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Status Updates posted by JackieChan

  1. My cool 41-2 game of BF3.

  2. ...I could do this for hours. http://case.convars.com/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackieChan


      Yeah... any free money I get now is just going to go to buy skins...although that thought probably won't last long.

    3. DragonFire


      Maybe I should play more. 9 simulated cases and I made over $300 in guns. Nah, never opened a real one and don't want to start.

    4. BlackYoshi


      Don't start! It's an addicition

  3. ...wait a minute...

  4. 867-5309

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lookback


      Argh, that is one of those awful songs that gets stuck in my head... NOOOOOOO!

    3. JohnnyQuid
    4. VooDooPC


      "Wait--isn't your nephew's dad's sister-in-law also your sister-in-law?"


      Only if my nephew's dad was married to my sister.

  5. Accidently deleted sj's status about san deleting mine about accidently deleting Shaftiel's update regarding my update about accidently deleting studder's update about accidently deleting mine about accidently deleting Flitter's.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lousiest
    3. Jerkoff


      Go back to acting jackie chan.

    4. MPG1770


      Love to see JC in a Zombi Action flick

  6. All new members are patched in as of 2:17 PM CST.

  7. An Apple fell on Sir Isaac Newton's head. He didn't sue.

    1. MPG1770


      He turned the apple into a Pi

    2. Cinkadeus


      seems rational.

  8. Anyone else play PAYDAY 2? Let me know so I can invite you to the GC Steam group.

    1. TheDude
    2. Madvillain


      Dude only plays Dota these days... don't let him fool you.

    3. Leonebluen


      Nothing wrong with that!

  9. Anyone want a Elder Scrolls Online Beta invite? I have a key to give that I don't really plan on using. First come first get.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shaftiel


      Me. I would like one


    3. JackieChan


      Sorry guys, key has been taken.

    4. Girlzilla


      I gave mine to Shaftiel, so mine's gone now too.

  10. Apparently there was a probable DDoS attack against our L4D2 server on 9/2. Was taken care of pretty quickily so if anyone experienced terrible lag at around 6:04 CDT, that was the reason.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jerkoff


      Not much of a ninja if you're going to reveal your identity to everyone.

    3. Sky


      Wasn't me! I've been in Toronto all week! (Btw, internet here is AMAZING)

    4. TheDude


      Yes Jerky, when you go to the cops make sure they know to look for a ninja called The Dude. Good luck finding me.

  11. Appears someone tried to DDoS L4D2 #1. Attempt apparently failed because people were still playing on it during the attack.

  12. Awesome! The L4D server has been full for 24 hours straight!

  13. Check out the GC RPG because you can play it straight from your browser!

  14. CMM is such a waste of time. Every team I'm on sucks. They are either drunk, Brazilian, leave so there is a bot, they suck, they suck and they suck.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flitterkill


      the reason why our csgo server is dead. Automatic matchmaking "service" from valve

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      hey hey ! its not dead look at the last 4/5 days :P I been doing work.....need help though


    4. Avengers
  15. DANG IT. I see a bag of crap posted by Woot on Facebook and it was sold out already. They really need to stop teasing me...

  16. Dat starting price... http://goo.gl/oTWSFg

    1. Thug


      Damn DLores. So overpriced.

    2. Pumpernickel


      That'd be the Knights. Plain design like the Nitro. Wow. Some yellow parts. Whoop de doo.

  17. Diablo 3 Beta, Y U So Short?!

    1. lousiest
    2. JackieChan


      Makes me want to get it on release night.

    3. RadioKnight


      At least youre cool enough to get the Diablo 3 Beta. I dont play SC2 or WoW, so no Beta for me!

  18. Did anyone else get into the Elder Scrolls Online Beta for this weekend?

  19. Ebil, how is your crazy pms treating you? :P

  20. Finally got back up to Master Guardian after going 30-10 in the last match I played and also pulled off a pretty nice 5k. Only a matter of time before I get thrown back down to Gold Nova 4 because of idiot randoms.

    1. shaftiel


      Wow. Tell me more.

    2. JackieChan


      No more story time for you.

  21. For those Origin users, you can get Dead Space 1 for free. Better grab it quick before they start charging for it again.

    1. MasterTalpa


      dont know if i remember my password for origin or even if its still on my computer

    2. TheDude


      Made an origin account for this but it ends up giving me an error message everytime, telling me to try again later

    3. VooDooPC


      It's free until May 8th. Don't need to be that quick. :)

  22. For those unaware and wondering why the servers were acting badly tonight was because the datacenter where our servers are located was getting DDoS'd pretty hard.

    1. Jose


      They mitigated pretty quickly tbh

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