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Everything posted by monthos

  1. Gamesurge has it's own chanserv to regulate user/access for a channel. You do not need to run an array of eggdrops just to hold onto channels. I can easily moderate the channel if we do use this network, but would you at least idle here as well ZD? I mean it is your idea so I dont want to impose, I just think a gaming irc network would be a better fit. I am trying to get the channel registered right now while I have time, point your irc client to irc.gamesurge.net and channel #gamerscoalition .
  2. I used to hang out on GamesNET back in the day, which is now the Gamesurge network after one of them got kicked off the panel. That guy also happened to own the domain. I wouldn't say anyone there was a "cool-kid" but it was nice to be in a more gamer oriented atmosphere.
  3. Does it have to be efnet? I feel dirty just logging into that network.
  4. Yeah I know thats not the reason this forum exists, but the xbox 360 CoD4 patch is released, it has a few fixes in it as well as killcams for the airstrike and grenades etc, if you play the xbox version get in the game!
  5. monthos

    Proud owner!

    ya think? I kind of figured saving up at least a 10% down payment, not sure why I just assumed that just seemed it was appropriate. I figure I will be looking for a house in the 95K-110K range. To be honest im not even sure of all the steps when it comes down to the financing, how many back months worth of paystubs to save, anythign else, etc etc? I heard some friends talk about their experience and they talked about unexpected fee's from multiple inspectors and other stuff, I want to try and stay away from something as extreme as 45% of the income, is that just mortgage or are you factoring in insurance and tax in as well? ...now if I can only find that sugar momma to help me pay for the home I _really_ want
  6. Hrm, I am in Cleveland too but I don't watch much tv, Channel5 is the major ABC station around here, even if it is just local programing is it considered local access? Regardless man, good for you, hard work pays off and this shows it, good luck on the show. and +1 on the 8bit tie. Though I think you should wear a FF t-shirt
  7. monthos


    Camping sounds like fun though, snow need's to clear up a bit though.
  8. That's because I was on your team! It's no different than pubbing around on a pc, biggest problem is you don't get to choose the server, since it randomly assigns a host. You tend to get thrown in with someone hosting on a bad connection every now and then. Oh and heres the real kicker, I play my xbox on my pc monitor anyways, sitting at my desk. it works out well cuz almost every other weekend Im hauling my xbox to a friends house or my brothers, and lcd monitors are easy to carry.
  9. monthos

    Proud owner!

    Congrats windex! I recently decided this year to save for my own home, only have about $4K lined up, hope to be in the market by the end of summer. Im not really sure of the whole process, and it is quite intimidating to say the least :/ Any words of wisdom from one single guy to another on this matter? I hope to get some room mates as well whenever I buy to help offset the cost some. I really want to find somewhere with some land, at least 2 acres, and am willing to sacrifice the drive to work for it, as long as it's within 50 minutes on a clear day. I don't work downtown thank god, so traffic isnt a huge concern. Gas shouldnt be a problem either, at least during the summer since I ride my motorcycle whenever I can anyways.
  10. Just letting you guys know whats up, p3wpmaster and poopdood both play xbox 360 more than their pc nowadays, and I followed suit. Then a month or so ago power fluctuations took my dear old gaming pc to the computer heavens. Since I already have been playing CoD4 on the 360 I didnt miss it too much, but I will build a new one soon. If there is one thing I miss most of gc, its the maturity level, i generally keep the mic muted on xbox live nowadays. Anyways I will have a new pc ready for fragfest, and hopefully have playtime invested so I won't suck. Until then I will continue to be the ninja on the forums, never posting but watching all! Also if any of you guys happen to play call of duty 4 for the 360, add me and lets play. *wishing I didnt put myself on a budget... stupid savings
  11. ebil, what the heck, where did you find that lol?! that was so awesome. I wonder how many times did that kid have to be forced to listen to that song to know it so well?
  12. I had a similar problem with my brothers network, we thought it was the outdoor ethernet wiring from his room to the basement, we ran another couple cat5 and just ran the phone to his room so the dsl modem and everything is up there now. Fast forward a few months, and I needed to move the 16 port switch in the basement to his room, because his little 5port switch was too small for the pc, linux router and three xbox 360's we had going. Well the problems returned, turned out the basement switch was the problem all along and my sister just never bothered to complain too much about her crappy connection. I would verify the ethernet from the cable to the router is also not damaged, I have had some problems before where a kinked cord broke some copper inside, and it just barely made connection, causing some packet loss. Good luck.
  13. Sure they are nice, as long as you don't share with poopdood . I would not be surprised if they rejected my room reservation this year!
  14. What time are the matches generally? I wanted to play before, but got caught up in a crappy work schedule. Now I am working noon to 8pm EST most weekdays and would like to join you guys.
  15. monthos


    I know I am late to the game here, but man was this game a blast. I hardly ever play games to the end, but this game had me so taken that I wished their was more. I started playing it wednesday at 9:30 and beat it by noon. I still occasionally find the ending credit song on youtibe for a giggle... ROCK!
  16. Thats what I hate about steam, I have encountered problems before where steam would refuse to start, process would be there but no window would ever open. deleting the blob file never helped, even a full reinstall of steam didnt help it. This has happened multiple times to me, and a few friends had it. None of the topics when I searched google helped me, as it always said turn off programs that interfere, but none of that applied to me. It really is truly sad that one program is so picky that a full reinstall of the operating system is the 'easier' cure.
  17. fxmonthos I seem to only play Halo3 and geometry wars.
  18. I normally get home around 8:30am and I wish for more players as well. I have not been on lately since I left my pc over P3wpmasters house the other weekend. I just bought a 360 elite and spend most of my time playing geometry wars
  19. That works for the immediate problem, but doesn't solve the fact that this dog is a repeat offender by owners who apparently don't give a crap. I would definitely talk to a lawyer, if for nothing else but to maybe(not likely) scare some responsibility into the owners.
  20. I dont even have to watch it, but I will after this reply, its great great video, funny stuff.
  21. Without looking at this thread before I took a look at this in the store today and thought it was very comfortable. I was going to pick it up but they did not have any left. Does anyone else have it and can give comments? I know sometimes things are comfortable at first, but dont stay that way, and dont want to make a 150$ mistake.
  22. I can easily understand that though. I purchased some shirts that were too small before at the mall, due to lazyness I never did return them. They still sit in my drawer never been worn. One day I will probably just use them as garage rags. Its not that I fear change, just that I would rather not deal with it. It would have to be a hell of a place/increase in cash for me to get up and move jobs/home.
  23. 3-2 ftw!! P.S. My hotel room was completly flooded from an overflowed toilet when I got back to it around 4:00am. poopdood was the last to use it, so it appears he lives up to his name.
  24. I had a horrible day yesterday. I TK'd on average twice a map. Couldnt get any kills, and If I did it was offset by the tk's....
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