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Everything posted by k-wix

  1. No one will be able to tell you 'for sure' ..but the graphics are a big step up from 2k4 it seems, but then again the devs are masters at creating engines, The UT2k4 engine was about a full year ahead of most other engines on the market and the graphics were pretty crazy, beyond that it actually ran really good. I think a GeForce 6800 or the ATI Equiv will probably suffice for 'average play' .. but to get all the bells and whistles you'll want a 7800 or the ATI Equiv. Im guessing it will look like Oblivion, but take less resources, since that engine was coded so poorly.
  2. k-wix

    AK vs M4

    Yes, i really enjoy killing people who try to do this when i have my famas. As far as the AK vs M4 go, i tend to be better with the M4, which is suprising since the AK is a lot like the famas. I tend to overspray with it and go wild and hit *nothing* so when im T i go with the Galil, which i love.
  3. No PCI-E slot on my Mobo yet, im waiting to upgrade and do the whole thing at once. MoBo, Processor, and new Video card
  4. Thanks for the status update gunman, im not mad or angry or anything like that, i understand how things can go, i'll pm you my address - just to be on the safe side. if mailing it is an issue, i'd be willing to help with shipping it via ups or fedex or something.
  5. Okay, i guess i wanted to update this.. um..Gunman - im not exactly sure whats going on but i havent recieved the card yet, its been like almost a full month and i can't seem to get into contact with you, you don't reply on aim or anything. I'd really like a status update .. im trying to be as patient as possible, but i sent you a payment atleast 1 month ago.. so... whatsup?
  6. Camping is such a vague term. Especially in CS when defending is an issue. Is Defending Camping? Is Camping Defending? Does k-wix like camping? does camping like k-wix? These are all questions that i could write an essay on and probably not answer entirely, they are best not answered, and left alone. Unfortunately I know it is wisdom you all seek, and much like the wise old sage on the mountain...I shall teach you. Find your wisdom here, in this sentence: Do not try to understand camping - only try to realize the truth: there is no camping.
  7. Its an interesting map, but i think T's have the advantage (gasp!) .. the map was designed for rushes, and the CTs have very little time to set themselves up. I think the T's should be a few notches farther away from the bombsite, like way outside. The Cts dont really even have much to defend to begin with. I also find i do sub-average with my famas on this level because of the above-mentioned topic, the map is totally geared to close quarters organized rushes and such, i dont get time to really set myself up in an accurate sniping position, and if i do the T's can really match those positions and take me down. My real issue is there arent that many chokepoints, it becomes a pretty big flank map in that reguard too. But those are minor things, overall its fun and okay most of the time.
  8. I dont know how 'over' this thread is, but im currently running a generic crapola sound card in my box with no surround sound or EAX settings what-so-ever. I dont know how many of you guys play CS:S with me, but those that do know i play a majority of my scopeless game by sound - i can tell precisely where any player is in the area at any time by the quality of my headphones alone. What are they? Sennheiser 500s. Fatty you sound like you might benefit from them, they really whip the crap out of the 150/155's that everyone is talking about, unfortunately no mic, but i'd suggest a simple desktop mic to fix that. linkie: http://www.sennheiserusa.com/newsite/produ...?transid=004588
  9. k-wix


    Im looking forward to the Wii and maybe the Ps3. I was never a big fan of the Xbox and probably wont convert since all im seeing is more of the same. Im a fan of innovation - if there is a game out there i've probably played it, i want something new and fresh, and i think a lot of gamers are at that phase where a lot of games feel boring right from the get-go because it doesnt add anything new or original to the gameplay, Halo 3 will probably be a great example of this. I'm not saying its bad, im saying it wont change the genre or the way you play. The Wii and Ps3 on the otherhand both feature new control methods, the Wii especially. But to be honest, no console game really has excited me much at E3 yet. The ONLY one i was remotely interested in was The new Smash Bros because its such a big tournament game - i will probably buy a Wii just for that game. PC games on the otherhand are simply 'booming' with innovation, with the likes of Spore and Bioshock, I can't wait for some of the killer PC titles.
  10. So wait, the Ct's were loosing like 0 to 4 and the T's had more players? If this is the case, then yea im sure someone would've switched eventually. One big thing you gotta remember monthos is the teams are never static in a pub like this - One moment the teams could be really unsided one way, and the next round 2 of the top players switch and the ballgame takes a flip-flop. It's really hard to get a great balance going, especially with the mulitple skill levels and one-sided maps, and i also think people tend to make bad calls - i do it all the time because i dont check the teams all that often, ill die to vovik or something and immediately start typing 'this is not fair - we have no chance - someone needs to come T' as an example, but someone just did, or was planning to, and now i've got the attention of the server and someone ELSE switches.. and now the CT's are underpowered. I guess my real point here is that teams will rapidly change over the course of a single game all in the name of balance. some of these changes are bad, some of these changes are good.. Everyone is going to make a poor call once in awhile and if im reading your blurb text correctly, it seems like that was the case. So yea, i agree with you.. but i bet within a few rounds someone else swapped and fixed the problem. If not, just gotta deal with the bum map and kill every enemy you can and wait for the rotation, it happens a lot, you gotta expect the unbalance every once in awhile, especially when you have the really good players like Vovik on. .. Does this make sense? Oh, and hives, having another player is NEVER a handicap, especially with the strict anti-tk rules going on, i think most players could agree on that. especially for the rush tactics that are heavily present on the Scopeless server.
  11. I used to use an old program called 'Photodraw' but its so outdated it doesnt even run on Windows XP anymore, ever since that i've learned to use Photoshop. So yes. shop.
  12. You people are so lucky. The file uses tga layers so the background is invisible. Heres the one you should get and use shazz: http://kwix.shackspace.com/CSSPRAY/GC/Shazz.tga
  13. Greets my friends of gc. I love you guys. So i took my photoshop skills to something a bit more serious, so i shall begin the thread with a bit o' backstory. My Mothers senior picture day she took a great photograph. But due to my family being poor back in the day, they only could afford a single 8x10 print. About 2 weeks later my moms father in a drunken rage destroyed the photograph by burning it, throwing it into a corner, and doing a real number on the only copy to ever exist. Below is a picture of the photograph after it was ruined - you can see some of the burning and other damage/discoloration plaguing the picture. (warning - large image) The photo was pretty ruined - my grandmother tried some home remedies to 'fix' the problem, including nailpolish remover and some other stuff but generally the picture was 'done' by this point. 2006 comes along and my grandmother shows me the photograph.. and i decide to take it as a project and retouch it up, fix it up as best i could, and mail it to my mom as a mothers day gift - the project was just recently completed, so i figured i'd show everyone my work! Here is a copy of the redone photograph after my touch-up work. As you can see, there are a lot of changes, some minor and others major - a lot of the simple scratches and such were removed entirely, the necklace is gone and some areas that were so heavily damaged i had to basically 'paint' over.. this was a very fun project and also quite challenging, but i thought i'd post it to see what y'all think! If anyone has any ruined photographs that need touched up - get into contact with me and i might be able to help you Also, i have uploaded the 'hi-res' versions of the pictures, if anyone wants to look at the really big versions: http://kwix.shackspace.com/mom/MothersProjectfin2.JPG (new version) http://kwix.shackspace.com/mom/MothersProjectfin3.JPG (old version) Yay.. any comments?
  14. k-wix

    USP vs Deagle

    USP + Great Rate of Fire + Silence-able | Decently Accurate, even while shooting rapidly - Low damage potential TOTAL 1 Glock + Great Rate of Fire + Burst Function + Large Clip - Low damage potential - Bad Accuracy TOTAL: 1 P228 + Great Rate of Fire + Very Accurate, but not while shooting rapidly - low damage potential TOTAL: 1 Deagle ++ Amazingly Accurate, even while shooting rapidly + Highest Damage Potential. - small clip size TOTAL: 2 5-7 + Pretty Accurate, even while shooting rapidly + Large clip size - low damage output TOTAL: 1 Dualies + Great Rate of Fire + Large clip size - Bad Accuracy TOTAL: 1 Deagle = best. and it really is, i'd like to see some of the other pistols buffed.
  15. I'm going to ACEN for the weekend, but i should be home by sunday to play - if so ill be there.
  16. Fake i think. Check out the scanline rate on the monitor screen, they dont scroll that fast. The video appears to be sped up to produce an illusion you can really tell when he starts drilling the fast notes too. Astoundingly Talented little guy that could beat atleast 50% of DDR Players. The song isn't hard, but he double A'd it! at 5! Hilarious.
  17. Im not sure how the 'finals' are going to go down, but i was curious if the people upstairs would like a video of the final match up - i'd be happy to do a demorecord and prepare a clip/movie for everyone to watch. What say ye! (and im asking for everyones opinions on this, even if your a lowly peon)
  18. I will be there! whatever happens.
  19. Oh man, i started laughing when i read that! Hilarious. he actually tried to catch you?! Okay, i've never been suspended, but i have a pretty nasty story i got a detention for, i was an excellent student as far as rules go (I was like C-B Average, but I was always on time, very polite, all that good stuff) Senior year in high school - its the NIGHT of a show for me, i was a big choir kid, doing a stuck in 80s show - teacher allows us to wear costumes to promote the show! So i show up in a Tux with a black-striped Tophat (looking pretty dang snazzy, i think! the women we're swooning) So after lunch, im on the way to english.. and out of nowhere, someone randomly snatches the hat off my head.. now - i just bough the hat for 20$ and it was part of a costume, so it was important.. i chased him through the hallway and eventually pulled it right off his head and plopped it back on mine, The kid turned around and i realized i had no idea even who he was. i just shook my head and turned to walk away. Didn't say a single word to him. This obviously did not sit well with this individual because out of no where he throws a Firm right hook and knocks off my hat, and glasses and sends me reeling about 3 feet. I didn't know the kids name, or anything about him, i thought he was a sophmore at the time who knows.. so a crowd starts gather and he puts up his fists like he wants to fight - i was pretty angry - why would you start a fight for NO reason - it didnt make any sense! So i took a swing and hit him back, he charged me into the lockers nearby and preceded to hit me in the stomache twice, kind've doing the whole rough'n'tumble thing - and i got angry so i full-out decked him, like as hard as i could, and sent him into the lockers away from me, at this point the principle found us and stopped the fight, a very sizable crowd had gathered. I was allowed to perform in the show - he had a bad record and my slate was completely clean - turns out he was a freshmen who had already been suspended twice. I got a 2-day detention.. he got 2 weeks in suspension I believe, also - because this happened to be the end of the year, i found out he was forced to fail all his exams and thusly must retake his freshmen year, which i don't feel bad about at all. So yea.. interesting story huh? I looked him up in the yearbook, i think his name was dave. How could you physically attack someone with absolutely no reason like that? i just don't understand.
  20. I on the otherhand have *no* flexibility.. i can play anytime past 10 PM EST and most nights by 9 o'clock. Im free Tuesday and Thursday this week.
  21. k-wix

    GG Spawn!

    That would be my planning - i was betting on you guys getting tired of me going long-A alone so i brought the team along! (my idea being that you guys presumed i was alone at A again)
  22. k-wix

    GG Spawn!

    It was a bit CT sided all-around, i must say, but overall the game went really well.. no one got trounced and everyone pulled some heavy punches. There were some great moments too! i got awped pretty bad a few times in the middle of giving orders, and everyone thought up some wonderful plans i was very fond of my long-a Decoy strat. so .. uh.. GG!
  23. I dont know either but im still trying, i can play in other GC servers fine too God doesnt want me to play?
  24. Okay im here but its not letting me in the server, tells me its enforcing some kind of file consistency? whatsup with that?
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