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Not I. I have never understood the need to deal with big crowds, long waits in line, and the rush to get a good seat, just to be one of the first 2 - 5 million people to see a movie.



I'll wait until Tuesday to see it. I'm sure I'll enjoy it much more without the rat race and stress. :)







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I agree with Hollywood porn statement Dark, but..... was it an accurate retelling of the graphic novel and is that why they were in there or were they just added as you describe "hollywood porn" sytle?


I've not seen the film yet, but I intend to soon.

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3/4 stars


This movie was everything I expected. It was just a good action movie about an amazing historical event with great special effects. The film focused more on Frank Miller's comic then history, which was fine.

Too much sex? Uh no. There were 2 important sex scenes.

1.) the night before the big battle. This was the last night the King and Queen will spend together.

2.) Was to show how evil a particular man was, while showing what kind of sacrifice a woman would go through for her love.

3.) Im not going to count the naked prophet as a sex scene.

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It was a great movie. Historically it's very accurate. But of course hollywood has to throw in some extra spice. Many of the phrases Leonidus used were actually recorded in history like when Xerxes asks for the spartan's weapons he says "Come and take them". That actually happened.


I dont know if they showed the Persians "whiping" the sea. Supposedly after the big storm when Xerxes landed on spartan land, he ordered the Sea to be whiped for disobeying him.


The imortals were cool but their uniforms are historically inaccurate. That was another hollywood add on. Plus they were nothing special, just a force of 10000 men (always 10,000 no more no less) that were well known.


Either way it was a great movie and i'm so gonna watch it again.

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I saw it opening night. I agree, too much sex. I mean, you don't have to expose the queen's breasts when she is having a normal conversation with the king. Thats why I'm happy for adobe premiere and a dvd ripper when I buy it. A pg-13 rating for me plz :)


Me and my friends were so pumped that we decided (but chickened out) to go do a skit in walmart. It goes like this.


When we are at the checkout lanes, I scream out, "This is blasphemy! this is madness!" then one of my friends would kick me square in the chest and yell, "THIS IS WALMART!!!"


That and barricade the front of the doors with shovels and garbage cans poking anybody trying to get in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It was a great movie. Historically it's very accurate. But of course hollywood has to throw in some extra spice. Many of the phrases Leonidus used were actually recorded in history like when Xerxes asks for the spartan's weapons he says "Come and take them". That actually happened.


I dont know if they showed the Persians "whiping" the sea. Supposedly after the big storm when Xerxes landed on spartan land, he ordered the Sea to be whiped for disobeying him.


The imortals were cool but their uniforms are historically inaccurate. That was another hollywood add on. Plus they were nothing special, just a force of 10000 men (always 10,000 no more no less) that were well known.


Either way it was a great movie and i'm so gonna watch it again.


X, you do realize that while this historical event DID happen, this film was in no way intended to be a historical film right?

It is an adaptation of a graphic novel (read: comic book) that was LOOSELY based on the historical events at Thermopolae.


just saying...I heard some people arguing the other day about 300 and one of them said it was the "worst historical war film" he'd ever seen...

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Ty was telling me in game that the novel 300 was about a child's view of the events of Thermopalaye, which is why the Persians looked so monstrous and foreign.


For anyone that is interested, there is a novel called Gates of Fire and that is much more historically accurate and enjoyable imo.

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I recorded the history channel special about the "Last Stand of the 300." It showed all the other stuff along with the part the film was "based" on.


Isn't it spelled Thermopylae? Or are there thousands of spellings like every old word in the world?

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Saw the movie, very awesome. I hope they make a sequel call 10,000 since at the end its 10k vs how many persians? lol.

[sarcasm] Also the reason why they say this movie has a lot of sex scene is because of the underlining homosexual sword/spear fighting each other probably.[/sarcasm] Zinnnnnnnnnnnng!


Well...its kinda obvious since they joked about it a lot at the well scene and at the wall building of corpses :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just saw the movie tonight. They finally opened the new theater here and I went with a friend from work to the 7:15PM showing. Great movie. One of my all time favorites. I would give this a 10/10 and having seen how great this movie is, I may have to mark down the 3rd Spider Man movie because it isn't nearly as good as this movie. If you haven't seen this movie yet; get to it already.

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