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Status Updates posted by JackieChan

  1. L4D2 10v10 down until further notice. Thanks, Valve!

  2. Walking Dead was awesome. Wish I had a time machine so I could fast forward to next Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheDude


      Hate Dexter. Never knew why until stutters pointed it out.

    3. mavC


      I just watched the first season.

      And it was great.

      I'm waiting for Arrested Development for eternity.


    4. Lookback


      nuh uh, Dexter got caught this season, sort of.

  3. My cool 41-2 game of BF3.

  4. Lol, best I ever did. http://db.tt/6Qf3HYyk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheDude


      Wow. Yet another confirmation i really suck at BF3

    3. JackieChan


      I recorded the game too so you can see it if you want when I get it uploaded.

    4. MattKemp


      thats right, we have a BF3 server, huh?

      I think I should play it


  5. An Apple fell on Sir Isaac Newton's head. He didn't sue.

    1. MPG1770


      He turned the apple into a Pi

    2. Cinkadeus


      seems rational.

  6. Accidently deleted sj's status about san deleting mine about accidently deleting Shaftiel's update regarding my update about accidently deleting studder's update about accidently deleting mine about accidently deleting Flitter's.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lousiest
    3. Jerkoff


      Go back to acting jackie chan.

    4. MPG1770


      Love to see JC in a Zombi Action flick

  7. All new members are patched in as of 2:17 PM CST.

  8. DANG IT. I see a bag of crap posted by Woot on Facebook and it was sold out already. They really need to stop teasing me...

  9. I'm really sorry I hit you Mr. Burns... Here, let me put some salt on that eye.

    1. MasterTalpa


      The funny part about this, we call my uncle Mr. Burns

    2. Flitterkill


      Never put salt in your eyes Danny...

  10. Oh Bag of Crap, why must you taunt me every time there is one of you on Woot?!?!?!

    1. Flitterkill


      The best for me was a couple years ago when I had got a BOC and then two days later it disappeared from my account history...

    2. Biggs


      Maybe they oversold them?

  11. I always invite my spud friends to parties because I don't want to hurt their peelings.

    1. Peckles


      If their peelings are hurt by not being invited to a party, there's probably a more deeply rooted problem.

  12. woot.com has by far the most useless item I've ever seen.

  13. I added Chompsky to 3 of the classic campaign finales. He is watching over you...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JackieChan


      I'm going to have to put Easter Egg Louis (a hidden civilian pose Louis with free pills) in the classic campaigns as well.

    3. ValenAlvern


      Are they in the spots you added them in l4d1?

    4. ValenAlvern


      Well more or less Louis and not the Gnome

  14. Will be adding a Round Start Freezer for the L4D2 server in the near future.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Biggs


      WHAT?!!? How will I be able to troll my team now?


    3. MasterTalpa


      and by team, he means me.

    4. Cinkadeus


      <Hugs Jackie>

  15. I love feeling miserable all the time. Greatest feeling ever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Biggs


      Well I was feeling very miserly today, so that makes us a pair!

    3. JyKri


      Hope you feel better soon!

    4. JackieChan


      I've been feeling miserable for years. I don't think there is really going to be an end in sight any time soon.

  16. Diablo 3 Beta, Y U So Short?!

    1. lousiest
    2. JackieChan


      Makes me want to get it on release night.

    3. RadioKnight


      At least youre cool enough to get the Diablo 3 Beta. I dont play SC2 or WoW, so no Beta for me!

  17. I know what I'm gonna be playing for a while. The Diablo 3 beta :D

    1. Flitterkill


      Hilariously enough, I have two separate battle.net accounts and neither got their ticket punched.

    2. MattKemp


      Well that doesn't sound hilarious at all. that sounds like it was an unpleasant experience for you, and not really thatfunny. Unless you want us to laugh at your pain. We can do that, you know ;)

  18. What's on my mind? Makeup.

    1. lousiest


      on yourself? :P

    2. JackieChan


      I'm trying to make up my mind

  19. Made milkshakes. It brought boys to the yard. Then Chris Hansen showed up and asked me to take a seat.

    1. chick82
    2. lousiest


      what is up with all the milkshake references?

    3. Cake


      tsk tsk tsk

  20. Jackie I miss you. I came back from my stupid time away for this anime con. I was looking forward to seeing you ; w ; WHAT HAPPINNNED TO YOUR COMP BAAAWWWWW AW AW BAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWW ; - ;

  21. i'm calling you Jack now :)

  22. Wish I had a working computer so I can not have people complaining at me about stuff I can't fix...sigh

    1. Cake


      :( what happened to your computer? I hope you fix it soon or it gets fixed or someone buys you a new comp or :) soon... anyways, keep your head up, we miss you though.
    2. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      Jackie the server needs fixed!! The plugions need updated!! Can you retrieve some logs for me?! I need you to send me the plugin text asap....

      Hey can you go kick someone from the server?

      Wanna play some TF2?


    3. Cake


      :( poor jackie...
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