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Since there isn't much activity on the forums lately, how about a couple of ideas then?


My suggestions concern the case in which the teams are evidently stacked, but nobody wants to scramble or they aren't really stacked, but one team is doing way better than the other (for example there was a badly placed AFK).


All these suggestions are handicaps which the teams would be able to put on themselves, for example when 6 people type '!handicap', their team gets one of the handicaps and no real scramble would be needed (you could also implement an admin safeguard, for example when the survivors want to '!handicap', it sends one of those messages that the admin would be able to see, and then activate.


All the handicaps focus on teamwork:


1st possible handicap (survivors): 'realism mode': No more helpful colors surrounding the survivors.


2nd possible handicap (infected): 'Born this way': the infected could lose the ability to change infected


3nd possible handicap (survivors): 'escort the blind man!': one survivor gets blinded and needs to be escorted to the saferoom (idea by Biggs)

alternative: 'moral objectors!' : 2 people can't fire a gun, or use melee attacks.


4th possible handicap (infected): 'Smelly infected': all special infected get biled as soon as they spawn (they are blind and have a purple outline for the survivors to see)


5th possible handicap (both survivors and infected): 'don't say eum...': typing '!points', '!buy' or '!tp' automatically subtracts 15 points!


The handicaps would last for one round and help even up the score, without having to scramble. It's also a challenge for the teams who believe they have a 'dream team' :biggrinjester:


Please comment and feel free to think up more suggestions!


All Saints Day greetings


The Dude

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5th possible handicap (both survivors and infected): 'don't say eum...': typing '!points', '!buy' or '!tp' automatically subtracts 15 points!



I spam all those commands all day :c I'd have like -400 most rounds


Me too, so... that's the point :biggrinjester:

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All these suggestions are handicaps which the teams would be able to put on themselves, for example when 6 people type '!handicap', their team gets one of the handicaps and no real scramble would be needed (you could also implement an admin safeguard, for example when the survivors want to '!handicap', it sends one of those messages that the admin would be able to see, and then activate.


All the handicaps focus on teamwork:


1st possible handicap (survivors): 'realism mode': No more helpful colors surrounding the survivors.

2nd possible handicap (infected): 'Born this way': the infected could lose the ability to change infected

3nd possible handicap (survivors): 'escort the blind man!': one survivor gets blinded and needs to be escorted to the saferoom (idea by Biggs)

alternative: 'moral objectors!' : 2 people can't fire a gun, or use melee attacks.


Not sure how this would work exactly, the victim of such a debilitating handicap needs to be voluntary. If something like this were to be added, I'd like it to be automatic based on the scores.

4th possible handicap (infected): 'Smelly infected': all special infected get biled as soon as they spawn (they are blind and have a purple outline for the survivors to see)

5th possible handicap (both survivors and infected): 'don't say eum...': typing '!points', '!buy' or '!tp' automatically subtracts 15 points!


The handicaps would last for one round and help even up the score, without having to scramble. It's also a challenge for the teams who believe they have a 'dream team' :biggrinjester:

I like the ideas, but I don't like the handicaps singling out players. These handicaps will be just another reason to be left for dead. "He's blind, let's leave him." I'd rather have a handicap that equally debilitates all team members.

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Perhaps i should have specified more:


1st: i'd implement it in a way so the admin has to give permission for the handicap round. The members typing '!handicap' just sends a message any admin online (similar to the "respect the gc rules" messages)


2nd: These handicaps should only be used when a team thinks it's really good. This will (should) only happen when 8 out of 10 people are regulars on the server, in which case the "he's blind let's leave him" scenario shouldn't occur, especially since it's the winning team who decides wether they want to 'handicap' or not in the first place.


Of course if that's too hard, you can just leave the 'individual' handicaps out. Also i prefer the 'no shooting' handicap because i heard some ppl get nauseous from being blind a whole round. They would only be able to shove.

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i think boomers should get points for bile damage, instead of points for biling.


is there a way to add that in?


If someone booms someone and then you get the "ding" points for assist damage as the horde attacks, you get a few points in there like spitters do?

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Nope, nope... No one ever figured out how to replicate that there smoker whipping. I think boomers should get points for bile damage, instead of points for biling.


Aw that's a shame. Yeah I agree, points for damage is better than points on biling. There's times where you can do uber amounts of damage for a boom, but you only get a few points. Hard to get people to use boomers even, probably because of this. People spam spitters and we need booms to help fight the tank.

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Yeah, points for bile damage is wicked easy; I had suggested this to jackie at one point but he doesn't want to add that feature at this time. I sort of see how that may make point earning quite easy with boomers, but as it is, no one ever wants to play a boomer, at the moment.

Edited by Sky
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I'd add it, but I'm not exactly sure where to start. I don't know how the game accounts for "boomer assist damage" anyway. Is it some "weapon" I'm unaware of?


Anyway, if that gets added in, booming a survivor would go back down to being 1 point each again.

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Jackie, I'm going to edit this post with the exact code; I'm just wripping it out of the skyrpg2 code, which can be found here: http://forums.allied...ad.php?t=197739


In skyrpg2, there are sections for Bot Special Infected earning points; since that doesn't apply here, I've just put in the relative materials. The entire source on how to do this can be found in the boomer.sp and functions.sp files.


Keep in mind that it's a significant amount of points if someone gets hit 25 times while biled. You may want to run a multiplication of BileDamage[client] * GetConVarFloat(g_PointsPerBileDamage) since you're now using floats for actual points. This way, even a survivor that gets whooped won't award that boomer an obscene amount of points. Furthermore, using this, you probably don't want to award any points for simply biling the survivor. Trust me, when I say that you should pick to ether award points for biling the survivor or for bile damage. Bile damage just means the boomer has the opportunity, but isn't guaranteed; has the potential to earn a lot of points like other classes, such as the spitter.


Skyrpg2 offers a lot of methods for earning points; from ensnare distances, like charge (carry) distance, to smoker tongue pull distance, among other things. If you're curious about something, it's an extremely informational source to read up on.


public Action:Event_PlayerNowIt(Handle:event, String:event_name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
 new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));

 //	 Bile[victim] holds the userid of the attacker; This will be -1 if the user is not covered in bile from a human.
 //	 This is in place so you can set a custom length (g_TimeBoomer) for how long bile points can be awarded
 //	 after the player is biled.
 if (!IsClientActual(victim) || Bile[victim] != -1 || !IsClientActual(attacker)) return;

 Bile[victim] = attacker;	 //	 Store the Boomer's userid
 BileDamage[victim] = 0;	//		Reset the victim's bile points, so the boomer doesn't receive bile damage points he didn't earn.

 //	 Run the timer that will check for bile points.
 CreateTimer(GetConVarFloat(g_TimeBoomer), Timer_AwardBile, victim, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

public Action:Timer_AwardBile(Handle:timer, any:client)
 if (!IsClientActual(client)) return Plugin_Stop;

 //	 Find out who the boomer was
 new attacker = Bile[client];

 //	 If the boomer is actual (Bot or human) award the experience
 if (IsClientActual(attacker))
		ExperienceAward(attacker, client, -1, BileDamage[client], 3, -1, -1);

 //	 Remember to reset the values so the victim can be targeted by another boomer after this event is completed.
 BileDamage[client] = 0;
 Bile[client] = -1;
 return Plugin_Stop;

public Action:Event_PlayerHurt(Handle:event, String:event_name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
 new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));

 //	 If you want the boomer to only be awarded bile points if common infected damage the survivor, use this:
 if (!IsClientActual(attacker) && IsClientActual(victim) && Bile[victim] != -1)

 //	 If you want the boomer to be awarded bile points only from human attackers, change the first argument to IsClientActual(attacker)
 //	 However, if you don't care whether it was human or not, remove that argument completely.
 //	 Because the issue of fire damage comes in to play (A survivor that runs through fire, while biled, will award boomers a ridiculous amount of experience)
 //	 you should disable points awarded based on fire.

 //	 The following example will award points to the attacker for any kind of damage, whether it's another SI, teammates of the survivor, or common infected
 //	 but will not award damage if it's any kind of fire (environmental, event, and molotov). If you want to make sure it isn't due to friendly fire, you can always
 //	 run a check of if (IsClientActual(attacker) && IsClientActual(victim) && GetClientTeam(attacker) != GetClientTeam(victim))

 new type = GetEventInt(event, "type");

 if (type != 8 && type != 2056 && type != 268435464)
	 if (IsClientActual(victim) && Bile[victim] != -1)

Edited by Sky
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Another possibility would be to adjust the respawn timer on the infected. Knock it down to 15s for the team that's losing. This has the benefit of feeling like a buff rather than a nerf, and it also makes things a little more exciting for the winning team rather than more frustrating.

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I think boomer points are perfect the way they are. will we still get the 2 boom points+ damage points, or only damage points? if only damage points, the boomer will not collect much points from a regular. it only takes one firework crate.. but back to the original post.. I LIKE IT :biggrinpimp:

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Another possibility would be to adjust the respawn timer on the infected. Knock it down to 15s for the team that's losing. This has the benefit of feeling like a buff rather than a nerf, and it also makes things a little more exciting for the winning team rather than more frustrating.


Nice. Like it.

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I think it could start with stuff like only tier 1 weapons or pistols. Maybe even only melee weapons. The problem with more extreme stuff is that I could see half the winning team just bailing instead of having fun with it.


This should only be attempted if it is clear that pretty much the whole team agrees and if most of the players are members or at least regulars.

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I think boomer points are perfect the way they are. will we still get the 2 boom points+ damage points, or only damage points? if only damage points, the boomer will not collect much points from a regular. it only takes one firework crate.. but back to the original post.. I LIKE IT :biggrinpimp:


No, if boomers are collecting points based on damage a biled survivor takes, trust me, it won't matter who the person is, points will be collected, and a lot of points, if the biled survivor is then pounced or charged, etc., since the boomer will be collecting for the damage dealt by the player ensnaring the survivor and the commons. But even if it were just commons, you'd be surprised how much regulars get twacked by commons without even knowing about it. It just takes one good boom - or just a cheap bile on an incapacitated player.

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