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Guest The Hurricane

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awww... thank you :) it made me feel bettter


my next question is: Is it possible to fall in love with someone u barely ever talk directly to? Is it possible to fall in love with someone you've never met? cause I think its happening  :wub: to me. (no names on who are being said right now)

uh-oh TaPe......i think its u

it's not tape..and even if it was would he care? no. Plus he has a girlfriend whom he loves and i have more respect than that. Tape is just a good friend who knows the right things to say to me... and he makes me feel like my feelings and my pain or normal.. when he doesn't know the half of it...


me and hendryx are gonna go to the mall this weekend so i can play and decide if i wanna buy CS... RIGHT HENDY?! u best go with me cause im gonna be bored this weekend.


but anyway.. I have a new problem.. well its old.. but new all at the same time.. I'm not sure how i feel. I love Alonie so much, i know that. And he says he loves me too, but only the kind of love that he'll always have a special place in his heart for me kinda love... doesn't give me much hope now does it? I thought for a long time thats how I still loved him.. but I'm not sure anymore... I don't know how i love him. Tears streak down my face as I'm writting this so don't mind me if my typing is messed up.. Tape keeps saying love is a wonderful thing.. and I agree that it is, but only when the other person loves u back. Otherwise love is the most painful thing to experiance. I was so foolish before, i kept telling myself I was over him and that I could move on... but I can't. I broke down today.. i have been so good.. i haven't cried or thought about him deeply in a long time.. and today I haven't STOPPED crying.. me and him will never get back together.. and that hurts.. it hurts more than you could ever imagine. I keep thinking that I'll get over him, but what if I don't? He's changed so much since he and I broke up, and he says he loves who he is now.. but I still see the look in his eyes when he looks at me. I still see the love sometimes.. i still feel it in his kiss... am i just insane? Is there any chance that at some point in time that love he will always have in his heart for me will be rekindled? And if so when? And what if it doesn't. He was the man of my dreams and I let him get away. And finally I have learned to search for a new guy.. but I don't see anyone who I'd go for.. he's the only one I am willing to go out with.. I'm so lost. I just wish I didn't have a heart.. I wish my screen name really said how I was. Because then i would never have to love, and I would never have to hurt. And people keep telling me it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all.. but are you sure? Because I just feel like I could die right now.. I've wanted to so bad.. But ever attempt ends because I always think to myself... "but what if he'll give me another chance in the future.. what if I do die and I miss that chance to be happy again" everytime I think that I have to stop.. and then i usually fall asleep... and then all over again the next day I get hurt, and I try to kill myself... it's a never ending cycle of pain, physical and emotional. And I find the only joy in my life right now, is to come here, and post to you guys.. and see what you all have to say.. so what if I don't play CS? U really want me to leave? So i have NO joy in my life at all? Cause if u want that.. say so.. and I'll leave. Because I'm sure no one would miss me. I hate life.. and right now there is a certain bottle of pills and a knife calling to me... I'll be back, I hope... and maybe my tears will finally stop falling...

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"Tear Stained Cheeks"

Those are my tear stained cheeks I see in the mirror.

Those are my eyes that are filled with terror.

A night of crying had left me bitter

A night of crying makes me feel like a quitter.

I have given up on trying to get by,

I have given up on living a lie.

My head aches, and my eyes are puffy.

My head aches, and my nose is stuffy.

I can't seem to overcome this pain,

I can't seem to overcome the tears, rain.

The proof of my tears stands out on my face

The proof of my tears indicates my feminine race.

I may feel stupid for crying, but there is nothing I can do.

I may feel stupid for crying, but I'm still crying over you.

My pillow is soaked with the salty tears.

My pillow is soaked, as if I cried for years.

I escaped my tears in slumber, but the marks still show when I awake.

I escaped my tears in slumber, but seeing you puts more tears at stake.

With blood shot eyes I stare at my tear stained cheeks,

reflected in the mirror before me.

With blood shot eyes I glare at the humiliating image,

disgusted at what I see.

I hate the fact that I cried so much.

I hate the fact that I can't reach out and touch.

I need your hand, your hand will help me through.

I need your hand, for where there's your hand, there's you.

I want to put these tears to rest, and never face them again.

I want to put these tears to rest, but I know that will only happen when

You realize that you need me too.

You realize that I'm crying over you.

Then I will be fine, and my pillow dry.

Then I will be fine, and I will no longer cry.

But until then, I have to deal with my tear stained cheek.

Until then, another cure for my tears I still seek.

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Is it wrong to feel as i do

Is it wrong for me to love you


Is it wrong to dream all night

to want to hold you, oh, so tight


Is it wrong for our lips to touch

Is it wrong to love you so much


Even though we both know

that our love- we never show


I'll hold you close in my heart

and my love for you will never part


This is an ode from me to you

so, always remember... "I LOVE YOU"

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If every time you crossed my mind,

a drop of rain should fall

We could swim forever,

in the greatest ocean of them all.


If every time I dreamed your face,

A flower bloomed anew,

I could walk eternally

in my garden next to you.


If every time I imagined your smile,

a star was placed in sight,

Darkness would never fall upon

our love's endless light.


And if every time I needed you,

A bird sang its song

Our symphony would keep on playing

long after we are gone

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wow... thats all i can say. I thought men were just pigs who didn't have feelings.. and i thought when i found someone who would write something like you guys do that i found one in a million.. but i was wrong. Either I'm completely wrong about guys or this community has the greatest bunch of guys out there. I will admit I love everyone and everything right now because I'm f***ed up on riddilin but I really truely love you all and you guys are good friends to me now. You all treat me better than any of my exboyfriends ever did, and I didn't know that was possible. You guys are there for me more then they were and you actually can relate.. which is odd. But there is nothing wrong with weirdness :) I just wanted to thank you ALL again.. because starting now, starting today, I'm going to see the light on every dark situation. Welp enough of my mushy gooshy emotional sh*t right?

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yeah I know, tape hasn't posted in awhile.. he IMed me on AIM last night.. but I'm not really sure if it was him cause I have one of his quotes in my profile and i was thanking him for all he's done for me.


(I'm learning to be more thankful for what people do for me if u haven't noticed.. I'm trying to stop taking everything for granted)

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you can never have enough feelings...


I'd write something more profound or throw some poetry out...but I'm about as far from creative as can be...


all I can say is you don't need CS to be part of this great place and you ARE part so no one can make you leave...


welcome to our world...may you enjoy it thoroughly...


p.s. I think you and I are the only 2 ppl who post and don't play...:)

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hehe yeah i think so :P I'm going to go play this weekend in "PC Gaming Arena" which is like this puter place in the mall where u can play games for an hour and it costs like 6 bucks... i get everything there for free so imma go play and see if i like it or if i get too fustrated with it.. then i might buy it.

I'm so happy to be apart of this community.. it's like everyone is a part of eachother.. everyone has special bonds with everyone else.. its weird...

And by the way playaa don't worry about the poetry thing, i can tell just by what u say in posts that u have feelings too :) which makes u wonderful just the way u are.. even if u say you are not creative (but i bet u are and u just don't know it.. everyone is creative in their own way)

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I'm logical...not creative...I have SOME creativity...but when it comes to artistic things (i.e. writing, painting, drawing, designing) I can't do anything...

but I'm cool with just being a logical kind of guy...


if you go out and get CS and start playing then I'll be the only one left



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true dat... why can't everyone just be sweet and nice and spread the love?! why do we hate? (oy vey.. listen to me.. just last week i was saying why do we love.. hahah)


My life has turned around so much from just today and just from what people have said.. hopefully this isn't another fluke like last time.. i hope this outview stays...


the world is such a wonderful place

just look up into the stars

and you can see forever

looking back at you :)

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we hate because we're evil...all ppl have evil in them...and we allow it to come out...


since I can't write and you posted about the stars...this song was brought to my mind...




They won't see

The fire you have lit inside of me

They look up to the stars

And wonder where you might be

They look up without realizing

That they're standing right there in the palm of your hand

I can't explain or understand

I just love You


It's common knowledge

That you've been dead for a while

It's well known that the cross is only a burden

With pains and trials

But then again how come my shoes are so light

How come I can walk for miles

And still just love You


So I think I'll stay

Caught up in a silent prayer

I believe in silence

Our hearts speak the same word

So why don't we just walk along

The shoreline with a silent song

Cause I believe in Silence

Our hearts speak the same word


We have to prove

That our love is real over and over again

But let them think what they want

I know it will never end

Because I know where it began

And my heart still heart still pounds twice as fast

Whenever you walk by

Cause I still love you


So I think I'll stay...




I'm a sellout...

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hehehe i love quotes about stars and stuff.. cause i think the stars are the beauty of all existance. Even my bass guitar's name is Black Star (yes I named my bass.. its my prize possession.. some people name their cars.. i named my bass) It's named Black Star cause it's black with glow in the dark stars all over it :) wheeeeeee i wanna go play so bad! But i can't cause my exboyfriend has it :( God i miss my bass.. uh oh.. imma about to get emotional about it.. oh no.. oh no.. oh no.


Anyway back to what i was saying.. I love stars.. The most calming and soothing thing i can do for myself is just to lay out on my roof at night and look up into the sky and wonder. The hardest part about my love for stars though is that I never saw a shooting star until one night when i was with my exboyfriend (whom i love, if u weren't there for that whole thing) we were laying outside in my back yard talking about how much we love eachother and that we wanted a sign to show us that we were meant to be.. and then at that moment we both saw a shooting star together and I made my wish that I would be with him forever on that star.. that was the night that I really truely realized that I love him and that I really do want to be with him for the rest of my life.. it makes me sad just thinking about it.. *sigh* I guess only time will tell what will happen with me and him from here..

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he sees me cry everyday... i break down everytime i see him.. because I can't let go of what him and i had.. he knows.. but he doesn't seem to care much anymore.. he's over me (so he says) but everyone I talk to says that it seems like he's just trying to get away from me so he can move on and that he really truely loves me.. see the thing is i have a mental disorder which is very hard to deal with and I made him misrable because I was misrable with myself. And we broke up because he couldn't handle it anymore.. he's changed a lot since we broke up and he says he loves who he is now, but i doubt he does because now he has been getting into more drugs and such.. and he plans so much stuff to do over the weekends to keep himself busy (so he doesn't have to think about me maybe?) but everynight he comes home and talks to me.. my friend and I talked about it last night and he said that my ex seemed like he's just afraid of getting hurt again but over time he'll get lonely enough with out me that he'll come back.. wow.. i have never wished so much that he was right. I love my ex (ahh f*ck lets use names.. his name is Alonie) so much that I really just want to see him happy.. and if he's happier with out me, fine. As long as he's happy.. but I don't think he is..

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