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Stairway to Heaven

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years ago in high school (approx 1985) I remember hearing excerpts from SWTH by led zep. As years have passed I finally (using software) was able to take the song and reverse it and give it a listen.


I was amazed at how many things I heard and before I read them. Now it's true that years ago I heard them but ONLY 2. I remember quite well watching TBN with paul crouch JR. as hid 2 track recorder and I remember hearing the "I live with satan" and "heres to my sweet satan".


But now I listened to the whole and heard many other statements. After giving it a few listens I read on the internet and found that people had found the same statements like ..."theres no escaping it" and "he will give those with him 666".


Ok so heres the ?


Is it supernatural? Is it a gimmick?

After reading that LedZ was influenced and Guitarist JP even bought Alisters house (major satanist) it makes me think it's supernatural.


Supposedly in a book on Led Z the night SWTH was written plant wrote that his hand just started writing the words and I'm starting to wonder if it aint true.


I say that because I think if you do read what most people hear (both christian and non-christian) the whole song MIGHT be backwards.

For example, most won't notice it when listening but the very beginning opens "playyyy backward, hear why it's sung here, oppositioner."

Now the power of suggestion is strong but I can't see how other phrases like

"scooby doobey doo, where are you" fit. So we argue well it has to be close like...

"pay it backbeard, hairy its hung here"


But when carefully examined I think these people are right, fundamentalist or liberal...

to me it sounds exactly like what others hear..."backward, hear why it's sung here." seems clear "playyyy" and "oppositioner" I'm not sure about.


My point is I think they were into something really dark and for someone to convince me it's a coincidence or it's in my mind and its all jibberish does not prove anything to me

to disregard what I hear.


Now I'm not ruling out that it could be a gimmick, indeed people are smart and so I do not put it past anyone to pull it off.


But at this point I'm convinced more they were satanic and this song was not of human origin.



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Although I've heard it, I could not tell you 1 word of that song. I've never been a big fan of LZ and I've never read anything about the 'playing backward' thing. Can you provide a link to the backwards song? I'd like to give it a listen.

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Bewildered,I have a hard time with random when foward the strange lyrics of the song say "cause you know sometimes words have two meaning, ooooh it makes me wonder".Also.."The piper (satan according to crowley) will lead us to reason" "the pipers calling you to join him""yes there are two paths that you can go by, but in the long run theres still time to change the road your on".and there seems to be a solid theme backwards (broken I admit, but still a theme)"cause I live with satan""heres to my sweet satan""he will give those with him 666""theres no escaping it"I have a hard time thinking these are just a happen stance...why not..."rodney dangerfield has monkeys in his margarita"or"too too bad I'm a bowl full of rice krispies, shut up fool! get those lizzards off me"seems a bit odd these clear statements of satan are in there several times.Just an opinion and even I'm skeptical to my viewpoint : ) But as plant says....Makes me wonder.AugI'll post up the whole song backwards on my website.go to gigpc.net and d/l it there.Aug

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ok, I posted the clips up and the whole song

try hearing the foward clip then the backward




there is a back to back clip. Notice how the phonics are changed in the reverse direction.

"it's just a spring clean for the may queen" - "he will give those with him 666"

granted the 666 sounds more like "sick sick si" but close enough for me.


but what puzzles me is how the "k" sound of the word Queen is gone and it becomes he.


I do notice that there is a strange flange to the whole song. A flange is a effect that makes it sound like a weaving in and out of a tonal quality.

like listneing to a seashell over your ear and moving it back and forth to and from the ear.


I have a feeling that may have something to do with it. Like a technology that allowed them to do this, OR the flange sound is from hell : )



Anyhow give me your thoughts,



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i think people hear what they want to hear. this was the same deal with the kingsmen and their song "louie louie". but you had to play the song at 33rpm instead of normal 45. there was even a federal investigation by the fbi.


it's easy to hear things when they are written out for you. look up the dirty lyrics of the song and listen to the song, you can "hear" these dirty lyrics. but then look at the real lyrics and you can see how you can get confused.


an even stronger example is the beatles thw white album, when everyone thought paul was dead.


people love a mystery and hidden secrets. and the power of persuasion is strong.

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I was never quite sure why anyone would want to ruin their album and play it backwards to begin with, much less be bothered by what was said. Shrug, if the satanic comments where placed there on purpose I still don't see an issue. These words or phrases have no power, much less the ability to persuade people into becoming satanists. No more than if someone placed a psalm backwards on an album would cause poeple to convert to christianity. It just seems like another way to create a faceless fear of some satanic plot or plan. For one thing, nearly all "satanic" groups have basically just been people who wanted to have lots of sex, do drugs, and need to feel persicuted to justify thier rejection of society. Because the established religions forbid this kind of activity, they call themselves satanists, and they get all sorts of attention because of that. Just what they despretly want. Quite pathetic really. Not the sort of people I'm particularly worried about.


So for me, whether or not an album has some backmasked message of evil, really is a non issue. As for satanism, that to is a non issue. Nobody is out there sacraficing people to the devil because of a hidden message in a song.


Some interesting messages in those songs though, whether intentional or not heh :)









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Shaft, I agree. I see no benefit for anyone execept self entertainment, in doing such things. I do believe they did this either on purpose or was posessed (I know it sounds silly) because he pronounces his words funny foward. Like "spring clean for the may queen" is actually "spring clean for the may quee"

Now indeed most people probably remember hearing "queen" because their mind plugs in the rest sort of like this example:

Disn yland


your brain was able to plug in what was needed to complete the word or:


yuo vahe nees ssemesge thta rae lal mixed pu.


not hard to read huh?


so when he says may quee, we actually hear "may queen". However this min pronounciation backwards is what makes "he will give those with him 666".


The only strange part is that the "k" sound of "mae-kween" is gone. you would think it would sound like "eeewk will give those with him"

but somehow the K sound of queen gets silenced when played backwards.


I think there are a number of reasons this happens

1) the snare drum hits on this same syllable

2) this flange effect may mask or help mask certain things.


So I'm not convinced it is a supernatural event as I was at first, but I still do believe there is a lot there for them to have figure out on there own

so I still "feel" that its origin may be beyond human.



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LZ created rock music. I have never even heard of playing there stuff backwards for "devil music" Although I have heard about this with like Judas Priest or something.


To me it seems like a bunch of people who didn't like their kids listening to this music came up with this idea. Just like they did with KISS. Is a bunch of a middle aged make up wearing, guitar playing, singing men really the work of satan? These people may want to put on their tinfoil hats.

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Another excuse to never have to listen to LZ :)


But in all seriousness...


I too hear the flange, and it always annoyed me. I think it definitely plays in with the way the words are sounding, (frontwards and backwards). I reverse tracks all the time, add reverb, then re-reverse (verse? :) ) in order to get that "build" effect. Man I hope I'm not making my music satanic... (again, jk).


I dont know if the message backwards is supernatural or not - but I'd say the guy's life isnt being led by Christ, so it definitely is being led by a "satanic" influence, whether the world sees it or not. You always follow someone, and if it's not God...


That's my basic viewpoint anyway - without giving it a whole lot of thought. Hey, what can I say - it's 2 am and I was up at 6:30! :D

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I dont know if the message backwards is supernatural or not - but I'd say the guy's life isnt being led by Christ, so it definitely is being led by a "satanic" influence, whether the world sees it or not. You always follow someone, and if it's not God...



Wow. I hope you don't really believe that. That very idea created the inquisition. Using that sort of thinking, people throughout history have justified wars, genocide's, and massacres. Look at your post again and tell me you don't see the inherent danger in it.






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just because there is danger in a statement doesn't mean that it's wrong


Besides, the worst type of stereotyping is the one that blames normal people for the actions of crazy people who happen to believe the same as they do.

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just because there is danger in a statement doesn't mean that it's wrongBesides, the worst type of stereotyping is the one that blames normal people for the actions of crazy people who happen to believe the same as they do.


Well, it is wrong, and it is dangerous. Simply because someone does not believe in God, or Jesus Christ as their savior, does not make them satanists. Thats just ridicules.


In addition, I never claimed that Dark was, or would ever, even consider harming anyone. He is a good guy, I was just alarmed by his post and what the idea he expressed has done to this world.



i just got done killing the two chickens in the alley.now what?


Sry, thats voodoo. You need to try harder. What a noob.





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no fx,

did you go to my website



and d/l the whole song reversed?


Give it a listen and see if you think it's a intentional or non-intentional.


Also what do you make of Alister Crowley and the fact that Jimmy bought a house from Crowley? Does it make you wonder?





I went to the site and listened to the three clips you posted in reverse. I will admit it does sound like I hear the word satan in the second clip. But just listening to the others, it sounded nothing more than a reverse song. I didn't go back and read what you claimed is said, I just listened.


I believe they had no intention on ever playing that song backwards. If they did, why don't you have the whole song in reverse? wouldn't they have more of a message rather than three, three second clips?


Sounds to me like some stoners in 70's decided to play their vinyl backwards and were like wooooahhh he says Satan. btw, I've listened to the clips about 10 times each and to me if I had to make the garble into actual words I hear this:


clip 1: "now the leaves are gone, turn me out"

clip 2: the second one sounds like nothing but occasionally hear something that resembles satan

clip 3: "I leave fizate"

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I dont know if the message backwards is supernatural or not - but I'd say the guy's life isnt being led by Christ, so it definitely is being led by a "satanic" influence, whether the world sees it or not. You always follow someone, and if it's not God...



Wow. I hope you don't really believe that. That very idea created the inquisition. Using that sort of thinking, people throughout history have justified wars, genocide's, and massacres. Look at your post again and tell me you don't see the inherent danger in it.







Well, by satanic I don't mean he explicitly worships satan and wants to murder all christians and burn all the churches down. "Satanic influence" to me means influenced by a satanic thought. Satan was cast out of heaven for wanting to be God basically, which is where I was coming from.


I dont really see the world as "christian" and "non-christian" (though there's definitely truth to that). I prefer to see two types of humans: the ones who realize and aknowledge Jesus' lordship, and those who do not. Satan's error was that he would not aknowledge it (I feel like I'm spelling that wrong, sorry if I am) and that's why we call him proud. I would say if pride rules your life, then you're listening to satanic influences (which may have even initially been your own evil desires according to James, but that's a whole other topic).


Yeah, I see the danger in saying that, and actually very much appreciate you bringing it up Shaftiel. I do still believe it though. And at the same time, those who were leading the cruscades, inquisition, massacres and genocides ALSO were not listening (or acknowledging) Jesus' lordship and following his plan, but were listening to satanic influences. They knew nothing of God's heart. Not everyone who claims to be part of the Church actually is part of the Church - even Jesus told us that before the church was formed.


I'm sure you dont agree with everything in my post Shaft, but I hope you can see where I'm coming from a little bit.


PS this is already longer than I wanted, but reverse and sped-up songs always sound cool :)

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Food for thought.


Figure I would post this up....you can hear the words alot better IMO on this youtube video. He has some great points about the words in the song starting at 2:00




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I was just alarmed by his post and what the idea he expressed has done to this world.

That's exactly what I'm saying though...the IDEA hasn't done a thing to this world. Saying that ideas shouldn't be spoken aloud or even entertained because they are "dangerous" is just wrong. Ideas are what make us human. When we use negative ideas to justify negative actions, that just makes us animals again.

Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people.


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
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I was just alarmed by his post and what the idea he expressed has done to this world.

That's exactly what I'm saying though...the IDEA hasn't done a thing to this world. Saying that ideas shouldn't be spoken aloud or even entertained because they are "dangerous" is just wrong. Ideas are what make us human. When we use negative ideas to justify negative actions, that just makes us animals again.

Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people.


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.




I re-read my post, and I do not believe I said that ideas should not be spoken or explored. I was simply pointing out the dangers that have arisen from that particular idea.


Additionaly, You assert that an idea can not cause harm. You further allude to the fact that without action, an idea has no power. I agree with that. An idea by itself can not harm anyone. However, an idea can fester and breed dangerous thoughts, which then lead to actions that harm others.


My point to Dark was that I felt that the divisive us versus them tone of that particular idea has a proven record of inspiring action from those who would cause strife and misery throughout history.


So, to recap. I do not believe in censorship of ideas and thought. I agree that an idea in and of itself can not cause harm. That while an idea is mostly inert, given the right soil it can bloom into something truly terrifying if one is not careful. My assertion is that this is one of those divisive ideas that has, and will continue to be, at the root of the religious and social problems we experience in the world today.






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I see where you're coming from Shaftiel, thanks for the clarification.


By the way, in one sense I see it as "us" and "them", but at the same time I realize I was one of the "them's" (not saved by grace) and the only thing that sets me apart is grace. So the only thing standing between me and "them" is God - nothing for me to brag about and leaves me absolutely nothing to condemn them with. That's not my job at all.


So I agree, that idea you're talking about has been misused for harm instead of good. Humanity can be so stupid :) and I definitely am at the top of that class :D hahahah

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