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Everything posted by looneypumpkin

  1. Probably a little bit of everything. Though I usually see peak times around 5pm EST to 9pm and the weekends are usually always busy. It's been quiet tonight though.
  2. Hope all is well. See you when you get back.
  3. Don't know you (I mostly stick to L4D2) but congrats on everything! You look so much happier!
  4. I'm moving from AL to MO tomorrow! So I might be gone for a few days.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. looneypumpkin


      I am here! My computer is up. Internet seems decent. However one of my fans has decided to be crazy loud. Back to unpacking.... loving this city so far!

    3. Carlos


      Yea, looks like I'll be away from GC this week instead of just this weekend. Could play/stream tomorrow, but I have to study for Physics. Prefer to do it in the evening so it'd be fresh in my memory. Looks like you maniacs will enjoy this whole week then :3


      Anyways, welcome back! See you in the future!!

    4. DiXie


      Glad to hear, Looney!! /slap Peanut.

  5. It's pretty easy folks... just like with cursing. You either don't type it, or refrain from holding C while shouting it. Just don't say nasty things to folks in general. Everyone gets to be on... disadvantaged teams at times. New folks can learn commands, get better with time. But they won't bother if people are shouting at them. The same handful of players will not always be around and you will not always be on their team. Another thing that has been discussed that goes hand-in-hand with this. Referring to people as giving them "cancer, diabetes, aids, etc" due to their inability to play as YOU would like them won't be tolerated. You get a warning, if you mock/laugh it off you get a days ban. Just don't do it. It's not funny and you should feel bad.
  6. It does seem to be hurtful for trying to heal/pickup bots. But I'm not sure if it's possible to be fair for killing bots as infected either. I'm betting the game/code has no way to differentiate between the two scenarios? It does encourage the "leave the bot" approach. I usually like to let bots help bots unless it's like 2v2 and all you have is bots.
  7. Probably already reported but it's showing 0 points for killing live players (infected) at times. Reviving and healing human bots has also suffered.
  8. Thanks for the pointers. I didn't think about having him conduct but I bet he would like that! He has a lot of instruments now, including a kids guitar that's really tuned/adult like. He's always loved piano. My husband can play and has taken some lessons and from infancy it helped to calm him. We didn't have any lines of communication with him until he started responding to piano/lullabies and humming along while we sing. We aren't the type to force him into one thing and what has probably helped is we have had to try a million different things to see what he best responds to. We are moving into a new house in couple of weeks and I cannot wait to have a space for all his music stuff, to be able to unpack and not worry about a realtor showing up to show the house so everything has to be put away and tidy. (Our house hasn't sold yet but we decided to get out and hope we don't drown in debt.) I'd like to think that the worse the cardio therapy hits you, the better it is working for you. So no slacking!
  9. Breaks my heart Maestro that you're going through this. When it rains it pours, that's for sure. I have faith you'll recover. Would love to hear some of your music sometime. I bet my son would love it! He loves piano (barely 3) and I'd love to get him lessons some day. He has high functioning autism and has really taken to classical music, which I absolutely love for him. It helps him to open up, so I see first hand how magical it is for folks who both create and listen. Are you still in cardio rehab? I hope your doctors can find a better regime to get you back to your normal self again soon!
  10. argggh... ugggghhh... rrrrrrr.... the joys of moving have me feeling pretty ill.

  11. Good to see you! Hope you can make it back in sometime. The servers are still pretty busy these days.
  12. For sure the aspect of using it for !sp is far safer. I didn't think about kicking an un-spawned infected. That seems likely to happen since lots will try to kill the rusher to make him/her pay.
  13. Cool. I didn't know there was an @aim option. Good for that lone rusher who is so far ahead that I can't see his/her name.
  14. Thanks for the list of binds here. Saved me some time and I added some to my collection the other day. Now getting used to it and trying to not rage when I accidentally buy pills when I mean to buy bile. HMMM now I am thinking of making stickers to put on my keyboard to remind me.
  15. Good article. I also like to come on the server and practice against bots when it's empty sometimes. This is win-win because then others start joining and filling the server. Sure the bots do stupid things sometimes, but the rest of the time they headshot me too. I like to practice pouncing them lately. I am trying to get better at hitting moving targets (I tend to land right at your feet, like a sad kitten most of the time.) I need to add more binds. I am worried about over complicating it though. Right now I only have 5 binds but I think I need to up it. I am a pretty fast typer but sometimes as survivor it's too intense to even type !sp to send points, so I might add that bind above.
  16. I think it's pretty common to crash while infected, though it rarely happens to me that often. I think yesterday I crashed twice?
  17. Stealing idea from a TF2 server.... Hat Trick (headshot 3 SI in a row.)
  18. Why not a First Blood achievement? Might be hard to code though. I am not sure if you can tell a bot from a human player on who inflicts damage first. (would be against humans obviously.) I second rocket jockey. I landed a huge what would have been a 25 point pounce last night with a jockey, was pretty funny.
  19. I loved the customs when I got to briefly play ONCE! Friday night would be best for me, especially if started 5-6pm. Some updates to the infected buy menu I have thought about for a long time: 1. malfunctioning defib... either incaps the defibber or kills them outright (but defibs the dead, maybe to full or partial health?) A. Drug effect for tampered pills/adren, though this might be too much and no way to counter this as a survivor to make it balance 2. Bride witch that's immune to fire or dangerous insta-kill all on her own without needing the upgrade.
  20. Best server hands down. This game and community is my happy place.
  21. No, Hard Rain is awesome... I don't get why so many people don't like it.
  22. Love Swamp Fever... it can be challenging as infected. We got to play it today from a map vote. The finale is great!
  23. I never thought to bind suicide. Oh well. Free points for my fails!
  24. Thanks, downloading now. I couldn't get it to work IN steam, but logging in in the browser and subscribing set them to automatically download for me.
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