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Everything posted by crasx

  1. Anyone in toronto? I'll be there in a few weeks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peckles


      As if you could get through customs, shaft

    3. PeanutButterNJelly


      Is that near Canada or something?

    4. D3NNYM41C01MD3


      It's in Canada actually if you haven't figured it out yet. :P

  2. The way he explained it is the only way it could work. Not sure what other logic could be applied for that. They just released an update for it
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqnkcuGv9Sk#t=6m58s warowl has a good explanation of what it is and why it will suck
  4. shaft needs to do some QA
  5. Ah. I tried to fix it last night and was able to join. I'll try again when I'm home
  6. yea, figuring out what is visible to a player is pretty tough mathematically. I wouldn't expect it to work well right away considering there are only a couple devs on it. They probably just drew a vector from one player's vision source to anothers
  7. Your game isn't aware of a person's location until they are visible to you, so wallhacks won't be able to show you where people are
  8. - Added trace-based visibility checks to prevent networking invisible enemy players. does this mean no more walls?
  9. Unbanned and adjusted plugin/logging
  10. nah, offensive is "girls are bad because they are female". He acknowledged gender does not play a role in skill.
  11. that looks like so much work. needs some movement improvements but its a great idea
  12. they finally decided to take a peek!
  13. thats probably a client side issue.. Have you been able to reproduce it? not sure about your other post. looks like l4d2
  14. You could also save money on the processor and get the 6300 instead of the 6350. 3.5x6 should be fine depending on what you do is this only for gaming?
  15. The PSU is cutting it pretty close. I'd say bump that up if you can. It could save you from buying a brand new one later
  16. Going to be in Columbus, OH in a week for hellcity. Any gc people want to chill? pm me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Madvillain


      Oh, you people and your midwest and east coast

    3. Protomanx13


      east coast rule!!!

    4. walkingCat
  17. we did not ban you, it is probably a different server or valve thing
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