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Everything posted by Mercman

  1. Winamp.com and associated web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download. Please download the latest version before that date. See release notes for latest improvements to this last release. Thanks for supporting the Winamp community for over 15 years. http://www.winamp.com/media-player/en this is what i use to play tunes Just one more reason to hate AOL
  2. good idea? dont know if it is possible but is there a way we could pick what type of witch is bought?? stationary or the roaming ??maybe a little more for roaming?
  3. do we need a special map?? IE hunter training map?
  4. sure i like to try it See if you can teach an old dog new tricks
  5. RIP Paul Walker and RIP Constable John Zivcic and RIP Nelson Mandela i know i forget sometimes but remember that life is a gift
  6. lol i didnt know if it would be a good idea or not , thats why i gave turbo half the credit ;-)
  7. Turbo said something about this in game and i was thinking of it too. How about the ability to buy cars or other hittables for the tank? Car at 40 points? Just a thought Maybe if the tank is on fire buy an extinguish for him?
  8. I agree Soup So many people come on and see that their team is losing, the first thing out their mouth is scramble. I wish we could get rid of the point scores and sm_who . People see member and think good well not all members are good ( ie Mercman) So many times the one who is complaining leaves the team does better . Scrambling rarely helps. Then for a round or 2 til somebody joins. A little bit of communication helps immensely. If you dont already have one get a mic and talk to ur teammates instead of just complaining that its stacked. So to all those that scream scramble, instead put that energy in to helping your team maybe you 'll do better. I cant say for sure but i think sometimes people wont give it their all just so the team they are on doesnt do good so they scream scramble The reward for good teamwork should NOT be a scramble my 2 cents
  9. Drag It has been good gaming with you and hope you reconsider Dont let a bad call ruin it You didnt do anything wrong Drag
  10. Happy Turkey Day The Best Day of the Year
  11. Hunger Games is remake of this movie Battle Royal (2000) A Japanese movie Which i thought was much better then "The Hunger Games" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266308/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  12. Thanks Maestro It is quite relaxing Ima check out the other tunes
  13. Tiny Toddler Takes Magical Naps with New Puppy http://gma.yahoo.com/photos/tiny-toddler-takes-magical-naps-with-new-puppy-slideshow/tiny-toddler-takes-magical-naps-with-new-puppy-photo-1384790704132.html
  14. Could you do it like the Special infected damage is now? Maybe 10-15 points divided up among the people who shoot the tank?
  15. here? http://l4dmapdb.com/addon:hunter-training
  16. I use this headset. Razer RZ04-00270100-R3U1 Carcharias Headset Black Comfortable to wear for long amounts of time. It has never cause any discomfort and sound is good. I forget its there . The mic sounds ok swings out of the way and bends to my liking amazon has them as does ebay but amazon is cheaper http://www.amazon.com/Razer-Carcharias-Over-Gaming-Headset/dp/B001PTH0VW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384557017&sr=8-1&keywords=Carcharias+Headset+Black they have new and used final word If I had to do over i would buy them again. These can be had for under 60$
  17. Hurry back Tsunami Its not the same without YOU!!!!!!!
  18. Sorry dude i didnt think it would delete all your games too
  19. Mr Sulu is Grant Imahara(sic?) from Mythbusters
  20. This is a fan created series called StarTrek Continues I liked it Apollo in this show is the same actor who played it in the old series http://www.startrekcontinues.com/
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