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didn't know where else to put this.


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there's been a lot of rumors going around that i'm not, well, legit. well, i am, so everyone can just cut the name calling. there's no reason for it, if you don't like me, thats fine, but take it up with me in private, not in some public server where people come to have a good time. i've been playing with and around you guys long enough(around two years), i've owned, and been owned. i have my bad days just like everyone else. i have a wonderful time on your servers and come for the good competitive play and golly good fun we have. i don't think there's a need for any of this.


ps.. for the record, i play just as well on lan as i do at my home computer. i have more than serveral people that can verify it. and if you'd like, i'll record as many demos as you want just so i can keep playing on your server.

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ps.. for the record, i play just as well on lan as i do at my home computer.

This is true, I've lanned with him at stoopids in detroit with muter, sontek, and sm4rtz. They can all verify this as well.

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I would hope we've gotten past banning people without absolute proof, which is near impossible. But I know it still gets thrown out there. Biggest bannable offense around here is attitude/cursing really.


Anyway, let's make this a bit more constructive then. What's the secret? Has to be some tricks you could share, whether it be hardware, config settings, or whatever.

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Did he get banned or is he just complaining about accusations? If the latter, who's doing the accusing, and why are we in this forum?


If it's admins, then follow your own suggestion and send someone a private message that can do something about it. If it's the general public, dunno. This forum is mainly focused on admins.


So, let's have some more detail.


How about this: It really doesn't matter any more because we'll never really know completely without a shadow of a doubt if people cheat or not. Perhaps then, it's more of a character judgement going on. Maybe people will stop accusing you if you're more fun to be around?


Maybe it truly is more character that people question. If someone doesn't have character, they'd be more likely to cheat, no? Let's ask ourselves:


Do you play to be an all-star pubber?


Do you try as hard as possible everytime you play to do you absolute very best?


Should you laugh more on voicecomm at yourself?


Do you leave if you're x:y when x < y?


Do you constantly blame teammates for what's going on?


Are you one of the first people to yell teams or do you just let it go a few rounds while people figure it out on their own?

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I was on server at the time this happened. It wasn't any of the Mmmm folks. I do know who was doin it. But, it really doesn't need to be handled here. It's between konig and these other folks.


Take it elsewhere

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I'll tell you straight up it was me ragging on him, along with some1 else, its up to him to step up. He was ragging on my fellow clanmate, not jokingly.... changing name to "I love <players name>. It angered me so i began ragging on him. He played in DOH server a lot and pulled either a lot of "downloads" or is just the 1337est player on the face of the earth. He was banned from doh for a while.



But whoever said attitude is right. Your attitude toward some1 complaining about a shot you made is what sparked this. I am done having a grudge now its up to you to just have a better attitude and enjoy the way the game is supposed to be play... TO HAVE FUN! whether thats being a pub all star or just messing around. Don't ruin the mood of the game, thats when people become angry.




Ok, thats off my chest

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for the record, this so called clanmate of yours changed his name to insult me before i said anything, i know it sounds childish to point out, but it's for the record. check the logs if you'd like. also, for this so called player, i never had a grudge against him, or your clan, i've always enjoyed playing with you guys. even back in the day with m33r and tape's shotgun duels, or mosses and sexy awp battles on aztec, it's always been fun for me. and i'd hate to leave it in this manner, or leave it at all for that matter. it's not just an addiction to the game, it's an addiction to the people you play it with(this community).

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take it else where? cant you read above?


and plz check logs, my name change was in response. the things on voice comm sadly cant be checked.


grow up, or shutup.

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then by all means jiffy lets take it else where, pm me on aol instant messenger, sn cancereatcancer. i have loads of demo's you can watch.


by the way. can't you read? it says "changed his name to insult me" insult being the key word there.

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