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Most movies stink. You would think that with budgets of millions of dollars that they could do some really good stuff. But as a general rule, at least 90% of movies are mediocre at best.


But my favorite movie of all time...




Dont laugh.


Ok, go ahead and laugh.


The movie has a great setting (the farm) that is quaint, romantic and has a whole new social structure to enjoy being developed (its like movies that invent a new world as opposed to movies that just perpetrate an existing and familier world. Case in point is The Matrix compared to its sequels). Its plot has all of the requiered movements. The cinematography is a knotch above most movies. The humor is actually funny (the duck quacks me up.. sorry) and the ending is refreshingly triumphant! And it has one of those seens where you can watch it over and over and it still mists your eye cause it is chock full of emotion and good feelings (the farmer's dance).


Having kids I get to appreciate a lot more movies than just action or drama. And a well done kids movie is so hard to come by, but when you get one it makes you feel like a kid again.

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But it's about a talking pig...and talking farm animals...and the most violence it has in it is when the pig gets picked up kind'a rough...and please do not discuss "romance" and a "farm setting" as a good thing :D

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Guest the.rev
Guest the.rev
Guest the.rev

gladiator makes me feel better... and i like to watch.. blow..


o ya auggy when you went on your rant about lotr did that make anysense at all? lol i think somewhere in there you started talking about matrix or something. and phyzer ... please loooooooseee the CAPS man geez! other then that good pics guys!

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dude my lotr did make sense your just not as smart as phyz and me. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!


but to make you happy ill put it in short form.


In the LOTR why the heak is everyone scared if they had already beat sauron's (sorry if i mispell) whimpy butt

before. I saw the directors cut 2 weekends ago and in it the king cuts off this saurons finger and the ring goes free.

He's (the king) is supposed to destroy the ring but keeps it instead till finally it ends up in the hands of bilbo.


So if the bad guy had the ring before and got his your know what whooped like a red headed step child. Why not whoop it again!





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Auggy, the last time they defeated Sauron, there was a huge, massive war where the Elves, Humans, and Dwarves all teamed up against Sauron's forces. At the currently LOTR time, a lot of the Elves have already gone "West" and the number of humans and dwarves is not what it was before. Another such battle against Sauron would not end in his defeat.

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The reason he don't go after the ring is cause he doesn't know where it is. All he knows in the third movie/book is that a hobbit has the ring. Doesn't know which one or the location of that hobbit, just that one of the lil' hairy-footers have his ring. That's why Frodo doesn't just put on the ring and become invisible and waltz right up to mount doom. He can't use it or sauran knows exactly where he is.

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Phyz, I know I worded it weird, just a bit tired and trying to be brief.


Auggy, Lance's answer was pretty good. Sauron didn't know where the ring was. He could sense it if it was to be worn but not like "Oh, someone put it on and he is right THERE". More like tracing a call. Someone puts it on and he senses it and sends his Ring Wraiths after it. The longer the ring is worn, the more he could pinpoint it. But Frodo was warned against wearing it. That is why the draw of the ring is stronger nearer Sauron's mountain. It wants Sauron to find it so the closer Frodo gets to Sauron the more the ring trys to get Frodo to put it on.

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Guest the.rev
Guest the.rev
Guest the.rev

dweez he said get it right cuz he never asked about going for the ring.. he said why doesnt he just attack without it //// read guys read. I would assume its because he doesnt have enough power w/o the ring....

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No, because Sauran thinks that the humans/elves/dwarves and such might use the ring against him if he did that. You see, according to Gandalf, the war between orcs/urakai and humans/elves/dwarves is nothing more than a distraction. A carefully planned ploy to keep Sauran's eye away from Frodo and the ring. They keep Sauran guessing whether or not they will use the ring, and he's waiting on the time that it's used so he can see where it is. Now he doesn't wanna send all his huge army and all that, or even a large portion of it against a single place without knowing whether or not the ring is there. Sauran wants ultimate power, which means a big army, when he could have a big army and a dammed good ring, isn't good enough. He needs it all. It's the classic bad-guy syndrome. "I'm absolutely corrupted, so I need absolute power"

Edited by lance
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ok I just looked at that Top 50 Guy movies list...and all I can say is I must not be a typical guy because I actually enjoy movies with a plot and some acting. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy explosions and stupid humor too...but there were ALOT of movies I'd have either moved up or that they didn't even include (I mean they didn't even have 1 Alien film in there)

they DID however have The Great Escape...one of the absolute best movies of all time.

They didn't have BRAVEHEART!


I have no respect for them now...those 3 movies are easily in the top 5 best of all time


and they didn't have WATERSHIP DOWN!!!

by far one of the best movies evAR!


(and I'm almost being entirely serious on that too)

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please dont cut me short on the movies. I mentioned alien and forest! others mentioned braveheart which I thought was alright. I actually like glory more than brave heart. As for Great Escape....excelent movie. I still think The good the bad and the ugly is Tops along with cool hand luke. But anyhow


Now concerning LOTR. READ guys! Rev is right. Rev I thought that too but if thats the case than that means hes too weak to take the earth so Gandalfs an idiot for not attacking. If he needs the ring then kill his army before he gets it.

So the whole argument of..."the humans dwarfs and elves are weaker this time" it tossed since he cant take them. I realize the last sentence will take some of you quite some time to figure out the math but you will.


Heres my plan if I'm Gandalf.

1) Destroy the orcs before he gets the ring.

2) give him the ring after his armys destroyed.

3) blanket party

4) cut off the finger

5) destroy the ring


Too easy

Edited by auggybendoggy
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