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Crazy Teachers/Professors


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Just curious about who has some wierd teachers or professors...I know I do...


I have a 79 year old English 102 Professor named George Adams JR....YES his father is STILL alive as well!!!


The first day of class he walked in, gave us a syllabus, and then proceeded to tell us that we needed to purchase a book that belonged in the category "we all know well....the piece of 'poop' category" - of course he said the naughty word, and everyone laughed....7 minutes after class started...it was over. Took me 18 minutes to WALK there, and 18 minutes to WALK back. Class was about 1/5th the time it took to even get there...figure that out :zombie:


:fatty: Gunny :fatty:

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When I was a Freshman in college... Here are a few teachers from my "Mythology" 150 teacher. I put Mythology in quotes because it was more of a messed up religious fanatic class as oppossed to Mythology. Anyways without further ado here are some stories:


Teacher holds up a piece of greenish-blue paper. He holds it next to a piece of blue paper. Of course the human eye then detects the greenish-blue paper as being more green compared to the blue paper. He now holds the greenish-blue paper next to a piece of green paper. This makes us percieve the paper to be blue. The teacher then says: "The paper is alive". At this point everyone in the class is like wth. He then goes on to explain how the paper is adapting to its environment and evolving and this is what scientists define as life. Anyways I applied to drop the class that day :P


Before I got out of the class I also heard stories about how people could cure any disease over the internet because the people could manipulate the magnets inside your computer to utilize their healing power and heal over the internet. This coming from the teacher that didnt own a computer, tv, or microwave.


He also once talked about the rings of power and how there were magical rings throughout the world and whoever wore them would gain special powers from them.


There were other stories but I cant think of them off the top of my head. I was in the class a total of 2 weeks.

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#1 Welcome to college....I had Criminal Justice 101, I went the first day, took the mid term, and showed up for the final...got an A....I love college 3 days out of my semester. The worst professor I had was a black man from British Colombia that had a HEAVY french accent, as well as his front 6 teeth missing so he also spoke with a HEAVY lisp...he taught accounting.....kept talking about "Reversing Coffee"???? I dunno didnt pass that class...I could barely understand him....Can anyone please explain what reversing coffee consists of???.....this was about 7 years ago, and I am still bewildered.

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Alright lemme give you a background of my education life. Basically all my teachers have been great, until i came to college.


I'm in a community college in the city i live in (#1 ranked college in Ontario). Ok first year Telecommunications was a joke. This year is looking similar to last year.


I have a maht Prof who's an alcoholic (though he won't admit it). He's the laziest teacher i've ever seen. All our homework was multiple choice. Our exams were open book, open notes, graphing calculators allowed....and multiple choice of course. He would even tell us he's lazy. We had to correct him constantly (and still do) cuz he's just dumb.


Second teacher, she has a degree in Telecomm and she's going for her P.eng degree. This teacher is partly deaf. It's really hard to talk to her even when you're really close to her. She cannot teach, i had her teaching me Engineering skills and microprocessing, once again the class had to correct her every so often because she'd confuse herself.


3rd teacher, taught me Digital Circuits. This teacher was from India and his English was very poor. It was hard to understand what he was saying, and even worse trying to copy notes in class. In the labs he would never help us, he would just be like, ok do it over again, he wouldn't help troubleshoot and basically he was useless.



that's all i got

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My U.S. History from 1945-Present professor is awesome. He gets a little off track.. er I mean a lot off track all the time, so basically we learn in circles. But he does the best impersonations ever. We were talking about Castro and him being a "closet communist" before he got in to power. He walks around a sec then does the motion of opening a sliding door, waves and in the happyest voice he could manage says, "Hi, I'm a flaming Commie. And that's basically how it happened." He also did his impersonation of Arnold doing an action movie at 70 years old.

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Yea my pysc teacher is weird. 1st day she talked about how her little kid would run around the house with his 'male organ' in his hand. Then she talked about how she will be late to class everyday and she dismissed us like 10min into the class the first day. Then next class she goes on and on for 20min about how a fetus has a sex drive. such an odd teacher...

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Fetus... Sex Drive.... :huh::o that's wrong.... One of my friends prof. started saying stuff as they were leaving (after a discussion about accidents, helmets and the like) like, "be careful this weekend, have a safe one, etc etc." Then she says, "And if you plan on having sex, USE A CONDOM! Remember ladies, 'No glove, no love!'"

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There was a teacher at the high school where Mustard and I went that was a total wacko. She had a couple of dogs and they were her life. She would actually call home in the middle of the day, and if the dogs didn't knock the reciever off the hook, she would go home and check on them. She also hung litmus paper from the vents in her classroom, convinced that someday someone would try to pump poison gas through the air ducts. So one day some people hung blue strips up to replace the paper, and she freaked out and evacuated the classroom.


My French teacher was really funny, too. She was so easily sidetracked, all we would have to do was say something to make her laugh, and that was it for the day. To this day, I don't know a lick of French. She would also say that "little girls get pregnant from smiling at the little boys...Don't smile at that boy! You'll be in labor by lunch time!"


When I got pregnant, and had to tell her about it, she asked me what happened, and I said, " I smiled at a little boy."

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My 8th grade tech ed teacher was the weriest guy ever. He didnt know what he was talking about or what he was saying most of the time. But the weirdest thing happened.


I needed a new manilla folder to keep this lab we were doing in, so I approached the teacher, who was a fat white guy in his 60s. He was doing what he normally did during class, after telling us what to do he sat behind his desk reading a magazine with a pair of earmuffs the people who work on the runways at airport wear. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and stared at me like I was crazy or a ghost or something. Then he took off his earmuffs and i asked him for a manilla folder. He threw his hands into the air violently and said and i quote seriously "huffobalababa!" hands me a folder and continues reading.


I was pretty freaked out lemme tell you. He retired the next year, i think he had finally lost it.

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Ha...that looks like a "fish" post Gunny! Welcome to college!!!!!!! Probably the greatest time of my life was college (I just graduated). You will find that there are many many wierdo professors at your University, Gunny. Alot of strange people are attracted to being college professors, funny enough, the psych profs tend to be the nuttiest of them all.

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