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Everything posted by Gond

  1. Good...I'll need a change by then. I don't think a cooler will fit in the car we are taking
  2. My .1 FF was driving 2 hours each way to see some dudes for 30 minutes. Even that was worth it beyond getting to ride the motorcycle for 4 hours:) Just take off your shoes and make fists out of your toes in the carpet.
  3. Your 18...tell them you will take the cell and they can call you anytime they want. It's not like it's a dead concert or anything...wait...is this a dead concert? That would be cool.
  4. Cool...can you also ask if they would have the ability to preload steam etc on them? Which may already be a question on your list:)
  5. Hmmmm...how much? Might just be worth renting one of those puppies:)
  6. Gond

    Really funny!

    He had a GenCon shirt on:) I'd all but forgotten about GenCon. Yes, D&D made up a large part of my youth. Glad I didn't turn out like that cause FPS are much more fun.
  7. You all probably think that pic of YerMother is fake...I did too till I met him last year at FF...You do get some strange looks walking through a hotel with that getup on.
  8. Ditto, my travel starts at Gond's house.. He and his wife has been nice enough to take in our family in our time of need.. (He doesnt know it yet though) You need a beer? I can handle that. And thus the thread gets hijacked...and this post is just SCREAMING "Delete me"
  9. If you get stopped with a laptop going to a plane you have to boot it up don't you? Would you have to do the same with a PC if you tried to carry it on? Shipping it seems the less pain approach...specially with that Fishy guy helping out...hmmmm....maybe not;)
  10. Total Est. Time: 3 hours, 31 minutes Total Est. Distance: 218.03 miles Total Est. Fun: Lots
  11. Ok, you have what is known as a negative cash flow. You need to reverse that trend or that 1337ness is going to go away.
  12. "I went to a boxing match the other day and a hockey game broke out". Those bench clearers are funny...I'll have to dig up the pics from the game I was at years ago. It still amazes me that fighting is still such an acceptable part of hockey. Anyone got an explaination for that?
  13. Wait...we are all still getting new PC's this year like we did last year for attending aren't we?
  14. Pay for damages in pain. 9 year old should know better...I hope there is at least some discipline dished out...thats horrid. Guess it's good you have a nice disposition...I'd have freaked.
  15. Gotta assume this is only the reported ones:)
  16. We have used the iron on stuff before...it's not that good. You have to do it perfect or the iron will burn the stuff...plus you can always see the outline of the iron on. The design will also eventually start cracking. So, good for a quick shirt and possibly if you were only doing text...but, for design & long term use I was not impressed.
  17. There were 2 beds Batman...I wondered why you kept ending up in my bed Damn drunk
  18. I always cringe when magnets are given away at computer events How about window clings?
  19. Gond


    LOL...thats why my donkeys are sitting in my closet. My first thought when I got it was..."my daughter would love these"...then I read it and said "No"...LOL
  20. You need a sit down restaurant option.
  21. Beauty Mate...set it up as FragFestOhio room rate even!!! I'm confirmed...I'm also committed...and crazy. Thanks!!!
  22. I'd pay a bit more to get that and the shirt. Space is a nice thing for us claustrophobes.
  23. Ummmm...first mistake was calling MS...Just take it back to Best Buy and keep talking to people till they either exchange it or return it. That is why people buy from stores...for the convenience. Remember...the customer is always right...that isn't always true but sure seems it in this case. Oh, and as example. I bought a DirectTV DVR from Best Buy and it didn't work after a day. Took it back...got a new one...not even a question from them beyond "whats wrong". Besides...with the mess up getting him a box back do you really think he would ever see a replacement XBox? If he does send it to them (like a crazy man) he should be sure to register it with a return receipt.
  24. I'd def go buy 2 HD's and turn on RAID. I've been VERY happy with mine. I'm using RAID 0 but it is a bit faster as it will read from both drives. Writing take a bit longer cause of the 2 drives but I don't notice. Least if one drive goes out I just pop a new one in and I'm set. I found the 120 gig WD SATA drives at CircuitCity. They were 99 bucks a piece and I got a $50 rebate. Course I was very lucky that day.
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