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League of legends. (Dunno where I should post this)


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I'm surprised League of Legends is still around after Dota2 came out.


Unless I'm mistaken League has a way bigger competitive player base than DoTa2. Also I'd much rather play LoL again, don't have to worry about denying and I feel like each hero is at least useful late game unlike in DoTa where INT heroes kind of suck.

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I'm surprised League of Legends is still around after Dota2 came out.


Unless I'm mistaken League has a way bigger competitive player base than DoTa2. Also I'd much rather play LoL again, don't have to worry about denying and I feel like each hero is at least useful late game unlike in DoTa where INT heroes kind of suck.


Rubick, Silencer, Queen of Pain, Shadow Shaman and my current favorite Necrolyte... do not suck. Far from it.


Edit: and neither does Nature's Prophet!! Unless Lousiest plays him of course... :D

Edited by TheDude
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I have a couple friends who play Dota2 who can make ANY hero good end game. It's all in how well you know each character and the strengths/weaknesses they have against the opposing heroes.


Any hero has snowball potential, but a couple have more than the other. Basically if you get a hero to lvl 5 before or at the same time the opposing team hits that mark, you're gonna be useful.

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I'm judging all of these based on DoTA (put way too many hours into it) and there way too many agility and strength heroes that dominated end game while int heroes kinda just lagged behind. I could be wrong of course, but I'll probably stick to LoL for now.

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