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911 Call Ignored


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:( that is wack... boy loses his mom because that lady didn't take him seriously, schools teach the whole call 911 for like almost everything... I can't imagine every kid being able the do that task under high stress situations like that. Those 3 numbers on that phone was best action his did in that situation and he gets slapped in that face by the operater... twice.


I had a dream I got shot and called 911 and the ambulance skipped me because there was a bigger accident AFTER my call on the way to me.

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that is horrible!!

i remember in minnesota, there was a fuel truck that flipped over and caught fire. 9 people called 911 and all 911 did was transfer ALL of them to a different 911 dispatch, the other 911 dispatch transfered ALL of them to the orriginal 911 dispatch....... no police or rescue crews got there untill 45 min after. the truck driver died, he could have been saved.

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I was at a metro city's 911 HQ. The man running the place made the statement. "If anyone calls and hangs up, we send a officer to that house immediatly. The reason is this. Lets say a lady is getting beat up and all she does is pick up the phone and call 911 and hears it ring once then hangs up. So no matter what...we send a officer."


They should have sent an officer....right then.


Even if there are 25% prank calls. We should be able to deal with prank calls like they are real. Some kids need to learn IN PERSON...face to face with a cop isnt' funny.


my 2 cents

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that reminds me my mom once forgot to key lock her phone and the cell called 911... operator call back of course the ID doesn't say anything and she hung up on her... operator called back and this time my mom was like you pick it up. So I did, the operator was like "everything ok?" and blah blah blah...


yes a cop coming to a kids house... that kid would be like :o


ok late for my next classss!!! *runs*

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