc.


I don't agree with abortion and definitely don't agree with the argument that "It's the woman's body so it is her choice" cuz the fetus is NOT her body but I also understand how it could be a consideration some times. Some of the circumstance that I can think of would be in the case of rape or the mother/baby's life is at risk if pregnancy goes to full term. I personally would counsel strongly against it at all costs but I will also not condemn a person who makes that choice. More often than not, that person is in a tough enough situation at that point in their lives that they need all the support they can get and not condemnation.

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you didn't really offend me....but I can't be unsensitive in this world.....crappy Christians make sure that I never get to hear the end of how "pathetic" and "high and mighty" Christians are...


anyway....I can't speak for dweez, but in my opinion it IS selfish to abort the baby. If the child is a mistake the consequences still need to be dealt with. That's the biggest problem with our world....no one wants to deal with the consequences of their actions. You and Mustard did and you are happy you did now. Dealing with the consequences makes us stronger, better ppl. You said yourself, it's a brutal world...ppl should think of these things before making an important decision like whether or not to sleep together.


basically with me it comes down to, you (that's a general 'you' not a specific) had the choice of your actions.....now deal with what your actions caused.

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Wow, I turn my back on this thread for a couple of weeks and look at what happens! <looks around for Shadow Slayer>


It looks like Must (and Mrs. Must...hello cutie) got things back on track here more or less. I hope that anymore political/philosophical debates can be moved elsewhere if they flame up again?


Having said that...

Mr.Mustard Posted: Jul 28 2003, 04:33 PM


(gOOters @ Jun 21 2003, 07:53 PM)

Teen pregnancy happens, it is what happens afterwards that makes the distinction between it really being a sin or not. We all sin, a better question is: What do you do about it!?


I liked your post gOOters, but one question. How can teen pregnancy be deamed a sin dependent on the actions of the teen. Wouldn't the sin be, not teen pregnancy, but the actual actions and decisions during the pregnancy and after the birth?


Good point Must...that paragraph didn't read well. My point was that teen pregnance happens...being pregnant certainly isn't a sin. Pre-marital sex is a sin, IMO, since I am a Christian. But, I have done it...and not having gotten anyone pregnant in my sorted past is just my dumb luck I guess. I also think that abortion is a sin, IMO as a Christian.


I really don't like to come and hi-jack a thread, and I hope that is not what I am doing. I SURE AS HELL am not about to come and preach about right and wrong...because I have screwed up many many times, and I probably will again too :rolleyes: So, please don't think I am being preachy with my response...the point of my post was to say..."hey, if you're pregnant...that's just a fact at this point. Now whatchu gonna do? It's up to you!"


Also, kudos to the Mustard family...sounds like you two went through a really tough time and are now at the point where you can look back and feel really good about your lives and the life of your child...you definately made the right choice for yourselves.


Heartless...how is life?

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Pregnate at 15, huh Heartless.....? Thats pretty young if you ask me. Heck I dont know what Id do if I got my gf pregnate... Im too young for children and we would need to quit our schooling to pick up jobs to support the new born. Thats tough, good luck with it! I hope things do turn out well for you.

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Wow, I turn my back on this thread for a couple of weeks and look at what happens! <looks around for Shadow Slayer>

ok ok ok im back. sorry i havnt been keeping a close enough eye on this forum ive been very busy lately and just havnt had time but i will make time from now on.








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quoting heartless from the other topic...


I have a bit of memory loss, but i can't tell if its from drugs or the concussions.. but I'm fine!


If your still partying, you definatly dont need a kid!!!


Also, about pressing charges for rape.. someone please answer me a question... the law in CT is that if a child (thats the way the law puts it.) under the age of 16 has intercourse inwhich the actor is over 2 years older its rape. Class B Felony. Minimum 9 months in jail, unable to be suspended or reduced by the court.


Please answer me these questions... My boyfriend is 2 years 6 months and 3 days older then me, but socially, we are the same age. He was a senior in highschool while i was a sophomore, this happens ALL the time. How can a law be put on this? Can they honestly expect kids who are only 2 years and blah blah months apart to get to the point of sex and go "oh wait no, this is illegal" come on.

Also, i read up on why this law was put into place. To prevent teenage pregnancy (well too late) and young mothers on welfare.... well if my boyfriend goes to jail the only way I can keep my baby is if i go on welfare.. isn't this against the point?!


Another intresting piece of information.. Connecticut is the only state in which if the parents do not press charges and know about it, they can get arrested as well. I guess I chose the wrong state huh?

wow heartless darling you sure do get quoted a lot :) ok well i was just reading you earlier post and i have a very strong opinion about those laws........ the only two reasons that the united states goverment was founded was to 1. defend the people living there from outside invasion and 2. to protect the peoples rights. in my opinion our goverment has far exceeded the boundaries placed upon it by the founding fathers. in other words they are meddeling in things that are absolutely none of there buisiness now some things are good. such as welfare for unwed moms and so on but on the other hand you have the goverment regulating how parents discipline there own kids in there own homes. (just an example) i know that the goverment is not going to get anything but more restrictive as time goes on but it does slightly tick me off. most people dont agree with this but hey its my opinion and im the moderator so BUG OFF :P


ok theres my 2 cents worth. thats what i think you can think whatever you like.






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i completely agree with you, like i say to my friends almost every day "America is land of the free, but there is a law against everything."


Next thursday (21st) I hopefully will find out if my baby is a girl or a boy! Yey! Unless the baby is stubborn again (hm.. where did it get that from? :P ) Last time the baby was face down with its legs closed and wouldn't let us see! Wish me luck 8P)

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Ok I started to do this nice little post, but I've decided to rip a few "new ones" and do my own bit of "flaming" which I rarely do.  This subject and the topics covered within this thread are very close to home and I feel an urge to expound on them severely.
















jeffeboy,Jun 22 2003, 09:25 PM]I am a teen and I have a say in hear and beleive me I have alot to say about it...


When your teen pregancy is going to change your life. You will be having fun maybe having sex and thinking nothing is going to happen, and one day your with your girlfriend and she says she pregnant. In that perspective you would feel very scared and right away say "abortion." See, pregancy for teens is scary and wrong because you need to know when the right time is. Another perspective to the girl is... Is he going to stick with me.. Is he going to run away and act like he didn't do anything... But yes its going to be scary for both parents because of the pregnancy. I myself think about sex but know its not the right thing to do...

One thing about abortion is it is a sin and pregnancy is a sin when teen because you are taking someones life and you are being stupid enough to know your wrong. Pregancy will effect the family, you, your partner, and mostly everyone you know and that trust in you.


Please dont take this the wrong way jeffeboy, but please by all means get hooked on phonics or something that will help you with your grammar and writing skills. I would comment on this post, but the 4th grader that wrote it seams to have alot of insite for his grade level. I urge you to read this post outloud and to record yourself doing it. When you are done, replay it and hopefully you will see how absolutely uneducated you make yourself out to be.

Your totally right about how much uneducated I make my self out to be.. But Guess what you would never know that I have short term memory :P <--Not a lie either :mellow:

My Grammer isn't very good and my vocabulary is very well short, because I can't think of the right word to say. When I look at it I don't see a error because I think its alright because I wrote it ;) . I do get A's, B's, and C's but I have to study for hours. I don't take your Statement in offense but whats wrong with keeping feeling about me with in :) .j/k I like your post ill keep an open mind out!


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Guest Inferno
Guest Inferno
Guest Inferno

laugh at him, lmao jeffe knows nothing! muahahah! :P

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