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Everything posted by Metallurgic

  1. Im not a big fan of wireless mice, so I can't really recommend the g7. I don't even use the weights on my g5.
  2. Ugh! I wouldnt want to use any of that, even in a bind. With that said, I just reseated my chipset and CPU with thermal grease. I used Dynex silver thermal compound. I can't really give you a good indication of temps, because I removed 3 fans from my case that same night to quiet down my pc. Still runs cool though. 34c at idle.
  3. I love spinach, but havent eaten any since the contamination. I have noticed that places like Subway no longer have spinach.
  4. I can answer a couple general questions, but nothing in-depth. 1. First of all, for ATI, it is called Crossfire, and you need a certain motherboard and chipset to do Crossfire. 2. You need to check if your card is Crossfire Compatible. If it is, get the EXACT card that you have. Any subtle differences may compromise performance and reliability, no matter what anyone else says. 3. My friend has the newest Beta of Vista, and for the OS alone, it uses almost 512mb of ram. I doubt you will need more than 2 gigs if you are a gamer. It's not out of the realm of possibility though. 4. My personal suggestion is to wait for Vista to come out before buying your video setup. Direct x 10 cards are on their way, and if you spend your money on a Direct x 9 card now, you won't be able to take advantage of the new technology in newer games like Crysis. 5. New video cards (like the x1950xtx) have insane memory clocks (2000mhz) that will absolutely destroy most peoples sli and crossfire setups. This card is still directx 9, but it just gives you an idea of what's in store. This is what I plan on doing. Just hold out a little longer (I know it's hard) before upgrading.
  5. If you are a gamer, I would stay away from wireless mice. You don't want to get lag-a-mouse while you are at a lan party, or even interference from others that might have a similar mouse. I use the g5, and its great. The adjustable DPI is the best feature by far.
  6. I would never get an ipod because of: Proprietary audio format Needs iTunes Hardly any features Expensive Short battery life I will have to do some research on the Zune; I have never heard of it.
  7. If only engine bays were really that clean. Nice car though. Im glad that they are bringing it back, but I really want to see a new trans am. Im not so sure about the retro styling. I like it, but id rather stick with something similar to the last gen Trans ams.
  8. I would come if it were a little closer. Might I suggest an overflow list of a few people, just in case people cant make it.
  9. They will be around for a while. Think about it, its one of the most used AMD sockets right now. With dual core support, it will be around for a while. Just expct the selection to diminish within the next 6 months as new technology is released. Heck, socket A's are still being sold.
  10. Put the bunny......back in the box.
  11. I have the normal eclipse, and I wouldn't buy it again. The reflection from the monitor makes it impossible to see the letters when lit, so I always leave it off. Waste of money.
  12. I was a sophmore in High School, and an announcment came over the speaker system informing us about the crash. Oddly, 9/11 has more of an impact on me now than it did back then. I heard a phone conversation between an emergency operator and a man stuck on the 105th floor when it collapsed. It almost made me sick to my stomache. A salute to all the brave rescue workers who died in the line of duty.
  13. First I would driver cleaner your omega drivers, and install the up-to-date ATi Drivers. Next, I would reseat your video card (as mentioned above). If that doesnt work, try reinstalling CS:S.
  14. I am thinking about this exact monitor. The only complaint I have is that some games (Older games) don't support that resolution. This makes me want to play it safe and go with a 19" normal aspect LCD.
  15. A copy of x64 came in a package from the university of Akron that cost 20 bucks. Included both 32 bit and 64 bit editions. The only reason that im not using the x64 edition is that I couldnt find wireless drivers that worked with x64. Now that im not using wireless, I should try it out.
  16. Are the chipset drivers installed properly? Run a driver cleaner and re-install the latest video drivers. That might be a start.
  17. Even if you don't end up needing the cd keys, the game(s) may not run correctly, as they were not installed properly. Some games (i have heard) can be zipped up, and then transfered, unzipped, and still work. It all depends on if they need to be in the registry (as brillow said). All you can do is try. In the meantime, try to find your CD keys, or buy a cheap copy of the games.
  18. Demoner, you should just use a different monitor for gaming at home. I once hooked up my laptop to a nice LCD, and I was amazed at what I was missing. Laptop screens just aren't optimized for gaming, at least most aren't
  19. Only run two if the extra psu is running fans or something that isnt essential to the operation of the pc. Example: using one psu for your hard drives, and one for your graphics card. NOT GOOD. : )
  20. I have an Aspire 520W triple fan psu. Stays ice cold. I am powering dual 74 gig raptors, 9800pro, AMD 2.2ghz, SB Audigy 4, and much more.
  21. I dont know which specific boards to go with, but DFI is a great brand. Go with the nForce chipsets. DO NOT GET A VIA CHIPSET. Thats about all I can say for motherboards. Edit: sorry, didn't know you were set on asus already. Still, look into DFI if you have doubts about any of the Asus boards.
  22. I would expect that Full Speed = Good, considering that the video card is the hottest part of most systems (at full load).
  23. I stumbled across one of the servers, and there was an ad for fragfest 05. I immediatly went to the website, and saw that there was a really cool community behind it all.
  24. Get 2 WD raptors and RAID 0 them!!!! It is worth the money. (I installed windows xp in under 8 minutes!)
  25. Amd 64 3200+ Dual 74 gig Raptors Raid 0 40 gig backup HDD External 160 gig HDD 2 gigs corsair DDR 400 ram ATi 9800 Pro 256mb Aspire 520w PSU 3x Vantec Tornado 80mm fans Chenming steel Server Tower
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