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Everything posted by Gunman

  1. Gunman


    If you want a player vs. player server we have about 5 community guys on the Stormreaver server. You would be automatic guild invite since you are also a community member. Gunny
  2. Made a clan called "=dt=>" a while back with DOH Hitman and Bullet-401 (we went to high school together) Correlated all of our names after that clan broke up when we found this awesome community. I also now use Tehbantha (random generated name for SWG and I rode banthas around all day with the Defenders of Monkeys like m0m, kurtz, and THX) Ahhhh such good times...
  3. I am from Gadgetzan, Tanaris, Kalimdor. I am a goblin.
  4. Go Brewers! Ummm...yes...I am foolish...
  5. Ran temple for the first time tonight...took 5 hours because we did it with a level 48 (me) and 49(toka) and 2 others for the most part.... Had a great time though Still lovin' the game.... NIGHT!
  6. Sorry to hear this g00t... Let me know if ya need anything - more than happy to help you out Gunny
  7. I have a problem with the bolded. Its no cursing at all or no playing on our server... Its like saying "I will try my best to unban you..." (I can't do it btw too noob ) Gunny
  8. Taran Icebreaker purchased for 205g. Resold in 30 minutes for 250g.... Gift of the Wild 2 Book purchased for about 50g. Resold 30 minutes later for 240g. I am a dirty dirty Pally
  9. John Tyler (7th President of the United States) since I am related to him. Would like to know what he thinks of todays USA and what he would do differently. Want to know what my family was like back then too - I am in a direct line of ancestory with him. Gunny
  10. Looted Wall of the Dead tonight...lol... Made about 35g per hour running SM by myself...LOL
  11. What have you LOOTED? and What have you BOUGHT? Me? I am a level 43 Paladin - I have 503g as we speak - engineering is amazing for cash if you know what you are doing I bought The Dazzling Longsword, The Green Tower(Shield), and The Boots of Avoidance. I am currently still using all of these at level 43. I LOOTED my first tonight. The Stockade Pauldrons(shoulders)...level 50 Plate shoulders...very nice! Well? What do you have?
  12. Gunman

    Why no profanity?

    All I want to say is - these rules have been in place since our servers went live. Have been, always WILL be. No point in arguing as to WHY there is no swearing - since it is CLEARLY stated in our rules. Basically - asking why you can't swear is like asking why you can't go around naked in public. Its offensive to some, but not ALL. We figure that less people would be offended by NO swearing than by allowing swearing - therefore we are looking out for the greater good I would like to think. Personal opinion - don't bother trying to convince me or many people that make these rules - because we make them for a reason. We want to promote a fun gaming environment - and hearing people swearing all day and night just isn't fun. You know it too. Gunman (Tehbantha)
  13. The ones with the reflective screen have what is called "Tru-brite" or "X-brite" depending on the brand you purchase. Basically it uses a different outer layer on the LCD to make the crystals appear to be closer together and have better color - even though in reality behind that layer everything is the same as a regular monitor.
  14. <--- level 41 Paladin...and I know the pain of watching alliance LET us lose by walking away from a fight we could WIN....
  15. <---Wisconsin here...listen to them too...hehe
  16. prolly got wasted and picked up some chicks...wait...that is everyday =P Happy Bday Red
  17. I LOVE m0m! <3 You stinky wookiee you
  18. Happy birthday! Have a good one!
  19. Wisconsin - along with Knathrak, ShadowSeraph, and Rashad. Gunny
  20. I manage to hold my own against them... Then again I am completely overpowered and am clearly a God. (A Paladin of course!)
  21. Well I will be the first to inform you that if you want to be taken seriously around here threatening the people that banned you wont get you anywhere. So - you have 2 choices - repost after reading the rules of the gotbanned forums. OR go away, your attitude stinks. Tehbantha
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