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Everything posted by shaftiel

  1. I play around 3 times a week for a few hours. Shaftiel
  2. Hey, don't stop. If you need an outlet please use us to vent. Its better to get it out than let it fester. But please, if it really is something that is out of control, please get some help. Shaftiel
  3. Yeah, while I don't know about imposing limits, I will agree that that was really lame. All the team ZD was on did was build turrets and create a fortress. There was no offence, just a massive defensive entrenchment. Which would make sence if the goal was to simply have possetion of a majority of the points by times end, but thats not the case. Nor should they be camping at the second point, when the middle one is the swing point. I actually left the game because it just wasn't fun anymore. Shaftiel
  4. If you don't do it you will hate yourself forever... maybe longer. Shaftiel
  5. I didn't know people in Canada swam. I know the chances are increadibly slim for having your brain eaten by this evil thing, but its scary because you wouldn't know it was happening. You'd just have some headaches, followed by a fever, then death. It scares me because I know what I'd tell my son if he started complaining of headaches, I'd give him some aspirin and tell him to stop whinning. And even if I had taken him to the doctor at that early stage, they wouldn't be able to diagnose him as having this bug, and even if they did, there is nothing they could do. I'd just get to watch his brain being devowered while I sit helplessly. I know it is a near certainty that this will never happen to any of my kids, but its a scary thought. Anyway, something that eats your brain is just plain creepy. they are like zombies, only much much much sneakier heh Shaftiel
  6. KILLER BUG! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! Read it. It will change your lives. You may never swim again. Shaftiel
  7. While I am aggravated by the whole team stacking nonsense, it's not like every pub out there is actually hosted on a good server, and it's not like I want to just ditch all the friends I do have here, so I'd rather put up with it. I didn't want this to turn into an angry thread and it has, so I'd appreciate if a mod closed it or something. It's just making me look like an aggressor when I'm not trying to be. Fair enough. You were trying to make a point that you felt was important, and it turned ugly on you. Happens to the best of us . In response to your posts, I would say that this is a game, plain and simple. As such it is ment to be fun. If it was a sport, then I could understand the idea of trying to win being greater than trying to have fun. But its not. Do I get frustrated when I get destroyed by someone in this game? Heck yeah! And thats the crux of this issue. At what point does the fun of the majority trump the fun of the one? If time after time one guy, or group of people, create a atmosphere of 'unfun' (heh) on the server, what should we do? Regardless of whether it is intentional or not, 'we' need to address it in some fashion. Can we make everyone better, and thus create a more level playing field? No. Can we remove the thorn in the side of fun? Yes, but that seems pretty extreme to me. Can we talk to those who are causing this outcry and come to some sort of agreement, thus maintaining the fun environment we all love and cherish? Yes, and that seems like the best way to go. So what do you think Tookie? Given that we can not make people play better, or work as a team, what are our options? Would you like to just leave, I for one would not like to set that presidence. Or would it be better for everyone if we shuffled the teams if it gets to be 0-4 or so? I also think it would be fun to trade the 2 worst players on the losing side for the two best players on the winning side. Heck, the 2 sent to the winning side might even get some kills and have fun then! In the end, we are here to have fun. Thats all. You shouldn't expect anything else from us. Shaftiel
  8. Shrug. Just saying it sounds like you need help. No shame in getting help when you need it. Shaftiel
  9. I think you really need to seek some professional help. It may be nothing, but it sure sounds like something. Really, go get some help. Its real easy, just call your local hospital and tell them your story. They will come and get you. Shaftiel
  10. Looks like they may have kept him under the water just a tad to long. Boy, that was not a nice way to start the day. Shaftiel
  11. It was fun, problem was that the last control point was almost immposible to capture, so the map just woundn't end... ever. Heh, thanks for changing the map! Shaftiel
  12. Aw... look at the cute little cuddly wuddly! You're so cute! Oh yes you are! Shaftiel
  13. I like the one with the wizard... seems to go along well with his poodle. Shaftiel
  14. which proves, since we have no way of understanding an omnipostent being, that agnosticism is the most logical way to view God. Shaftiel
  15. shaftiel


    For something thats called the FINAL fantasy, it seems to just keep going on and on. Wierd. Shaftiel
  16. Wow.. people just keep getting older and older. Pretty soon we will all be dead and forgotten, all our works turned to dust and all our hopes and dreams for naught. Well, anyway, happy birthday! Shaftiel
  17. Jeesh! Will you stop talking! All this noise.. I just can't take it anymore! Shaftiel
  18. Did you go to the doctor? Animal bites are very dangerous and need to be checked. Shaftiel
  19. May i pose this question then if you made a 1968 gto convertable from scratch you would leave it on a corner somewhere and move on? Well, lets say the person making the 1968 gto convertable from scratch is omnipotent. He can make a 1968 gto with his eyes closed, his right arm behind his back, while balancing on the head of a pin. At that point, whats so special about the car? Sure he might view it with pride, but if he can make it so easily, it looses its importance. God is omnipotent, he is all powerful, he has no bounderies, there is nothing he can not do. So how can anything he creates be more difficult than another? By claiming that something was hard, or time consuming for him is implying he has limitations. Limitations mean that God is not omnipotent, at which point he can not be.... well, God. So yeah, I'm saying that if I could snap my fingers and create a 1968 gto convertable, I would just leave it on a corner and move on. Shaftiel
  20. UM.. GG still on. Need it off, please help Shaftiel
  21. [utube]3KiAvmzcZbg[/utube] Like I said.. anyone heard from him lately? Shaftiel
  22. If you don't go you will always second guess your decision. Change is good, it cleanses the soul. If it were me I would would jump at the oportunity. As Teddy Roosevelt said, "It is better to have dared to be great and fail, then never to have dared at all." Heh Besides, like I said, if you don't go you will always wonder what could have been. On the other hand moving to Milwaukee could be a sign of the apocalypse, and giant scorpians will rise out of the ground and eat you. But thats seems unlikely. So to answer your question, yes, I would go. Giant scorpians and all heh Shaftiel P.S. One point of caution, if you are dependant apon two incomes, be very sure that jobs in your field and at the pay required are available in the new local before moving. Important safety tip right there!
  23. Thats my private pixel... I'd ask you to kindly mind your own pixels and stay away from mine thank you very much! Shaftiel
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