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Everything posted by stutters

  1. Anyone know who that weird old guy is that just walked in wearing socks with sandals?
  2. bro do you even lift?
  3. If you do look at Irving Park, stay closer to Western than Cicero. That puts you further from the Blue Line, but closer to the nice parts. How's the apartment hunt going? When I moved there, the market was insanely competitive. It was rare to view an apartment and be the only person there. I had a couple places get rented before I could get back to the car and get my checkbook. I ended up using Chicago Apartment Finders. They're worse than the most terrible used car salesman, but they got me into a place. Just go into it expecting a high pressure conman showing you places. You could try Padmapper (or Craigslist), but the number of fake posts will drive you insane. Due to that, I wouldn't limit yourself to one specific neighborhood unless you've got plenty of time on your side. I'm jealous. I miss Chicago. Have fun over there!
  4. Did this get posted somewhere else already? Just heard about it today from ProductHunt and thought you all might be into it. http://www.lootcrate.com/
  5. Still? sir von stutters chairman and executive director of lunk fan club
  6. FTFY Will you have a car? Have you ruled out living in Franklin Park? Do you have any other friends living in the area? I like Logan Square and Lincoln Park, but the bigger the city, the longer it takes to get around. If you can, try to live near where you're going to be spending most of your time.
  7. I was a big supporter of this until I saw the trekking poles. Where's your AARP card? No rain pants? Shoes?
  8. Congrats, man. You're in for a journey.
  9. 4pm might work. It's right after my mid day nap but before my evening shows come on.
  10. Now would be a good time to mention we no longer work with Xbox
  11. You might also like Big Ups! [utube]r8VQ7iCF3LY[/utube] Maybe not, though.
  12. Just let it got, Fatty. Let it got. (the t is silen)
  13. First, I didn't think you seemed ungrateful, just reminding you to keep things in perspective. I know you said first world problems, but that kind of adds insult to injury. Some people live in a "first world" and would kill for these kinds of problems. For example, the kids of Harper High School featured on "This American Life." If you have some time to spare, I'd really recommend listening to it. It's powerful stuff. (Links to part one and part two). If you think about it, I mainly live alone. While my house is technically under my 22 year old brothers name, he's never home as he is pursuing a graduate degree in college. So of I go to Princeton, live would be pretty much the same. I also don't like living alone, I'm a relatively sociable person and I like to talk a lot, which is why some of you guys get annoyed on the server when I type so much lol samurai also brought up a great point. It's not the idea of "living alone," but the idea of being a "commuter student" that doesn't live in the dorms. You'll make life long friends in the two years you spend living in dorms. Living on campus means you eat together, sleep together, work out together, study together and have fun together. No matter where you go, I'd strongly suggest living on campus for at least one year -- especially if you're saving $200k by not going somewhere else.
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