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Everything posted by Girlzilla

  1. OK - so with the awesome Steam sale, I got Tomb Raider, wanted to share my screenshots. I must be really bad because I've died a million times. I'm not a button masher!!! I feel bad for Lara. I've got her killed in so many horrible ways.
  2. Lunk lost his peanuts when he bought a Mac.
  3. I did not know this - thank you. I hate that silver goo! This is the most stressful part of putting together a PC. That blasted goo!
  4. I'm excited!! Yes, thank you, Flitter
  5. I actually have no affiliation with OSU I'm a Rutgers graduate myself.
  6. Thanks. They were hand-made by Jack Burton Burrito's Dad. He likes making em for fun.
  7. I'm bringing these CORNHOLE boards. And if something bad happens to them, someone will DIE.
  8. WOOOOOOOOOOOO can't wait for this!! T minus 16 days! (for me anyway) I can't come till that Friday. My boss won't let me take Thursday off
  9. I don't use headphones. They give me migraines. I use earbuds that I plug into my speakers and a standalone microphone. Is that okayyyyyy? My surge protector is also my battery backup - is that okayyyy? It weighs a ton, but I don't have anything else. Edit: nevermind, I bought some surge protectors.
  10. I had this problem a few weeks ago. I just restarted my Steam and it worked.
  11. This "card" popped up in my Steam inventory. Can someone explain what all this card business is? I live under a rock. I also never traded baseball cards as a youngling. I preferred trolls with hot pink hair at the end of key chains.
  12. Bags?! rofl. Sounds like too scared (or macho?) to say cornhole. It's fun and easy to learn. You can bring it to California and start a revolution.
  13. Red Alert was supposed to be a Star Trek reference No flood insurance - it was only an inch of water.
  14. My basement flooded from last night's mega thunderstorm - but it's OK because Captain Kathryn Janeway survived!!! My poor kitty almost drowned (lol jk). The litter boxes are down there, and let me tell you - wet kitty litter is GROSS! And my computer and TV box - GRR I was saving those!!! No more carpet! It only flooded like an inch. ... I'm still UPSET!
  15. I'm going to be playing cornhole. I hope it doesn't rain!!!
  16. Don't let zombies try to give you kissies! No matter how cute they are. Been playing Riptide with Jack. So far he's gotten me killed a dozen times. lol. He uses the shock mod and I get zapped, or he drives the boat into a horde of zombies that pull me off. rofl. I like this mohawk. Lol, his BBQ Blade. My favorite weapon is the "Dangerous Nail Gun." I shoot it into Thugs to slow them down while he whacks them from behind. Then I run up and grab the Nail Gun ammo from the Thug and it makes little squishy sounds. Inspirational tactic right there. Lol. The suicider meat zombies are the funnies, too, I gotta frap those ones.
  17. I lost my keys, GAHH!

    1. walkingCat
    2. Biggs


      Too bad your keys aren't inside the computer

    3. hatter274


      Check in any nearby cakes, they sometimes have keys in them, or files, either one works. :)

  18. Saw the movie, was great! Can't wait for more evil Khan. My only complaint was the movie was too bloody loud. I think I can't go IMAX anymore - my local theatre made my ears hurt.
  19. I'm really sick of people being so nasty in matches. It's like the internet breeds morons.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheDude


      Things have changed since you've been gone man. I'm afraid our skills have surpassed yours to a point of no return

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      Hey I APOLOGIZED!!!




      lol jking , but I did!

    4. walkingCat


      I'm sorry for shaftiel spoiling your day. I really am.



  20. I vote you're part of the problem! You obviously don't play with her much My reason for voting no is that if there's only two per team, the best two AWPers are probably not me, so I'll have less chance to AWP and get better at it. *Shrugs* Just remember this from playing Source back in the day. Like Turnbull said, I don't feel it's a problem in GO compared to Source.
  21. They're filming Captain American - Winter Soldier in downtown Cleveland where I work. So far, I saw a bunch of cars driving backwards. O-O Backwards. Yes, that is how films are made. And babies. I shalt announce more exciting news as it comes.
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