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Guest The Hurricane

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Love has nothing to do with the opposite sex. - DJ Premier


I'm with the DJ on this one folks...


< personal fact time >

I'm 21 years old...and I've never had love from the opposite sex in my entire life. I've never had a girlfriend in my life. I dont' know if I ever will. Yet this rarely bothers me...and when it does tear me up inside...I look to the source of true love...that's my Lord...

I have utter and complete peace because of him and what was done for me...


I know this is Wonderland not Mmmministries so I'll stop after I say one more thing...

if you want to know what true love is...read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8


</ personal fact time >

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane

rrrrright... and next I guess your going to say that love has nothing to do with a computer monitor and mouse, eh? :o:unsure:

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oh no man...

Love is God and CS all the way...


don't ever try to tell me God isn't a Counter-Strike player...that's akin to blasphemy...

(though he's probably always a CT...)




hey I figured if other ppl could bring seriousness into Wonderland then so can I

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um.. eww?


i thought i was going to be okay, i mean he was flirting with me, we kissed.. then he gave me and a friend a ride home.. and the entire walk to the car and the trip home i was ignored and they just sat there flirting the entire time.. :( they were talking about all the fun they had together over the weekend.. i used to have fun with him like that, i used to be the one in the passanger seat with his hand on my leg, i used to be the one who controled the CD player... me, not her.. me. I used to be the one.. *tears start to fall* and I want it to be me again.. not her not anyone.. but me. But I guess that's not my choice.. now is it? :( :..(

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wow...if this guy flirted with you and kissed you after knowing about your pain...I'd just like to know place and name and I would like to go rip off his genitalia and toss them on the ground and procede to repeatedly stomp on them and grind them to miniscule dust as I mercilessly beat him until he cries like the true baby he is...


no one who does that is a man and no one who does that deserves anything but pain...never love...


I'm with Zweih(or was it Zeab?) on this one...he is worthless...

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my hair doesn't grow besides on my head.. lol.. i shave my legs once.. it doesn't grow back for like a month.. its kinda nice actually :)


my world is crashing down on me, nothing is reliable.. leaves change, the temperature changes, people change, time changes, relationships break apart, music changes, flowers die, and even the thing i put my faith in, the stars.. they change, they fall, they disappear... i can't put my faith into anything.. nothing is reliable.. my world is crashing down on me.


I need some help,

I need a heart

I need someone who cares


I need a friend

a loving hand

I need someone who cares


I need a hug

and a kiss

I need someone who cares


I need somone I can trust

someone to love

I need someone who cares


But all I'm ever left with is pain

pain from that someone who cared

pain from that someone with a heart

pain from that someone with a loving hand

all i ever get is pain from that friend

I just need someone who cares...



I don't feel like I can trust anyone or anything, not even myself. I'm locked up inside myself and I will never ever get close to someone again.. if only he knew what he's doing to me inside, but he wont take the time to listen. Even if he did, whats he going to do? Come back to me in pity? If only he knew all the nights I cry myself to sleep, if only he knew that I wake up with tear stained cheeks calling out his name.. if only he knew the way I felt about him, how true and pure my love for him is.. if only he knew. But what's he going to do? Me and him are bonded together in a secret relationship, and it hurts more than ever. We still mess around but as soon as I kiss someone else its over.. but I can't hang out with anyone else cause he doesn't trust me that I would tell him if anything happened.. it sounds like we are in a relationship.. and its almost as though we are.. but to people around us we are a broken up pair and he's moved on and I'm still left in misary, crying everyday because of the pain i feel.. and the moment I tell him all this he just says "fine then we'll stop messing around" though I feel used and horrible when we do, i don't want to stop... and for all those dirty minded people out there its not just because its sex.. it gives me a reason to see him, a reason to kiss him.. I reason to show my love to him.. but he never sees it. He keeps asking me "you know this means nothing right" and I always respond "right, it means nothing" But truely everytime we mess around I pour my heart into it, i let him hold my heart in his hands again every time.. and then everytime he leaves.. again my heart gets broken. I know the best thing to do for me is to stop, but I can't. I fear he may move on, i fear that I will be lonely with out the kisses that "mean nothing".. If only he knew..

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

Well, I guess as far as I'm concerned, its going to come down to this: Do you want to hear what you want to hear, or do you want to hear what you need to hear? But either way, don't make me waste my breath (or type, as the case will be), cause that bugs me...

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

Hit me on AIM (SendSongstoDad) we'll talk about it.. I can help you.. I can. You just have to want to be helped. :)

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A couple was told to individually write a sentence using the words 'sex' and 'love.' The woman wrote 'When two people love each other very much, like Bob and I, it is morally acceptapble for them to engage in sex.' And Bob wrote 'I love sex.'

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

I think I made strides tonight Hendy. :D We'll see what happens tomorrow, I guess.

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane

Roll your mouse over the button for more information.

Hitting 'ALT' and 'c' closes current tag

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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
somebody make an advice forum! And fast! Test has become "Therapy Hour with your hosts, TaPe and UberNewb".

There's one on Th3Fall3N forums... but they got mad when I started posting there :( I posted like 2 pages of "advice" in one day... come on, what's wrong with that? <_<

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

Well TaPe, we should steal their pathetic and pointless 'test' away, and make it our own! We seem to be doing some good, even if they don't realize it.

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I'm in favor of Tape and Uber continueing to give advice...

besides...think of how helpful a therapy session would be with a psychiatrist if he had MaleModel there throwing in thoughts on butt hair and such...it would just provide so much more comfort...

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