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Comments/Opinions on 1.6?

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Anyone have any outstanding comments/opinions/rants/raves/etc. they need to get off their chest?


I personally think it plays and looks like some of the older versions of cs. 7.1 perhaps? I dunno. Just got that feeling. I only played on cobble, and a few rounds of italy and office. I found the new guns to help round out the choices. They still havent fixed my pet peeve... the starting pistol choices. I did like the shield, other than the fact that it stops everything. I do like how it slows you down when the shield is hit though. And I feel that this will add a lot of strategy to preventing hostage rescue. So in all I guess I really like the gameplay so far. Seems a bit smoother.


My only complaints are not being able to move while buying. Crouching while climbing now slows you and is silent, which can be good and bad. Umm, that would be all in the dislikes as far as gameplay.


I really love the new console setup! I love it. :wub: I have always thought you should be able to access the server list without leaving the game. Also I learned that you can type the name of a weapon in console to buy it. Open the console at spawn and type 'deagle' 'm4a1' 'mp5' each will buy the corresponding gun for you. This makes binding buy keys sooo much easier. The menu's also add to the "classic" cs look I thought.


The main thing I do not like is the time it takes to connect to servers now. This could just be my slow piece of poo computer, but it takes me 2x as long, or so it seems to me. Maybe I am just too impatient.


Overall I guess I could say that I am impressed with the changes and really do like them.

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I love it! I love change! My first game I was trying to run around a guy with a shield and got pelted by his teammates.


Another game, me and 5 other ct's took shields and protected one of our guys with a rifle. HILARIOUS!


I too like the gui, although the delay to join is a bit much. We'll have to live with that.


It's going to be great! Mantis can't take traffic like that...we've proved that before. I found a nice server and my ole klinker ran it just as well as she does 1.5 minus a couple fps.

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Nope, WON is shutting down, that means that the WONid dependancy of beta - 1.5 is over. If you try to use 1.5, then you get a "LAN server can only be accessed by a Local client" type message, which means that 1.5 isn't even recongnized as a valid format... :( Goodbye 1.5 and hello Steam :yuck:

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I dont think this is much different that any other version of CS. Did they add any new maps? The changes to some of the maps is a nice touch. But what is bothersome is the lack of recoil on the new weapons. The way I see it, the AK is lacking value considering the defender is a pretty nice gun that has zero recoil. I think they are trying to get the weapons more "newbie" friendly. The way the game looks is a bit different, it takes time to get used to it. All in all, I didn't think it was that much different. I guess the best way to guage that is that I stopped playing after about 30 minutes. It definitely isn't something that'll give me a surge of CS interest all of a sudden.



- Shield adds new dimension to the game

- New menu system is incredibly good.

- New map touches are nice



- T's should have been given a shield as well. An extra item of that sort will probably give the CT's an extra advantage over T's, on any map once ppl starting understanding how its used.

- Gameplay (movement and animation seems to have went backwards)

- no recoil rifles == spray headshots; less cool firefights since they seem to end much quicker now (minus the shield).

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I for one dont like the shields at all. I think this is due in part to my changing attitude toward CS. Lately I have found myself just hopping on for a few minutes to fill that fragging need. I have little patience to "camp" but just want to jump right in there and shoot something. But I find it very frustrating to come up on a shield and have to hold my fire. And if you have two guys with shield your practically doomed. Cause while your looking at the one and holding your fire because if you run you clip out your doomed, the other one can open up and start pegging you. Just totally frustrates me when I want to run and shoot something


Maybe if you couldnt move with your shield up, or if if would lessen the damage or if you could shoot through their peek hole it would be ok. But to totally block everything is a bit much.

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I love 1.6, I love steam, great menus and much more user friendly.


I do agree with rev though, the shield does need to be nefed, my idea would be it taking damage, like having 300 HP or something. In the right hands... a guy with a shield/deagle can probobly take out 3 ak'ers.

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i as well like the change i really hate the steam part of it taking 3 to 5 min to get in the game but oh well such as life also the options are quite bette as in choices of 16 bit or 32 bit for the higher end cards and the mouse sensitivity telling u what it is and the console is actually readable now on the in game side the maps look alot better and the new guns and shield rock and finally iu think the hit boxes are just a scoche better i can actually kill now before i get headshotted i actually had a positive score ratio woot woot maybe just maybe thios will make we want to play more :)

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Haven't played 1.6 Gold yet (still downloading) but in the beta, you could actually shoot through the Shield but for drastically reduced damage and , IIRC, the peekhold didn't protect anything. So...is the Shield complete impenetrable now?

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Well, all I can say on the shield is that with the right strat and a deagle, I took out 3 t's on italy, each with rifles. It is a bit too much if you ask me. I was under the impression that it would only stop 9mm bullets and reduce damage from higher powered rifles.

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double thumbs up from Zeabos!!!!!! :peace:


I love the riot sheild, i drop my awp for it.


I like steam, its pretty stable for me, although i had some trouble registering and when i first joined, but sincce then its been good!I connect twice as fast with steam, which i like, and my favorites list is cool.


De_airstrip its pretty fun although its very hard to see pepole


Love the gameplay changes, I pulled a riot sheild bridge rush with an awper, stopped in middle of bridge and strafed back and forth while my friend picked off the CTs.

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I agree with Rev, the game is now imbalanced due to the shield. I heard a rumor that CAL is banning the shield for league play, if this is true, I guess Rev and I aren't the only ones thinking the shield causes imbalance.


Think about it for maps like de_aztec, which is completely a CT map. Toss in a couple of riot shields and it'll be a wonder if T's can win a round during league play.

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