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Everything posted by Bewildered

  1. Um ... how bout this. You share the chicken salad I brought for lunch and I'll eat at El Toro
  2. http://xkcd.com/231/ This somehow seems relevant to this discussion.
  3. Mine has an 8 foot cord. I'm not sure how close it needs to be for good reception though.
  4. Personally, I'm partial to the higher quality monitor-style headphones -- like Sennheiser. The mic is the cheap part of the package. I'd rather get a completely separate mic that can be clipped on your shirt and easily disconnected. I'm not sure how good my current mic sounds, but its just a cheap ol logitech stand mic that I move about six inches in front of my face when I play CS; but good quality headphones are indispensable.
  5. Aye... started tearin up at about 3:00. Whole face started quivering at about 4:40. Very powerful.
  6. Cujo -- I overheard you mention something about color correction causing blurred distances. I have a horrible time with distances -- Its probably just my small monitor and horrible frame rate and shaky hands -- but how do I check if color correction is enabled?
  7. Thats looking pretty black and white to me. Just a reminder that its Thursday today. Would be nice to take a break from GG tonight.
  8. I can't speak to anything else; and I'll leave my opinion out of this. So this is just a statement of fact. A few days back ... maybe on the weekend; not sure. I saw someone connect with an unacceptable name; I believe it was what what, in the butt. Before they even played a round, they changed their name to Tookey. I'm pretty sure the map was cbble.
  9. So is it safe to sell on e-bay then? We're getting ready to sell my wife's stamp-in-up collection.
  10. There are two different stat processors. Here is the other one: http://gcftw.stats.nuclearfallout.net/ The stats link from the home page has been broken for a long time.
  11. Bewildered


    *Sits down in a front row seat* This is fun
  12. Can you perform your job remotely? If you can't sell your house, can you rent it until you can? How easy is it for you to find a job in your field in that area? Can you live in two locations until you find a replacement job and/or your house is sold?
  13. Nice maps. Delete inferno ... replace with inferno pro permanently. <3
  14. That is horrible horrible news. Despite being wordy and repetitive, he was my favorite fantasy author; I like his series better than LotR and that is saying alot. I just started listening to his books again, on my drive in to work. Was hoping that Memory of Light would be done at about the time I finished the 11th book. Apparently he has good notes, and the final book may still be finished.
  15. So my wife decided that she hates her job and wants to go back to school -- and I support her 100% Problem is, she doesn't know what she wants to do. Any advice on career assessments, guides, etc.? Wondering if anyone else had the problem of not knowing what they wanted to do ..... did something help you identify what your dream job would be?
  16. Our shared enemy, the voters, are once again in control of the map cycle. Tookey, your leader, has asked me and my mother to teach you the F10'ing way, to cross the voters. We must do more than this. We must totally destroy all game play on the map cycle. The coalition and the entire universe depends on the map cycle. He who can destroy a thing controls a thing. I will take 100 of your members and train them. This 100 will train the thousands that remain. When game play stops, all eyes will turn to the map cycle. Mookie and even Fatty himself will be forced to deal with us. The map cycle will become the centre of the universe.
  17. Nice, first time I looked @ this I failed to notice the eyes. Very nice. BTW ... I'm bored
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