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Everything posted by Jibbajabba

  1. Wax off Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster
  2. Can't beat a humble fencer..... Nice job though!
  3. Yeah I agree that it is way too early for a new L4D but I can't wait to chainsaw the survivors...er I mean zombies
  4. Yeah, I have tried that, even got completely out of css and steam and it has done that. I guess I will try to download it online sometime.
  5. head cheese Well if we are going to start throwing nasty things like that around then chew on this one: Steven Seagal or Jean Claude van Damme
  6. Sorry san, i left when argggh map started because it wouldn't download so I was wasn't there to see the passing of the suitcase. I can only chronicle what I saw.... but congratulations for keeping it going. The REAL question is where was the mad scientist shaftiel?
  7. Hotdog Chicken or the egg?
  8. The following is a true account of the incident of May 30th, 2009: The zombie horde mindlessly shifted and sauntered about, waiting for a fresh meal. This time it was different though, the mad scientist (for these purposes we will call Shaftiel) had left his expiraments free of supervision. One cannot describe the horror of this aimless, bloodthristy group as they called for blood and let out inhuman cries of despair. I can say that I was the only witness left after Zoey (for these purposes we will call Dragonfire) left and said "Later guys...." just as a terrible walking corpse came at me to devour me, all I remember was it had a name tag that said Hello....My Name is Smeg (for these purposes we will call him Smeg). I prepared for the inevitable when all of a sudden out of the smoke and chaos I saw a figure standing....defiantely above the in-human masses. This person was tired and fatigued, that much was obvious. He had no right to be there doing what he had to do, but someone had to do it. The only identification of this savior was a t-shirt he was wearing that said Ringadon 4 Life. With a shotgun in one hand and a suitcase that said CSS Custom Maps in the other hand, the one known as Ringadon said......"Come get some..." *All uses of names are purely coincedental and do not represent any real life individuals except for Ringadon.gc. **Hope you are doing alright Shaft!
  9. Seriously.....don't get scammed by this product. I will personally come to your house and beat the living tar out of you for only $119.99. That's a savings of $19! Act now and get two for the price of one!
  10. Fragfest noob alert.....Count me in, sent my payment in today.
  11. Some of my friends and I played some games where we reduced the zombies speed to around 85% i believe. The zombies damage was increased significantly and if a zombie attacked you from behind they would kill you in one shot (not put you down but actually kill you). It was pretty fun but got old fast. There were also no special infected except tanks during the finales.
  12. I played on Sunday afternoon and found out that dust was in the rotation. I asked if someone manually set it or if it was in the rotation and everyone thought it was now in the rotation. If it is in the rotation,it is an awful map that is ok to play once in a while at random but doesn't deserve to be in the rotation with so many better maps to choose from.
  13. Goldeneye was the #$*!. Played it in high school on the Nintentdo 64 I think. That's great they are coming out with a mod for it.
  14. For those of you who have not yet reached the level of expert on L4D and are looking for someone to play with let me know (you are welcome to invite me to your friends list to make it easier). I still play on normal - advanced right now. I play campaign and versus but prefer campaign. Also has anyone achieved safety first yet? Does it mean only you have to shoot no survivors or all survivors can't shoot anyone?
  15. Could we remove aztec and train and add a couple of fresher maps in their place? I think it is good to keep the majority of maps mainstays but aztec is awful and a few less played maps would help the overall rotation in my opinion. I agree with san, a few maps like the ones he mentioned would help the server if they are changed weekly or every other week.
  16. I am not much of a computer tech person so I would appreciate any help that anyone can provide. I jumped into a game of CS tonight and every 30 seconds or so I would just get mega lag. I have never had this problem before. On my console I saw the following in red and I have never seen it before: Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface. Support for this will go away soon. - Material : nature/blendgrassgravel003a - Surface center : -1428 2053 0 Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: nature/blendgrassgravel003a). Support for this will go away soon. Can anyone let me know if this has something to do with why I was having such lag problems. And if it does, any answers?
  17. I had the exact same thing happen to me this Friday. I started CS and would play for a few minutes and then my computer would crash. I was fine until I started a graphics program and then my computer would crash by going to a blank vid screen. Eventually it wouldn't start up again and I had no picture. Fortunately it was still under warranty and the tech guy I talked to said it sounded like it may be the motherboard. I noticed there were other comments saying you may want to check your motherboard brew. I will let you know when I find out what was wrong with mine because it sounds a lot like what happened to my computer. So no Jibba for at least a week or so, but I will be back with a vengeance once I get my computer back!
  18. Well I don't post much but this seemed like a real interesting topic. A disclaimer first: I consider myself a progressive Christian in a historically anti-progressive branch of Christianity. My personal belief is that religion is merely an institution of man and that it is faith which is the true measure of one's relationship with God. I do not believe religion to be a bad thing, but I think that it is separate from faith in that you can have one without the other. I do believe that you need both faith in God and to attempt to live a good moral life to reach Heaven. In response to Playaa's post, no one can be good all of the time this is true. However, I think each individual person deep down will know if the life they have lived so far has been good or not. You cannot look for objective answers for a subjective question in response to Playaa's question. Unfortunately, I can only tell you what I feel is good or bad, and that is what I try to live my life by. There are not standards that you or I can judge another person's life and say this person is going to heaven or hell. For example, according to Christianity's teaching anyone can end up in heaven, even the most heinous of individuals, if they truly reconcile their sins and accept God. I cannot accept the idea that you cannot get into Heaven if you do not practice a religion, which is made by man. I do not think that God (Christian, Jewish, or Islam etc) is that petty. I think that faith and attempting to live a "good" life are the best ways to get to Heaven. I think the original poster is having issues of faith, believing that there is a God. That would be the real issue that I think the poster should address with himself. Since none of us know for sure, this only my personal view on this topic but maybe it will be helpful to someone somewhere. P.S. - I am not anti-religion but many people mis-interpret it that I am when I make the argument of religion vs. faith (I follow a religion myself for example). Hopefully I have not offended anyone. [Those that KNOW they are going Heaven are the ones that probably won't get there.]
  19. In contra at 10:15 PM I was playing on the CTs and jumped down the well at A and went into the water and came up behind some of the terrorists at the beginning of the round. For some reason I was booted and banned. Can someone tell me why? Is it illegal to go down the well, because I have seen people do it before. And who banned me I would like to know. Please unban me.
  20. Pts. 12 - de_3rdstreet 11 - de_out_rats_v3 10 - de_marauder 9 - cs_logistics_assault_rc2 8 - cs_militia 7 - de_beroth_beta 6 - cs_kismayo 5 - de_cbble 4 - de_cp_mill 3 - cs_office_extended 2 - de_aztec 1 - de_kabul2
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