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Royal Family Kids' Camp Benefit Golf Outing


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Dear Online Community :


Over the years I have come to know a good many of you in different depths. Many of you I have had the privilege of meeting in person, but most have you I have not. However, I do know that our community is filled with so many quality people, when I sit and think about it, I’m truly amazed at how truly authentic so many of you are. We share many common interests but remain largely anonymous with from each other.


I’d first like to share a little bit more about myself, and then I will ask you to become “real� with me for a moment and support something that truly is worth your consideration.


If you know me personally, you know I can be very passionate about some things. There really are very few things I care passionately about, but one of those things is most definitely the children of our world. I am a teacher of 11 years now, and while I spend my career around children, the passion goes even deeper. 5 years ago I became involved with Royal Family Kids Camp, a camp for children that have been abused and neglected by the people they trusted the most in their lives. Without going into a whole lot of details or stories (although I have them if you’d like to hear any some time) let me just tell you that there is a void in many small hearts out there, and RFKC steps in to fill it.


For 3 years I was a counselor at an RFKC camp sponsored by a church not too far from here. Last year a wonderful thing happened! My church opened up our own chapter of RFKC, and I was honored to be part of the administration team to guide this camp. Last year our camp was an amazing success! We took 48 wonderful children and loved on them for a week. This year, with the incredible commitments from the people, we have enough volunteers to take even more kids.


Before I get to the point, if you feel a tug on your heart when you see stories on the TV or read in the paper about children been neglected, then you should read on. If it seems wrong to you that a child sleeps under their bed because they want to hide from someone that comes home drunk to “visit� them, then don’t turn away just yet. You have a chance, through the support of this camp, to make a difference.


You are probably in a hurry, so many of us are, but I ask you read on. I’ll only take about 5 more minutes of your time.


Each year, we must raise enough money to sponsor the camp completely. This is done through things like auctions, direct donations, bake sales, etc….and, as I now begin to arrive at my point….a Benefit Golf Outing.


Today, as I drove home from school, I called the person organizing the golf outing to ask how much it cost to enter a team. Clueless and I (and at least 2 others!) are going to be playing golf to benefit the kids of RFKC. However, as I later read through the information that Brian emailed me, I noticed that it included the sponsorship opportunities. My mind started whirling, and to be honest, a big smile came across my face. Why should we stop at merely entering the golf benefit, and frankly, pay to eat twice, golf, and win prizes. Almost seems like a fine deal for me, as it’s only a modest $250 per team.


I then noticed that a Tee-Box/Green Sponsorship is $200, and then you get $100 off your team price? I’m like, well, that only makes it $350 for our team…the guys that are playing will still pay their $62.50 each and I’ll ask GC for $100! I continued smiling as I envisioned myself now pulling together two of my basically separate worlds: a passion that I follow with my church family and a hobby that I follow with an incredible community! Then, as I gazed over the advertisement (that I will link below) I started to wonder why I was selling our community short. Why limit this to GC, but instead look to the greater community of GC and Community Members, which is actually the beating heart of our online world?


So I looked at the other sponsorship levels…..Community Sponsor…nice….Lunch/Dinner Sponsor…not bad, get 5 minutes to talk about us!....whoa, wait a minute…Corporate Sponsorship. I said it slowly…�Corrrrpoorrrrate� Sounded so darn official. National City is our only Corporate Sponsor for the golf outing at the moment. Could we do it?


So I subtract the $250 that me and 3 guys are already going to pay and add it in, because one of the benefits of being a CS is you get a complimentary foursome for the outing! So that’s $750 left.


I scratched my head. Heck, I’ll just make my donation $100, then I’ll find about 7 or 8 other guys to do the same from the community. Wait, nah, many are young guys, maybe I’ll seek 14 or 16 guys to toss in $50 each for the kids. Boom! The online community from gamerscoalition.com is who? What? I beamed with pride, told my wife to hold the baby because I had to start typing something important to the community!


So, I’m now left with the $750 question! Do you wanna jump on this de_train while it’s moving and help out?


Before you decide, take in just a bit more information about the camp on these two documents:






While you’re clicking, visit the national site created by the founders of RFKC: http://www.rfkc.org/


If you click on Ohio, and find Northampton United Methodist Church…that’s us!


So, I’m in for the long run. I spend time interviewing and training counselors and staff, and then I go for a week to support these guys and have direct contact with wonderful kids. Me? I’m in for good. I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life.


How about you? Will you jump with me right now? Will you help me glow as I cross my “virtual� with my “reality?�


If you’re ready to help, we’re just going to use paypal to do so. Heck, from this community, I honestly believe that $800 is an insultingly low number, but we’ll start there. We’ll sponsor to whatever level you guys desire.


Do you live in the area and want to get in on the golf action too? Note that it IS July 15, exactly ONE WEEK prior to FragFestOhio 2005!! I know Clueless and I need a couple more people to play, so that’s one part, contact me if you want. However, the sponsorship is something that I’m convinced we, as a community, both within GC and without, as an entire online family, can provide.


If you’re in for the kids, hook up the paypal to fatty@gamerscoalition.com and note in big, fat, proud letters: ROYAL FAMILY KIDS CAMP GOLF BENEFIT. Also, if you would, bump this topic and proudly share that you've made a donation...let's make this happen as a family!!!!


For those of you that do decide this is worth it, I hope that someday I get to see you and grip your hand, and thank you on behalf of the kids. If that’s not to be, know that I thank you just the same.


Respectfully Submitted for the Children :hug: ,







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I just would like to say how happy I am that your going out of your way to help those kids, many people would just say meh some other people will help them out... God bless you Fatty you truly are a great guy. Without you many of those kids wouldnt know any different.


Ps: As soon as my paypal is working you can count on a donation ...


Chester :wavey:

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GC Founder

Believe me, it's no accident that one is blessed by working with these kids. They really do a number on you.


Some have time. Some have money. Being a teacher, I have extra time in the summer. Now I'm looking for a few with some extra money looking for something worthwhile to invest in.


I'm excited and anxious to see what happens here. :boing:


By the way, if anyone has any connections to businesses who like to sponsor this sort of thing, by all means print out those pages and give them to someone...or put me in contact with them.

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varsity golf capitan back in the day lol.


*wonders if Time Warner Cable will sponsor my outing and free time off!*


*looks around m2 and finds a new dell pocket pc, hrmm, its on ebay and at 450 right now. i guess some can go to the kids :) *


As soon as the auction ends I will send some, PM me if you still need teamates, 1 week before FF is very tempting seeing how it is 8 hours away but for golf and cs its seems like 1 hr to me.

Edited by M2.gc
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I understand you younger guys in college that have to eat on a budget and have a hard time letting go of the little bit of money that you have. I remember my dad arguing for me with a car salesman over $50/month in the payment price. The car salesman says, "C'mon, what's 50 bucks a month." My dad replies, "To a kid trying to work his way through college, its HUGE!"


Please do not see this as a slam to you guys. There is a parable in the bible (Mark 12:41-44 NIV):


"41..Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasurey. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42..But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.


43..Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the threasury than all the others. 44..They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on."


I wasn't going to do this because I'm not looking for the attention, I'm not trying to "toot my own horn" as they say. God has blessed my family with two good jobs and I feel compelled to donate. I donated $200. I know we have quite a few in this community who have been graced in the same way. So, here's my challenge.....To all of you guys who have been as fortunate as myself, I challenge you to meet or exceed my donation. To all of you guys who haven't been as blessed, or aren't to this point in life yet, like the parable above and Fatty said before, I challenge YOU guys to do without a night out drinking or whatever you do on your nights out and donate $20, $10, even $5 bucks to the cause. All we need is $1000 and we are corporate sponsors!!! I'm like Fatty, my eyes light up when I hear corporate sponsor in assossiation with GC. Don't know why but it just sounds awesome. A bunch of techno nerds care enough about the kids of the world to chip infor corporate sponsorship..."AWESOME" But why stop at just the $1000. Its not about the sponsorship, its about the kids. I'm sure any place like this is willing to take as large a donation as we want to give them!!


Originally posted in Private GC forums, but it goes the same for anyone that takes part in this community in my opinion.

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GC Founder

Alrighty....after only one day, here's where we stand:


There has been $470 in contributions so far.


Take away from the $1000 a hundred from me, and $65 for Clueless paying for his own golf, and we have a goal of $835.


Bottom line? We're less than $400 away from being a corporate sponsor for this very worthwhile event.


I am proud to be part of this community. The last 24 hours has amazed me. The only question remaining is who will help carry us the second half of this journey and make it happen?


I'd LOVE to have more than one team play, but we need to finish this business first.


Shazz mentioned possibly playing?



I'm working on m0m as best I can.

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Just put in my donation.

Thanks for doing this for the kids. I have heard some of the stories from RFKC, and I know that the little bit of love goes a long way for these kids.

You're awesome.


- (not so infuriated) Weasel

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GC Founder

You know.....there's nothing that would make me more happy than to find some people from around this community that actually became involved with RFKC. Check the map at the main site.... http://www.rfkc.org and look in your state!


Weasel, awesome...thank you.

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