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Status Updates posted by crasx

  1. csgo broken. wasnt me

    1. JackieChan


      New update broke Sourcemod.

    2. turnbullTeRRoR


      the freakout is real

    3. turnbullTeRRoR
  2. csgo has been fixed. Apologies for ruining SNC

    1. onyxdragoon


      SNC in ruined every week with my 500 ping

    2. glgl


      lol, what diiiiiiiid you do?

    3. crasx
  3. dat l4d2 updae. its a sign from the holy hax0rs that I should study

  4. doing like 3 things at once, unfortunately message pretty girl is #4. You are welcome GC.

  5. End: [C]ensorship [R]acism [A]geism exism [H]omophobia. UnCRASH.me

  6. FFO IS A GO!

    1. Barashin


      Are we going to have stag t-shirts again? After True Detective, I really want one.

    2. walkingCat


      @Barashin, are you even coming to FFO this year?

  7. finally got around to resetting monthly ranks. might need to cut them in half

  8. finally got my awp. pretty

    1. GreenHeart


      Accurate, no crossair

  9. first day of work/real life. here goes everything

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Madvillain


      Our little crasx is growing up so fast...

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      you have to take everyone out to eat with your first paycheck!

    4. Lookback
  10. garble garble garble!

  11. gender studies drives me insane. gah.

    1. Lookback


      Just wait until you get married...

    2. Kuma


      It's a trap! Don't ever get married!

  12. gl to all my ny homies. stay in and have a cat nap

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Johnny


      Better safe than sorry! But the financial implications of nearly shutting down the entire regional infrastructure... somebody's turning in their resignation.

    3. Lookback
    4. PeanutButterNJelly


      The schools were all closed, every business was closed, yet I took my son sledding behind a local school, and every parking spot was taken. too dangerous to drive for work/school, but not for sledding

  13. going to Austin. pm if you need anything

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lookback


      Can I at least get an Austin City Limits cowboy hat?

    3. crasx


      you got me shaft!

    4. TheDude


      I need 2 eggs and some jellybeans

  14. Going to be in Columbus, OH in a week for hellcity. Any gc people want to chill? pm me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Madvillain


      Oh, you people and your midwest and east coast

    3. Protomanx13


      east coast rule!!!

    4. walkingCat
  15. got a new mouse but I don't think I can use it =[

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crasx


      now you tell me

    3. Leonebluen


      What kind of mouse and why can't you use it? *Necrocomment*

    4. crasx


      It's a GX gaming mouse with adjustable dpi. Can't use it well because I have cerebral palsy. I think I am getting use to it though

  16. Got my one plus one. lovin it

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HellsBells


      If selfie ruin life, what do you think about selfie stick? Just ordered one with Bluetooth remote as well.


      I think it has some neat features such as gesture control (not sure if other phone had but Nexus 5 didn't) and HD display , but too big for one hand typing

    3. HellsBells


      Battery life is amazing

    4. Flitterkill


      Been running Cyanogen on our HP Touchpads for a couple years now. Very intrigued for phone format.

  17. Got rid of windows (broke it) and installed kubuntu. This should be fun. A linux based gaming machine

    1. glgl


      My brother was talking about running kubuntu on his laptop when I was home for xmas. He seemed to like it. What you think?

    2. crasx


      I use it for work and it's gotten a lot better than it was 5 years ago. Crossfire support is limited and csgo doesn't run on it. but both of those are on the way and there are workarounds. I like it a lot

  18. got the wrong size heatsync for my computer... i'll be back in a few days when the new one comes

  19. Happy birthday Chick!

    1. chick82
    2. DiXie


      *snort* Happy Birthday!!! xoxoxoox

  20. Happy birthday JC!

    1. Protomanx13


      wrong date, Jackie bd is April 7

    2. Carlos


      Ehh..maybe he has 2

  21. Happy rapture! Be ready to fight the hordes

    1. RadioKnight


      Ive been ready since 1994. Anytime now....

    2. Inglish


      my birthday was May 21, the day the world was supposed to end. My first thought was: they shoulda sent a killing machine back to before my birth if they really wanted to destroy me. haha

    3. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      haha i like that. My nieces Bday was also may 21st!

  22. how many gc people would play both csgo and l4d2 customs?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pumpernickel


      Why not Saturday and Sunday?

    3. MurderinClony


      I'm willing to play custom maps, I would like to mix it up, keep ya on ya toes.

    4. PeanutButterNJelly


      we can do Saturday and Sundays for L4D2 server, but I can not commit to being there all the time. I would just need a couple admins to help with that

  23. I am now a silver 2! wooo!

    1. JackieChan


      Welcome to Smurf Land.

    2. crasx


      can't win either way


    3. JackieChan


      Hey man, if Handi can reach the ranks of SMFC, you can get higher.

  24. i broke the servere

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stutters


      Shoulda used dat X509 SSL Mutual Authentication, n00b.

    3. Madvillain


      put your hand out so we can slap it.

    4. Lookback


      Stop trying to program and give yourself a tattoo simultaneously!!!

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